Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 38: A great gift! Seizing the Dragon Blood Pill!

After moving.

In addition to buying Qi and Blood Pills every day, Qin Wang practices the Flying Eagle Body Technique, Xiao Chiyang Kung Fu, Taizu Chang Fist, and Face Changing Technique at home.

Yanyun County.

At the north gate, in a room with closets on all sides, Zheng Kecheng, Lin Bao, Wang Jiang and other detectives were looking through the people of Qingniuji who had entered or left the city in the past two months.

Qingniuji has a lot of people entering the city every day. It really takes time to find them one by one.


He also sent detectives to the other four gates to check if there was any record of Qingniuji people leaving the city.

"Chief arrester, this is the list of people entering the city from Qingniuji in Beicheng. Take a look."

Wang Jiang said respectfully to Zheng Kecheng, and handed over the list he collected in his hand.


"Li Xiaohai went into the city to do some shopping, entering and exiting once."

"Li Hong went to the city to visit his relatives, entering and exiting once."

"Qin Wang went to the city to visit relatives, entering the city twice and leaving the city once? Huh? You haven't gone back to visit relatives for so long? The name Qin Wang is a bit familiar but I can't remember it."

Zheng Kecheng looked at the list in his hand and frowned deeply.

"The chief arrester, this Qin Wang is one of the suspects in the Qingniuji arson case, the thin young man who was later vouched for by Doctor Bai."

Wang Jiang stepped forward and replied respectfully.

"Is it him? Search the whole city for this Qin Wang!"

"We must find it out! Let me know if there is any news!"

Zheng Kecheng narrowed his eyes, and a thin boy with a sallow complexion appeared in his mind. His eyes were stern. According to his many years of experience in the arrest department, this Qin Wang was probably the 'Baixiao Shenjun' who spread the news!

First, the news about Li Laocai's exposure happened in Qingniuji, and Qin Wang lived in Qingniuji.

Second, he entered the city twice and has not returned yet, so there was time to commit the crime.

Thirdly, I once arrested him for interrogation on suspicion of arson. He must have a grudge against me and have a motive for committing the crime.


Wang Jiang and Lin Bao clasped their fists respectfully, turned around and left.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, six days had passed since Qin Wang moved.

【You have advanced to the middle stage of third-rate level. 】

[Realm: Third-rate (251/1000)]

On this day, early in the morning, two prompts popped up on Qin Wang's panel. He looked at the panel, his eyes showed satisfaction, and he murmured. "It's not easy!"

After practicing during this period and taking the Qi and Blood Pills, Qin Wang's physical strength became stronger and more than doubled again. His internal strength already had a ball as big as an egg in his dantian, and he could move quickly at any time with his thoughts. whole body!

The most intuitive thing is that when a punch is punched, the internal force can reach the fist instantly. Because of the blessing of the internal force, the attack power of the punch is increased several times than before.


Six days have passed, and he has already begun to master the twelve movements of the Flying Eagle Body Technique, especially the first three movements, which he has become more proficient in.

Because of the blessing of internal strength, he can leap higher.

Although it is not as easy as Lin Yunfeng's leap of more than one foot, he can still jump six feet high in one run.

[1: Yesterday, you paid attention to Zheng Kecheng, the chief arrest officer of the arrest department, and obtained relevant information. Zheng Kecheng found the house where you once rented, the landlord Lin Ruhai, but found nothing. He is searching the rented house house by house and will find you in 3 days. A house for rent. 】

[2: You paid attention to Li Hongfei yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Hongfei was depressed due to the poor business of Tong Ren Tang. Recently, except for contacting the Blood Slaughter Hall, he lived in seclusion. He was surrounded by four guards and four big wolf dogs responsible for destroying traces. At nine o'clock this morning, Li Hongfei will take two guards to the county government office to talk secretly with the county magistrate Chen Hao for an hour and a half. 】

[5: You secretly observed the annex at No. 88 Chengxi for three hours yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Hongfei’s 3 dragon blood pills and 10 tiger blood pills were stored in the closet of the third alchemy room in the basement, on the right side of the alchemy room. Push the copper lamp in the concierge upward to open the alchemy room. The poison arrow mechanism in the closet can be opened safely by pressing the closet handle three times. 】

[6: You passed by the No. 88 annex in the west of the city yesterday and obtained relevant information. This annex is the place where Li Hongfei made alchemy. There is a basement underground, where all the evil deeds of alchemists are carried out. 】

[10: You followed Li Hongfei of Tongrentang yesterday and obtained relevant information. Li Hongfei’s attempt to develop ‘Beisu Powder Incense’ failed. You obtained the secret recipe of ‘Beisu Powder Incense’. For details, click ‘●’. 】

"Zheng Keguo actually exposed Li Laocai's affairs from Qingniu Ji and found out about me!"

