Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 24: Introduction to Xiao Chiyang Kung! Qin Wang's counterattack! Du Xiang's danger

Qin Wang doesn't want to sit back and wait for death!

Wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket and a black hat, he didn't have many things, just banknotes, broken silver, and a broken bowl.

"No! You must kill Ji Zhang while avoiding him!"

"I can foresee the information. Perhaps, by exposing Ji Zhang's practice of magic skills to suck people's blood, the exposure will anger Li Laocai to death, and attract Yanyun County masters and the Yamen to deal with him!"

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes and felt that he wanted to use the strengths of the intelligence panel to cause trouble.

After all, sucking human blood to practice magic skills makes everyone in the world change their minds after hearing about it!

Once the news spreads that Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, sucks human blood to practice magic skills, everyone in Yanyun County will be in danger and cause an uproar!

First of all, the Yamen will not tolerate him!

Qin Wang gently closed the door, left the rented house with the shabby package and packed quilt, and headed in the opposite direction to Yaju Street.

In the county town at night, there is no one on the streets, only the gambling houses shine with dim light.

"It's dry and dry, so be careful with the candles!"

Qin Wang walked six miles and approached the east city. On the way, he met two old watchmen carrying lanterns and beating gongs. Seeing that Qin Wang had not checked into the inn, he kindly told Qin Wang to wait for dawn in a dry doorway in an alley.

"It should be safe here. Early tomorrow morning, go to Dongcheng and rent another house. Buy paper and pens and prepare to expose Ji Zhang for sucking human blood."

It was pitch dark outside, Qin Wang was holding the parcel, sitting in the alley, thinking secretly.

"Lin Yunfeng, this beast! Betrayed the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School? Will he lead the masters of the Iron Clothes Martial Arts School and the Electric Sword Martial Arts School to find my address in 7 days?"

Qin Wang looked at the fourth piece of information, his expression gradually gloomy.

That day.

At the Flying Eagle Martial Arts Hall, he saw Lin Yunfeng showing off his light skills and jumping up a wall that was more than a foot high. He also felt that this Lin Yunfeng looked kind and gentle. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a traitor and his address would be found by his leaders!

"This piece of shit Lin Yunfeng is simply seeking death. I will expose you and Ji Zhang together!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed coldly. He just wanted to practice hard and fight back if he got in trouble.

"By the way, the Chen family is powerful and I am not my opponent at the moment. Perhaps, I can go around the Chen family more and see if I can get any useful information?"

"Drawing siege from the other three major families?"

Thinking of exposing Ji Zhang and Lin Yunfeng, Qin Wang's heart suddenly moved.

I can't deal with the Chen family.

Just stir up the water in Yanyun County!

Let them fight!

It would be better if the Chen family were to fight with other families and perish, then it would be much easier to rescue the sister.

"Zheng Kecheng, this bitch, is so lucky? Has he obtained the Yingyue Sword Technique?"

Qin Wang looked at the fifth piece of information and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He had just obtained the Little Red Yang Kung from him, and he actually got another great opportunity on the way to Youzhou County!

"If you don't have the strength, you will be bullied everywhere!?"

Qin Wang looked at the 6th and 7th pieces of information and sighed.

If Yang Yulin had the strength, would Tiewen dare to blackmail him?

Item 8 and 9 pieces of information were all ignored by Qin Wang.

"My sister hopes that I will become a doctor, marry a wife and have children? Is this her wish?"

"We must speed up, improve our strength, and rescue her!"

After seeing the 10th piece of information, Qin Wang felt a lot heavier in his heart.

Qin Xuemei is considered a doting brother, and she will not hesitate to sacrifice her life for herself. If she does not rescue her, she may not feel at ease in this life!

It's getting light.

Qin Wang tidied up, got up, put on his hat, and walked along the main street, looking for a suitable rental. At the same time, he went to buy exposure paper and brushes.


Pedestrians and vendors were coming and going. Qin Wang walked past the entrance of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School. From a distance, he saw the people wailing loudly at the entrance of the Martial Arts School, shouting to the heavens and the earth.

