At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

080 People die for wealth, birds die for food! 【77, please subscribe】

The change of Daqin Daming, Ji Han is temporarily unknown.

This Jijia Village, outside Ji's Ancestral Hall

In the early morning, it was already crowded and lively.

Since Ji Han proposed to share the profits of the villagers' farms, this small mountain village has become a sensation.

Many clansmen who have been working abroad all year round have also rushed back!

Everyone was ecstatic to slaughter pigs and sheep, and the atmosphere was even more jubilant than the Chinese New Year.

The Ji family, like many villages in the south, are very united. Once the villagers have something to do, the whole village will help together.

If there are outsiders bullying the villagers, everyone will agree to the outside world!

Sometimes the words of the elders in the village are more effective than the law.

But even so, today's ancestral hall meeting was very noisy. After everyone paid their respects to their ancestors, the representatives of the various houses and the clan elders were arguing.

The so-called man is for wealth and the bird is for food!

The focus of everyone's quarrel is naturally the distribution of this money.

10% of the annual sales of the small farm is a small amount of money for Ji Han, but it is a huge benefit for the villagers, so everyone is blushing.

"If you want me to tell you, I don't agree with the distribution by household. Our family has five members, and some families have only two members. Why should they get the same amount of money?"

"That's right, we ask for the distribution according to the head, and the average score is fair!"

"Fair ass, your family has nothing to do with me, so my family has to be bullied by you?"

"Han Wazi said that the distribution is based on households, that is, the distribution is based on households, what are you making?

"Although this farm is owned by Ji Han, the land is owned by the village collective? Why can't we give opinions? The elders of the clan haven't spoken yet, right? Third Uncle?

"Third uncle, say something, I'll listen to you!"

During the quarrel, the two-bedroom with the largest population strongly demanded to be divided according to the per capita, while the smaller-populated three-bedroom and four-bedroom demanded to be divided according to the household registration.

The more and more people quarreled, the more intense they were, and they almost didn't fight!

Ji Han sat on the side and watched with relish. This kind of thing is very common in rural areas.

It stands to reason that he is a junior, and he has no place to speak today!

But he is both the farmer and the rich, so his status is not low at all.

After the arguments were fruitless, everyone looked at the third uncle, the oldest and most respected in the village, who was an old man in his nineties.

Facing everyone's attention!

The third uncle pondered for a moment and said: "Han Wazi's method of dividing according to household registration is not appropriate, some of our families have many people, and some families have few people, which is not fair, let's divide it according to the head!

"The third uncle is right, I agree!

"Yes, it has to be divided by head!

"Fuck! Uncle Third, you are from the big house, of course you say so! We don't agree!

"Yeah, we don't agree!

"You don't agree if you don't agree? Are you going to fight?

"Just fight, who's afraid of you?"

The words of the third uncle immediately made the second room ecstatic!

But the people in the other rooms naturally refused to agree, so they quarreled fiercely.

In the end, the third uncle took a tough attitude, leaning on crutches to make a decision: "Shut up for me, that's it, if you're not convinced, you can go back and have more babies. What are you arguing about here?"

With the support of the third uncle, there were a lot of people in the second room, and the voice of opposition was immediately suppressed.

Because everyone knows that if the quarrel goes on, it will really be a fight!

Less points, less points, is better than no points, so the three-bedroom and four-bedroom people can only be sullen and silent.

"The second thing!" The third uncle continued: "I heard that money can be shared in the village, and many women who marry outside want to move their household registrations back, and then re-enter the genealogy, what do you think?

"Fuck, how can there be such a good thing? If you have money, you will move your hukou back?

"I don't agree, don't even think about it!"

"There are so many out-married women in our village, if all of them come back, how much will everyone have to share?

"Third uncle, you can't do this kind of thing just because you have too many daughters?

Now everyone disagrees!

There are at least 100 or 200 young people married outside Jijia Village. I heard that if they have money, they want to move their hukou back, so everyone's money will be less.

Who would agree to this?

"I can't do this either!" The third uncle glared and said, "In the past few days, people have been asking me to move their household registrations back. They are all your sisters. Are you just watching them suffer?

"At the time of the demolition, according to the law, the married daughter still has money to share. Can we eat alone?"

The third uncle's righteous rebuke suddenly made everyone roll their eyes. This is a matter of self-interest. Who cares if you are sisters or not!

The water poured out by the married person is the death principle of the rural people!

But just when everyone was about to continue their opposition, the third uncle turned his attention to Ji Han and said with a smile: "Of course, if this person has more money, he will definitely get less points, so Han Wazi, can you give The third uncle has a face, and then takes 30% of the profit for everyone to share? 35

"After all, the villagers in this village are all their own people. You are embarrassed to watch everyone suffer from poverty, right?"

"You're the third uncle who grew up watching you, so you won't have enough energy, right?"


4.3 Everyone was stunned when they heard the words!

Everyone's eyes flickered and they understood everything.

It turns out that the purpose of the third uncle is to force Ji Han to take out more shares.

If you take out another 30%, then you will get more than 3 billion more every year, this old fox.

"Ha ha!

Ji Han suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying.

The quarrel and quarrel finally came to him.

"Third Uncle, you don't think I'm a fool, do you? Or am I giving you too much face?" Ji Han sneered.

"Han Wazi, you can't say that!" Third Uncle's expression turned cold, and he secretly threatened: "You have to remember that this is the collective land of the village, and the whole village's talents will be divided into 40% of you, isn't it too much?"

"Chapter 7 Today, Ask for a Reward for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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