Qin Wang looked at the useful information he had obtained in the past six days, with a cold light in his eyes and murmured. "Zheng Kecheng, it's time for us to end it!"

Three days ago.

Qin Wang refreshed the information and got the information about Beisu San Gongxiang. He got the secret recipe. He spent a lot of money at Xinglin Aphrodisiac Hall to get all the medicinal materials needed for the preparation, and prepared it.

Sadsu Powder Gongxiang: A colorless and odorless poison, which has the best effect on masters below the first-class level. Those who suffer from it will lose all their power within three breaths, and their bodies will be as soft as cotton. They need an antidote to recover.

"Since you found this place in three days, I will give you a 'big gift'!"

Qin Wang looked at the information with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Zheng Kecheng found this place three days later.

You can make arrangements in advance. In this room, prepare to spread the incense of grief and make Zheng Kecheng's skills completely useless, and you can kill him!

"Li Hongfei will go to the county government office at nine o'clock today!"

"First go to Li Hongfei's No. 88 annex and get his Dragon Blood Pill and Tiger Blood Pill! Then come back immediately and change the house! Then layout it in the original rented house!"

Qin Wang's eyes showed a look of thinking.

Li Hongfei took away the two guards, leaving two guards and four big wolf dogs. He directly used the Beisu San Gong Incense to charm them, and then entered the other courtyard to get the Dragon Blood Pill!

He also wanted to seduce Li Hongfei directly, but as an alchemist, Li Hongfei could not prepare the Beisu Powder Incense, but the Beisu Powder Incense might not be able to charm him. His martial arts was not weak. Bewitched, that's dangerous.

It's better to play it safe.

It just so happened that Li Hongfei was going to the county government office to find Chen Hao. It was a good opportunity.

After taking the Dragon Blood Pill and Tiger Blood Pill, his strength increases, and he will be more confident in killing Li Hongfei.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang started to prepare.

Dagger, 2 large bags of Beisu Powder Gong Incense, when the time comes, light it at the wind outlet of No. 88 Villa and blow it in.

After Qin Wang finished his meal, he carried an empty parcel and headed towards the 88th courtyard in the west of the city, waiting in advance.

No. 88 Villa is very large.

From a distance, you can see the purple bamboo hanging out of the fence in the yard, which is a great view.

Because it is a wealthy area, each courtyard is more than ten feet apart, with purple bamboo planted in the middle.

The paths between the courtyards are paved with bluestone slabs, and there are many landscape trees, four-season green and other low shrubs planted on both sides, as well as clusters of small bamboo groves.

A hundred feet away, behind a clump of landscape trees, Qin Wang stared at the gate of Li Hongfei's courtyard.

About nine o'clock.

The gate of Li Hongfei's villa slowly opened. Li Hongfei led two sturdy guards and walked slowly out of the gate. There were two guards behind to see him off. Li Hongfei gave a few words to the two guards behind and walked not far away. A carriage parked there.

The three of them immediately left.

The two guards closed the door, and Qin Wang faintly heard the low barking of a wolf dog coming from inside.

Qin Wang looked around and saw that there was no one around. He applied the antidote on his mouth and nose, took the Beisu San Gong incense packet and lit it with a fire stick. There was a hiss, and bursts of colorless breath spread.

Just as we approached No. 88 Courtyard, we heard the sound of a dog barking.

"Hmm? Who is it?"

In the yard, Ding Gang frowned. If Master Li came back, the four wolf dogs would not bark. At this moment, a black thing landed on the bluestone in the middle of the yard, and the four wolf dogs immediately rushed towards it. Go ahead.

"who is it?"

Wen Zhong held the handle of the knife and was about to go to the door to take a look, but his body softened and fell to the ground. At the same time, he saw Ding Gang and four big wolf dogs falling to the ground.

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