At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

042 Do You Know Daming's Most Important Hole Card? 【25, Ask For Flowers】

"Soldiers are based on quality and not in abundance. The Ming Dynasty had a million soldiers but was defeated by Jiannu. It was like entering a realm of no one!"

"Although you can recruit 100,000 or even 200,000 soldiers and horses with one order, how many soldiers are there to fight?"

"Da Ming's army has long since decayed, and even the Beijing battalion is underpaid and under-trained. It is not easy to select 20,000 elites from the 100,000-strong Beijing battalion!"

"And do you know what the most important trump card of the Ming Dynasty is?"

Ji Han asked back with interest, and Chongzhen was immediately stunned.

Hole? Have a fart trump card?

After thinking about it, he didn't know what trump card could resist the millions of rebels and the ferocious Jiannu.

"This hole card is naturally a firearm!" Ji Han reminded.


The three of Ying Zheng were very surprised, obviously they didn't know what a firearm was.

Chongzhen was also confused. He naturally knew what firearms were. The popularity of firearms in the Ming Dynasty was quite good.

But most of the firearms at this time are slow to reload!

Often, after a wave of battle, the army will immediately switch to cold weapons to fight, because you don't have time to reload, and firearms are no different from burning fire sticks!

What's the use of this? Can this thing withstand Jiannu's 100,000 cavalry?

"Whether you believe it or not, firearms are the future development trend!" Ji Han said solemnly: "The firearms of the Ming Dynasty were considered good at the time, but unfortunately they were not taken seriously, resulting in being left behind by foreigners in the later period, and even more so. The country was bombarded by foreigners!"

"Of course, if you say so much, you must have no concept. Let me demonstrate it to you!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Han ordered directly in his heart: "System, I want to exchange firearms!"


In Ji Han's mind, the system mall started quickly!

A large number of firearm icons are immediately displayed, from the oldest flintlock guns to modern firearms, all of which are inexpensive, and can be exchanged for a few corrections.

Ji Han exchanged a Desert Eagle and an AK at will!

"Ding! Exchange for a Desert Eagle, 100 rounds of bullets, deduct 30 points of correction!"

"Ding! Exchange for an AK47, 200 bullets, deduct 50 points of correction!"

After a series of system prompts, I saw a flash of light!

There were two more guns and a lot of bullets on the table next to Ji Han.

"What, what is this?"

"How did they suddenly appear?"

"Oh my God, the means of the gods, this is simply the means of the gods!"

"Sir, how dare you say that you are not an immortal?"

Ying Zheng and the others were so frightened that they all exclaimed!

Everyone didn't see Ji Han's actions at all, how did they appear here? Everyone thought they had hallucinations in their eyes.

After recovering, everyone looked at Ji Han with a little more awe.

This must be the magic of the universe in the sleeves of the gods.

Chongzhen was also stunned at this time. Are these two guns firearms?

Why is it different from the firearm in my impression?

"Don't worry, try it!"

Ji Han picked up the Desert Eagle, and after groping for a while, he knew how to use it. He easily loaded the clip and pulled the bolt!

Aim at a pile of stacked wood not far away and pull the trigger frantically!

"Bang bang bang!"

The terrifying gunshot resounded through the night sky, but because of the fog, no one was alerted.

I saw the bullets flying, and the big trees were suddenly hit with sawdust flying, splashing everywhere, and big holes were punched out of the wood.

Ji Han is not satisfied after emptying a magazine!

Picking up the AK47 is a mess!

"Puff puff!"

A large number of bullets are like fire dragons spraying, and they are swept away frantically, and this pile of wood has been swept into slag.

This terrifying scene directly scared Ying Zheng Chongzhen and others!

"This, what is this? Is this a fairy weapon?"

"How powerful is this little piece of black iron?"

"It's terrifying. If it hits the flesh and blood, it shouldn't be beaten to a pulp on the spot?"

"Is this a firearm? Why isn't my Ming Dynasty firearm so powerful?"

Everyone exclaimed, everyone was scared silly!

Everyone looked at the firearm in Ji Han's hand, and there was a hint of enthusiasm and excitement in their eyes. This is an artifact.

With this thing in place, all troops and horses will be destroyed!

"See, this is the power of firearms!" Ji Han laughed dumbly and said, "Firearms will eventually eliminate cold weapons. Imagine if there are 10,000 soldiers with firearms on the battlefield, fighting against one million cold weapons and iron cavalry. , who do you think will win?"

"This? Is there any guess?"

"Definitely the one with the firearm wins!"

"With such magical weapons, it is difficult for an army of millions to approach!"

Everyone exclaimed, obviously already had a clear understanding of this firearm.

Such a thick trunk can be pierced and exploded, which is a hundred times more terrifying than a bow and arrow!

Moreover, this thing has a long range, and it seems that it is not difficult to operate. Can this not eliminate cold weapons?

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder Ji Han would say that there are more than 50,000 people. This kind of army really exists based on quality over quantity.

"Sir!" Ying Zheng said excitedly, "Can my Daqin create such a magical weapon?"

"Not for the time being, Daqin's foundation can't keep up, but it should be possible in the future!" Ji Han smiled: "Of course you can discuss with Chongzhen. After he develops this type of firearm, you can trade with him!"

"Hahaha, this is a good way!" Ying Zheng said with hot eyes: "Brother Chongzhen, you have to sell this thing to me, how about I exchange it for you with gold?"

"First Emperor, I don't have one either!" Chongzhen said with a wry smile: "The firearms of the Ming Dynasty are still very backward, how can there be such powerful firearms as Mr.

"No, you will have it soon!" Ji Han swears by it!

"Really?" Chongzhen's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing this.

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