At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

030 Amnesty To The World, Destiny Returns! 【55, Ask For Flowers】

After eating and drinking

Ying Zheng and the three of them are naturally happy and full of rewards!

As soon as he returned to the Daqin Palace, Ying Zheng gave an order on the spot: "Hurry up! Another three hundred soldiers will be dispatched to guard my bedroom, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to approach!"

"Deploying troops? Why is this?"

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

"Sir, what's the matter, Your Majesty?"

Several officials in the palace exclaimed.

But Ying Zheng was too lazy to talk too much nonsense with them, so he went back to his bedroom in a hurry.

The surroundings of the bedroom were quickly surrounded by layers.

No one is allowed to approach without Ying Zheng's order.

This solemn scene made many people secretly surprised.

Only Fusu and Wang Ben knew that he was going to take Jindan.

This is the real golden elixir bestowed by the Immortal Master, and it is not a good thing that everyone can eat. It is strange that Ying Zheng is not excited.

More and more civil and military officials got the news and came!

Everyone was a little excited for fear that something would happen to Ying Zheng.

"Master, what's going on? You have to give us an explanation, right?"

"Yes, His Majesty is the pillar of Great Qin, so there can be no accident!"

"Your Majesty is in a hurry, is there something wrong?"

Baiguan was so anxious that he wanted to rush into the hall several times to check the situation!

Fusu kept stopping, and finally had no choice but to say: "The Immortal Master gave me a golden pill, which can prolong the life of the father for a hundred years and restore his health. The father is taking it, please don't disturb me."

"Golden core? Another golden core? Could it be something made by those warlocks?"

"Will this golden pill be poisonous? What if something happens?"

"Your Majesty is reckless, this golden pill has to be tested before it can be swallowed!"

Hundreds of officials talked a lot, and they all became anxious again!

Inside the palace, after Ying Zheng bathed and burned incense, he solemnly opened the jade box!

The aroma of this golden elixir spread out again, and one breath made one feel comfortable. Ying Zheng looked at it as if he had seen a peerless beauty.

"Detoxify, restore health, and prolong life for a hundred years?"

"I don't know if it's true or not? No! It must be true!"

"There is no need for the immortal master to lie to me, he is omnipotent, and throwing something at random is enough to change my life."

"Maybe one day in the future, I can follow the Immortal Master to cultivate immortals and live forever!"

The more Ying Zheng thought about it, the happier he became, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but draw a smile.

Although he is sitting on the world, he is more concerned about his own body and longevity. After all, what if he is powerful and powerful?

In short life, everything is just a wedding dress for others.

So looking at the golden pill in his hand, Ying Zheng secretly made up his mind to have a good relationship with Ji Han.

After a moment of contemplation, he no longer hesitated and swallowed the golden pill decisively.

He is not worried that this golden elixir is poisonous, Ji Han will never harm him.

Such immortals don't need to think hard to poison him if they want to kill him.

Sure enough, after taking the medicine pill, there was a burst of warmth in his body, as if something was burning in his body.

After a while, his body began to heat up continuously.

There seemed to be a flame burning inside him.

The terrifying heat kept burning his every cell, and Ying Zheng couldn't help groaning.

In the next moment, various painful expressions appeared on his face, and his whole body was soon dripping with sweat.

A large amount of black stench was discharged from his pores!

While Ying Zheng was in pain, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

This should be detoxification. Although it was a little uncomfortable, he didn't care. As a generation of emperors, Ying Zheng's endurance is quite terrifying.

The pain that ordinary people can't bear for a long time, he still gritted his teeth and endured it!

Various toxins were continuously discharged, and Ying Zheng felt better and better. He felt that his strength was slowly recovering, and his body seemed to be returning to its peak state.

After half an hour, the medicine is over!

Ying Zheng's excited laughter came from the palace.

The officials outside the hall looked at each other, no one knew what was going on.

When Ying Zheng appeared in front of everyone after showering and changing clothes, everyone present was stunned!

Ying Zheng's complexion has turned white, and his body has lost a lot of weight!

At this time, he no longer looks like a big belly, but has lost dozens of pounds, and has a middle-aged sense of sturdiness.

His eyes are sharp and domineering, showing the emperor's domineering even more!

He walked like a tiger, and his every move was full of power.

Anyone can see at a glance that Ying Zheng's body at this time is probably too good, as strong as a cow.

This is definitely the effect brought by Jin Dan.

"Zhuqing, the Immortal Master has given me a golden pill to restore my health for a hundred years!" Ying Zheng laughed and announced, "This is God's blessing to Daqin, passing my imperial decree to grant amnesty to the world, and the city of Xianyang will be blessed for three days!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty!"

In front of the palace gate, the officials knelt down and shouted excitedly!

Everyone present couldn't help but be ecstatic.

Everyone no longer doubted the methods of the immortal master, and even secretly admired the power of this golden core.

At this time, the world has just been unified, and the remnants of the six kingdoms are ready to move. If the news of Ying Zheng's life extension by the immortal spreads for a hundred years, the world will be truly stable.

Because this means that Da Qin is the existence that is destined to return!

So this wave of propaganda must be done, and it must be hyped up.

"Fu Su, Wang Ben!" Ying Zheng continued: "The telescope taught by the immortal master must be kept well, and general-level generals are selected to be proficient in this thing!"

"The development and production of the three-piece cavalry will begin immediately. Within two months, we will equip all cavalry, and we will use troops against the Huns as soon as possible!"


Fusu Wang Ben and the two agreed again and again!

Daqin, this terrifying war machine, will eventually become more ferocious as Ying Zheng's body recovers, and is ready to show his fangs at any time.

The imperial censor recorded excitedly on the side - [On June 22, the twenty-ninth year of the First Emperor's calendar, the Immortal Master bestowed the golden elixir, the First Emperor extended his life for a hundred years, reshaped the divine body, and granted amnesty to the world! 】


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for a Reward for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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