At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

025 10,000 Taels Of Gold, Ying Zheng's Generosity! 【55, Please Reward】

After a busy day

Night fell slowly again.

This time Ji Han learned to be smart, he observed it secretly, and sure enough, some strange changes had taken place around him.

"What a big fog, it seems that there is such a big fog these days and nights!"

"Sure enough, the time and space should change after the fog appears!"

"Huh? There was a door of light, they must have come from the door of light!"

After a simple observation and analysis, Ji Han quickly affirmed his judgment.

After simply walking around the fog, Ji Han found that his farm was surrounded by fog, and he couldn't get out of it anyway.

At the same time, this door of light, he can't get close!

That is to say, no one can enter or leave the farm now, but Lao Wang Lao Zhao and the others can set foot here through the door of light.

The secret here will not be known to anyone.

"This setting is good, I like it!"

Ji Han laughed dumbly and didn't think any more, and went straight into the kitchen to prepare a big meal. The two guys, Lao Wang and Lao Zhao, were reincarnated as greedy ghosts, and they must be eating and drinking again.

But time is tight, Ji Han didn't have time to make any delicious food, so he just made the whole Yuanyang Hotpot, which is convenient and delicious!


at this time

Another seven days have passed in the Qin Palace!

When the palace was shrouded in fog again, Ying Zhengwang Ben Fusu and the three of them were naturally filled with ecstasy and anticipation.

The days they lived were really not what people lived.

After having tasted Ji Han's food, they now eat any delicacies from the mountains and seas that taste like wax, and Daqin doesn't even have stir-fried vegetables, which is really hard for them to swallow.

At the same time, this Yuxi cigarette is also gone!

It's hard for them to just become smokers.

Especially when Ying Zheng was correcting official documents, he liked to have a couple, but he stopped when he fell in love with this thing. How could he not feel uncomfortable?

"Wang Qing, this time you can bring more cigarettes back, I have a big reward." Ying Zheng tried his best to confuse Wang Ben.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Ben said with a sad face, "I don't dare, if I take it again, Immortal Master will probably let the dog bite people."


Ying Zheng is speechless!

Thinking about it, no matter how shameless Wang Ben is, Ji Han has to cut him with a knife.

"Father, we can buy it!" Fusu smiled and said, "The last time we played mahjong, we lost a lot of silver to the immortal master, so we simply brought a lot of gold over there, presumably the immortal master will not be stingy!"

"it is good!"

"Fu Su's words are reasonable!"

"Hahaha, go to the warehouse and move ten thousand taels of gold, let's go see the Immortal Master immediately!"

With a big wave of Ying Zheng's hand, he decisively let people bring in a lot of gold!

Most of the currencies in this era were copper coins, called Qin Banliang. Of course, there were also silver coins and gold coins.

Qin Chao weighed sixteen taels per pound!

Ten thousand taels of gold is equivalent to 625 catties in later generations!

All of these golds were cast in the shape of small golden bricks, each weighing about six or seven catties, and there were more than one hundred pieces, all of which were packed in a large treasure box.

Wang Ben can easily lift this weight!

The three walked through the gate of light with ease and reappeared outside Ji Han's small farm.

"Sir, are you there?"

"What's for dinner tonight?"

Wang Ben, who was familiar with each other from time to time, opened the door with a smile and walked in, as if he had returned to his own home.

Ji Han walked out of the kitchen depressed, glared at him, and said, "How dare you come, Lao Wang? Aren't you afraid that I will break your dog's legs?"

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid!" Wang Ben said indifferently, "Sir, we brought a big gift here."

"Big gift?"

Ji Han was full of curiosity, nodded at Ying Zheng Fu Su, and looked at the box that Wang Ben had opened. The golden light instantly blinded his dog's eyes.

"Fuck, gold?"

Ji Han's scalp is numb, so much gold? He has never seen a native of the country!

"Sir!" Fusu bowed his hands with shame on his face and said, "Last time I owed a lot of silver taels on credit, and this time I brought some gold here. I hope you don't dislike it, sir."

"This, this doesn't need so much?"

Ji Han smacked his tongue secretly, these guys are worthy of being a big dog, they have so much gold in one shot, it's at least a few hundred kilograms, right?

Row! Stone hammer this time!

They are definitely the big guys in history, otherwise, who can give out so much gold?

Estimated at the current gold price, one kilogram of gold is three or four million!

One hundred kilograms is thirty or forty million, and the gold here is worth at least hundreds of millions.

Ji Han's liver was beating wildly, and his saliva almost came out.

However, he thought about it wrongly. Hundreds of millions count as a ball?

I can't be so unpromising, my brother is a systematic man.

Not to mention that the value of his help to Da Qin is immeasurable. With his small farm alone, will he put billions of wealth in his eyes?

In the future, he will definitely hang up many large chaebols, who are rich enough to rival the country!

So what is a billion? Now any small real estate owner can have assets of over 100 million yuan, and this gold is enough to buy a small courtyard house in Yanjing.

"Calm down, calm down!" Ji Han quickly calmed down in his heart, and said with a warm face: "Oh, come here, why do you bring something? Hahaha, walk around, sit inside, and throw this box into the corner!"


Wang Ben nodded in agreement, and put the box directly in the corner!

"Sir!" Ying Zheng smiled and said embarrassedly, "Do you still have spiritual smoke? It's very uncomfortable if you don't smoke for a few days!"

"Smoke a fart, it's not good at all, smoke a cigar!" Ji Han shouted arrogantly: "Xiao Hei, go and take my cigar out!"

Everyone sent hundreds of catties of gold, so Ji Han can't be stingy!

In the past, his classmates went abroad and brought him a few boxes of cigars. He was reluctant to smoke them. This time, he became a billionaire, so he had to celebrate.

After a while, everyone had a black and thick thing in their hands. Looking at this giant cigarette, Ying Zheng and the three were suddenly stunned!


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