Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1074: In trouble

&&&&Lincoln and Masaki suddenly heard gunshots on the other side, followed by explosions and intense gunfire. They guessed that it must be Lin Rui and the others who did it with the enemy. I couldn't stay in place any longer, I had to pick them up quickly. The entire o2 team rushed to where the gunshots sounded.

&&&& And the gunfire also attracted the armed members of the nearby secret society. Sergey, Lincoln and others followed behind the enemy. They took a shot at the right time and killed six or seven at once, and then quickly withdrew. also hidden.

&&&& The armed men who were attacked one after another, like Lin Rui and the others, hid in the bushes and weeds and remained motionless.

&&&& The secret society sent here are all kinds of masters who are skilled in combat, but they were not discovered at first, and Lin Rui and others were caught off guard. Now desperately chasing into the jungle. They have lost nearly one-third of the o2 team members before they have found them. So these people also immediately ambushed.

&&&& In this way, neither side knows where the other is, and neither dares to move first. If whoever exposes the target first, will definitely be at a disadvantage.

&&&& All the people were hiding in the jungle. This was a duel of endurance and will. Time passed by every minute and second, and the whole forest returned to calm without a trace of sound. Lin Rui suddenly had a plan in his heart. He decided to withdraw from the fight. He gently crawled to Yelena's side and said to her: "Follow me, we will withdraw." The two lay on the ground and slowly crawled out.

&&&& Lin Rui was crawling in front and contacted Jiangan with a wireless communicator, "I am Lin Rui, all o2 personnel are evacuating southward. We have exposed the location, and soon there will be a large number of armed personnel coming here, we We must retreat to the back of the minefield before they arrive. Finished." After crawling forward for a distance, he finally heard Jiangan's reply, "Yes, we are not far from you."

&&&& Lin Rui and Yelena quietly came to the hiding place of the other team members, and finally took a breath.

&&&& Lin Rui quietly said to them: "Go, they dare not chase for the time being, we must go around to the other side of the minefield."

The team of &&&&o2 quietly withdrew from the front, and when they reached the edge of the minefield, they found more than a dozen vehicles parked outside. It was clearly coming in from the old logging road outside the woods. But there is no way to get here, these secret society members can only rely on walking into the jungle. However, some people remained on these armed pickups.

&&&& Lin Rui called the team over and told them his plan: "We will kill the people in their cars, and then destroy a few of their cars, so that the people hidden in the minefield can be transferred. come out.

&&&& Sergey and Wang Haoze from the right, Lincoln took Group B from the left, I and others attacked from the middle, after killing the people in the car, I set the two cars on fire, and then quickly returned here to take cover and wait for the annihilation from the Do the enemies chasing behind you understand? "

&&&& The team members nodded, "Okay, let's start together after hearing my order." Lin Rui shouted in a deep voice.

&&&& More than a dozen off-road vehicles were parked in the open space outside the woods. A small number of armed members of the secret society, some were sitting in the car, some stood in front of the car and looked into the mountains and forests, waiting for news.

&&&& Lin Rui and other o2 players quietly surrounded them from both sides. He estimated that Lincoln and Sergey on both sides were already in place. He suddenly ordered, "Go!" Then he dodged out from behind the tree, aimed at the two people standing in front of the car and "dadad" two rows of bullets, then rushed over and killed the two drivers sitting in the car. Hearing Lin Rui's gunshots, Wang Haoze and the others also ran out of their hiding places and killed the enemy in the car in front of them. In less than half a minute, they eliminated more than a dozen enemies in the convoy.

&&&& Lin Rui greeted them: "Hurry up and light up the two cars to attract them down."

&&&& "No, I have something more convenient." Park Dong-sang said, took out a grenade, pulled out the tab, and stuffed it into the front car. With the explosion, the car immediately burst into flames. A raging fire lit up the clearing.

&&&&The secret society members who were hidden on the mountain suddenly heard the sound of gunfire down the mountain, and then heard the sound of an explosion, followed by a fire outside the woods. Knowing that their car was destroyed, they hurried down the mountain. They knew that the outer convoy must have been attacked by those mercenaries and found their location.

&&&& But as soon as they ran back to the edge of the woods, they were swept away by the o2 players who were ambushing in the dark. A dozen corpses were left behind, and these people were beaten back into the depths of the jungle.

&&&& "Guys, you did a great job." Sergey exclaimed with joy.

&&&& "It's not as beautiful as you think." Lin Rui said with a sullen face, "We exposed, with the shrewdness of the Red Baron, he will analyze our position through our travel route. Damn, this is The closest we've ever come to a base. We're even close to a minefield."

&&&& "I'm sorry, if it wasn't me..." Yelena whispered.

&&&& "This has nothing to do with you." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "Our plan is still not thorough enough, and their patrols have increased in number. Look at these vehicles, they should have come in from outside."

&&&& nodded the shore, "Yes, this is a logging channel used to transport the felled timber, and it is not shown on the map at all. This shows that their number is more than we estimated in ~And a lot of local warlords have also been bought by them and used as their lackeys. Even if we forcibly broke in, we would still be outnumbered. Not to mention the virus, we couldn’t even get in the door of the laboratory.”

&&&& Lin Rui frowned for a while, "We can't do a strong attack or a sneak attack. We have to change our thinking. The previous plan to attract their attention and lure them to attack may not work. Because it was only when they were understaffed that we were attracted and transferred. But now it seems that they have enough manpower. When chasing us, they did not relax the guarding of the base, and even specially transferred manpower from outside to supplement the temporary vacancy inside the base."

&&&& "Then what to do?" Wang Haoze frowned. "We're running out of time, and the staff are getting tired and tired. If we keep entangling with them like this, the situation will get worse and worse for us."

&&&& "I have an idea." Crazy Horse said suddenly.

&&&& "What do you think?" Lin Rui looked at him and said, "Is there any way to allow us to enter the base?"

&&&& "Not yet, but there is no chance, we can still create opportunities." Crazy Horse whispered. "We can continue to put pressure on their armed men. By hitting their patrols and perimeters at intervals, harassing them. Keeping them so irritated that in the end the Red Baron is forced to deal with us."

&&&& "You mean to capture the thief and capture the king?" Lin Rui looked at him and said.


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