Three feet outside the martial arts hall, people were gathered around, talking and pointing.

Qin Wang did not get too close, but through the gap between the people, he saw more than a dozen wooden boards spread out on the ground at the entrance of the martial arts hall, covered with white cloth. Judging from the outline, a person was lying on a wooden board.

"The conspiracy between the Iron Clothes Martial Arts School and the Electric Sword Martial Arts School succeeded."

"The Flying Eagle Martial Arts School can no longer be opened."

Qin Wang looked at it for a while, shook his head and sighed.

I have only learned three moves of the Flying Eagle Body Technique. I haven't had time to learn the rest yet, so I can only think of another way.

at this time.

A thin old man with a strange face and a gloomy face came quickly from outside. Behind him were more than a dozen men with strong auras. Qin Wang had seen it from a distance. It was the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School. Du Xiang, the owner of the museum.

"Let's rent a house first."

Qin Wang no longer paid attention to the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School, but continued to walk forward. He had breakfast at the junction of Beicheng and Dongcheng and rented a small courtyard behind the street.

The yard is much better than the previous house.

There are three rooms with a kitchen. The small courtyard at the entrance is about three feet in diameter, the wall is half a foot high, and there is a jujube tree with slits in the courtyard.

"Now that we have settled down, we don't have to worry about Ji Zhang anymore!"

Qin Wang sat on the bed, looked out the window, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"First write down the information that will be exposed tonight."

Qin Wang rested for a while and began to write information, 10 pieces for each information.

Information 1: Ji Zhang, the leader of the Heijiang Gang, secretly sucks human blood to practice magic skills. He stays day and night and needs to suck the blood of one person every 12 hours.

Information 2: Lin Yunfeng, the third disciple of Du Xiang in the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School, confessed that his junior sister failed and defected to the Electric Sword Martial Arts School, where he attacked and killed his former senior brother.

Late at night, eleven o'clock.

[Kung Fu: Xiao Chiyang Kung Fu (Introduction)]

[Progress: (1/800)]

[Effect: Internal Qi is absorbed into Dantian, fascia is molded and bones are moistened, Qi channels are long, and small success can be achieved in 2 years. ]

"After taking 6 Qi and Blood Pills in a row, Xiao Chi Yang Gong has actually been introduced in advance."

Qin Wang looked at the prompt on the right side of the information panel page, and his eyes showed satisfaction. Today, after renting a house, he went to several branches of the medicine hall and bought Qi and Blood Pills in batches. Finally, at 11 o'clock in the evening, he sensed the internal Qi.

At this moment.

He felt.

In Dantian, there was a toothpick-sized airflow, which could be mobilized with his thoughts and run along the running route of the first diagram of Xiao Chi Yang Gong. However, because his internal force was too weak, the airflow dissipated after passing through two acupuncture points.

Qin Wang immediately started again.

Do the same thing repeatedly.

He has a liver skill panel, as long as he works hard, he will always grow stronger.

[Daily information refresh! ]

[Daily information! ]

[1: You followed the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School yesterday and obtained relevant information. The owner of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School, Du Xiang, escaped the joint pursuit of Jiang Haitian and Lu Ming and has been hiding in your kitchen. He is seriously injured and dying. He will not live for more than 60 breaths. ]

[2: You followed the leader of the Black River Gang, Ji Zhang, yesterday and obtained relevant information. Since you left the original rental house, a Black River Gang disciple was sucked blood by Ji Zhang and died a quarter of an hour ago. ]

[3: You followed the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School yesterday and obtained relevant information. Dozens of disciples of the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School were killed by masters of the Electric Sword Martial Arts School and the Iron Clothes Martial Arts School disguised as "Blood Hand Rakshasa" to seek revenge. The people were scattered and the martial artists fled far away. This morning, the Flying Eagle Martial Arts School will be smashed and burned by the angry relatives of the deceased. The Flying Eagle Martial Arts School will be completely destroyed. ]

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