At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

039 Set A Small Goal, Kill 10 Million People First! 【45, Please Reward】

"Why do you say that, sir? Since the fate of Da Qin can be changed, the fate of my Ming Dynasty is difficult to change?"

"I also asked the immortal master to save me Daming. I don't want to see the scene of the country's ruin and the destruction of the family, and I don't want to see the alien race raging on my land in Kyushu!"

Chongzhen begged anxiously!

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, and said in a helpful voice, "Sir said it was difficult, but he didn't say it was impossible, right? With your means, you should be able to change your life and continue the national fortune for the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years, right?"

"Yes sir!" Wang Ben couldn't help but persuade: "Didn't you say that Daming is the dynasty you admire most?"

"Mr. most admires Daming?" Chongzhen's eyes lit up.

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded and said, "Among the many dynasties in Kyushu, Daqin swept the Eight Wastes the most, I liked it the most, and Daming had the hardest bones I admired the most."

"The ancestors of the Ming Dynasty taught that there is no rapprochement, no indemnity, no ceding land, no tribute, the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the society!"

"Although the sixteenth emperors are all wonderful, they have never been stubborn. Even if they were killed under the imperial city, they never bowed down. I appreciate this very much!"

Ji Han's words made Chongzhen tremble with enthusiasm!

Ying Zheng Wang Ben Fusu also secretly appreciated it!

"No rapprochement, no indemnity, no ceding of land, no tribute, well, what a tough dynasty, I like it!" Wang Ben praised.

"Haha, as expected of my junior, I am very pleased!" Ying Zheng also praised with satisfaction: "My Kyushu bloodline must have such a backbone!"

"Since that's the case, sir, you should help!" Fusu said, "You can't just sit and watch Daming being bullied by an alien, right?"

"Yeah, please save me, Mr. Ming!"

Chongzhen bowed with sincerity on his face and gave a big gift.

Ji Han reluctantly helped him up and said, "Sit down, Lao Zhao is right, saving the Ming Dynasty is difficult, but it is not impossible. If you are willing to listen to me and be ruthless, then there is still a chance of life. of!"

"Sir, just let it go!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "I will absolutely do it, absolutely ruthless!"

"Hehe, don't brag first, the difficulties you face are more than a hundred times greater than that of Lao Zhao!" Ji Han poured himself a glass of wine and sneered: "Old Zhao's control over Da Qin is absolutely top-notch, but there is a problem with the national policy, A little adjustment can bring Daqin back to life!"

"What about you? How much control do you have over the Ming Dynasty? How many of the military officials in this court are under your control?"

"How many soldiers are there for the million-strong army on the bright side of the Ming Dynasty? The guards in various places are corrupt and corrupt, the officers at all levels are corrupt and timid, and the civilian parties are constantly fighting."

"There are also big landlords from all over the world who are racing to enclose their land, serious land acquisitions, businessmen in various provinces to betray the country for money, and the vassal kings and dignitaries support their troops to respect themselves!"

"The entire Ming Dynasty has been in ruins for hundreds of years, from top to bottom. What you took over was a mess, and the treasury was empty. Rats can run away. Are you mentally prepared for such a complicated situation?"

Ji Han's series of questions left Chongzhen speechless!

The three of Ying Zheng were also secretly shocked, and everyone couldn't help but sympathize with Chongzhen.

To be honest, this situation is really troublesome. It is indeed more than a hundred times more difficult to save the Ming Dynasty than to save the Qin.

Even if Ying Zheng came in person, in the face of such a complicated situation, I was afraid that I would have to tie up my hands and feet, and I would have a great headache.

"If the Ming Dynasty is likened to a giant!" Ji Han continued, "Then this giant is now a terminally ill patient with pus from the soles of his feet, sores on the top of his head, and rotten internal organs!"

"If you want to save it, you have to change blood, bones, and hearts, scrape where there is pus, and cut where there is poison!"

"Corrupt officials form parties for personal gain and harm the people, kill them!"

"The generals are afraid of death and timid, and they will kill them in the morning and evening!"

"The rich and powerful control the government, and those who support the army and respect themselves, kill!"

"Businessmen collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, those who are speculative, kill!"

"These rubbish residues are all poisonous tumors. If you seize the handle, they will raid my family and exterminate my family. First, set a small goal to kill 10 million people!"

"As long as you are ruthless, then the Ming Dynasty will be saved!"

Ji Han's every word, murderous!

Not only was Chongzhen stunned, it also made Ying Zheng and others numb their scalps.

Set a small goal to kill 10 million people first?

Holy crap, this is crazy, isn't it? How many people have to die?

"Sir, everyone in the world says that I am a tyrant, you are even more cruel than I!" Ying Zheng slapped his tongue secretly.

"This Marquis supports what Mr. Wang said!" Wang Ben sneered: "In troubled times, you should use the heavy scriptures, and when you are seriously ill, you should use strong medicine, and the garbage should be killed!"

"Sir, won't this be too cruel and rude?" Chongzhen said in fear: "Murder indiscriminately, I'm afraid it will arouse people's revolt!"

"Haha! Kill it or not, it's up to you, if you can't bear it, go to the coal mountain to find a tree with a crooked neck and hang it!"

"I didn't let you kill people indiscriminately, I just let you kill the people who should be killed. How many of those civil servants and generals do you think are innocent?"

"Hong Chengchou, Zu Dashou, and Wu Sangui all surrendered to Jiannu and made kings and lords in the later period!"

"The treasury of Daming's campaign was empty. You raised 200,000 to 300,000 taels from hundreds of officials several times. Do you know how much money Li Zicheng took from the officials' homes after he entered Peiping? More than 70 million taels, they are all fat. of oil!"

"The eight major merchant families in Shanxi have secretly traded with Jiannu all the year round to provide the enemy with food, weapons and iron ore. Their assets have already exceeded hundreds of millions, do you know that?"

"As far as you Chongzhen is poor, the state treasury and private treasuries can't make up 500,000 taels together. Do you think they shouldn't kill them?"

"If you don't dare to kill people, don't beep, eat in peace, and hang yourself until the time is right!"

Ji Han scolded him with indisputable anger.

Chongzhen blushed and trembled, his heart was already full of hatred and murder.

He doesn't hate Ji Han, he hates those civil servants and generals, and those damn profiteers, these people should be killed!


"Note: The Ming Kingdom is all Beijin, so I used another name instead of Beiping for fear of being harmonious! 》

"The Great Qing Dynasty will be harmonious and replaced by Jiannu! 》

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