.” Nissan, look at this pattern ?”

.Robin put the sketch in his hand in front of Cang Yue .

.On the blueprint is a blood-colored ice lotus .

.Cang Yue’s eyes lit up : ” Well …it ‘s pretty good . ”

.Nearly half a month has passed since I said goodbye to Hancock .

.In the past two weeks , he has also arrived in the new world , and is currently looking for islands to land on .

.During the half-month voyage , Cang Yue discovered a problem , that is, it seemed that he couldn’t get along without the pirate flag .

.Most of the previous sand crocodiles did n’t recognize Cang Yue’s ice boat , so they dared to provoke him , and eventually ended up being buried in the sea .

.And in the past two weeks , Cang Yue has been attacked by no less than ten waves of pirates one after another .

.Although none of these pirates were spared , Cang Yue also felt a little overwhelmed by being attacked like this every day .

.What’s more , he couldn’t stare at the situation on the sea all the time , and he still had a lot of important things to do .

.He hasn’t thoroughly researched the dozens of photobooks he just bought , so he doesn’t bother to care about such trivial matters .

.But here’s the trouble , those pirates are as annoying as flies .

.Even if Cang Yue only wanted to study the structure of the human body , he didn’t care about unexpected flies .

.But those flies often didn’t know what to do , and insisted on flying up and buzzing in his ear .

.Over time , the Buddha will have fire !

.So Cang Yue wanted to get a flag to represent his identity , which should be able to put an end to some flies .

.Why not all of them ?

.There is no way , in which world there are Wolongfengchu , isn’t there a big smart Jack in this world , so Hanban will never be eradicated .

.” Okay , just use the bloody ice lotus pattern you drew by Robin Sauce !”

.After Cang Yue thought about it for a while, she finally chose this one .

.He thinks this is very good , and it fits his identity and temperament .

.” Unfortunately , it’s not a pattern of small animals !”

.Although Cang Yue chose the pattern she drew , Robin still had a trace of regret .

.After all, what she likes the most is the weird , ugly and cute little animals .

.” You’re done , then the blood-colored ice lotus flag representing me is complete . ”

.Looking at the final version of the pattern after the refinement , Cang Yue showed a look of satisfaction on her face .


.The Totland Sea , also known as the Sea of All Nations , is the territory of BIGMOM .

.Cake Island , Dessert Castle .

.In a palace decorated with desserts , BIGMOM is enjoying breakfast .

.” Well … have all the invitations for the tea party been sent out ?”

.BIGMOM swallowed a dessert and asked Perospero below .

.” This …”

.Perospero showed a look of embarrassment on his face , and said with a bit of a scalp : ” Some leaders of the underground forces have already received invitations , but they all hope that you can postpone the date of the tea party . ”

.” Huh ?”

.Hearing this , BIGMOM looked fierce : ” Give me a reason . ”

.”I heard that the Ice Emperor has arrived in the new world , and has now entered the waters of the Ten Thousand Nations. Many people are worried that they will encounter the Ice Emperor , so they dare not come to the tea party . ”

.Perospero answered hesitantly .

.Hear such a sentence .

.BIGMOM’s expression was gloomy , and his tone was full of strong arrogance : ” When will my tea party be postponed because I am alone ?”

.” If Bingdi dares to come to my mother’s tea party, it will cause trouble , and I will make him pay for it !”

.The Domain of Ten Thousand Nations is her territory , and even the Ice Emperor cannot make trouble for the tea party held here .

.Here , she is the strongest .

.” Notify them , if they dare not come , they will be at their own risk !”

.BIGMOM’s tone was cold , and the naked murderous intent made Perospero’s scalp numb and covered in cold sweat .


.At the same time , the waters of the world .

.An ice ship is slowly sailing .

.on the deck .

.Cang Yue was browsing a newspaper she just bought from Newsbird .

.”Is BIGMOM ‘s tea party ? It happens to be held at this time , but I am very interested !”

.Cang Yue smiled lightly : ” It’s been boring for a month , it’s time to find some fun …”.

Chapter 67 _ sneak into the tea party

.Before I knew it, a week passed .

.And today is the day when the tea party starts , and the cake island is full of lively scenes at this time .

.” Mom’s tea party is about to begin !”

.Trees , buildings , stones, etc. , all Hormiz who has been given a soul , are shouting cheerfully at this time .

.The dessert castle in the center .

.At this time, the news king Morgans , the usurer king Feld , the shipping king Umit , the storage king Gibson, and the undertaker Piercrot , five underground emperors were present at the same time .

.In addition to the Happy Street emperor who has retreated behind the scenes with the World Government , the five underground emperors are rarely gathered together today , and they are huddling together and walking towards the hall .

.” As expected of BIGMOM who reigns over the sea , after learning about the whereabouts of the Ice Emperor, he still has the heart to hold a tea party . This courage is really rare !”

.” Hehe … Maybe he’s giving the Ice Emperor eye drops !”

.The five underground emperors chatted with each other .

.At this time , Baron Dandan showed a confident smile to the five underground emperors who came :

.” Since you are here , you absolutely don’t have to worry . Your safety will be taken care of by our BIGMOM Pirates , to ensure that no one can hurt you !”

.” Oh , I hope so !”

.Morgans grinned with a playful expression on his face .

.Kibson also laughed : “The annual tea party , even the previous world government dare not interfere lightly , I believe this is the safest place !”

.In fact, they were reluctant to come at first , but BIGMOM ‘s attitude was very firm , so they dared not not come .

.After all , BIGMOM is different from other forces . She controls the world’s No. 1 intelligence network . If she disobeys the other party , it is estimated that there will be no good fruit to eat in the future .

.And now that they have come , it is pointless for them to complain any more .

.What’s more, it seems that there is no accident . It is estimated that the Ice Emperor can’t come here for no reason .

.In short , they only hope that this session of the tea party will be held normally and end normally .

.” Okay , let’s not waste time . If we’re late , we ‘ll be in real trouble . ”

.Umit reminded , so everyone quickened their pace and walked into the hall .

.Dessert Castle, as the name suggests , is a huge palace made up of sweets such as candy , chocolate , and cakes .

.This visual effect looks like being in a fairy tale .

.Everyone entered the tea party hall .

.At this time , BIGMOM ‘s eldest son , Perospero, smiled at everyone .

.” Welcome all guests !”

.” Everyone , do you need a drink ?”

.At the same time , Smoothie next to him also stepped forward and asked .

.And she was followed by half a big tree , a long and odd-shaped lion , and a tall and beautiful woman .

.” Today’s drinks are strange green trees , strange lions with stripes , and dancing girls . ”

.Morgans shook his head as he walked past , while the undertaker Piercrot named one of the dancers .

.Then , Smoothie picked up a cup and put his hand on the dancer .

.The dancer looked terrified , her body twisted instantly , squeezed out a strange liquid , and finally fell into the cup .

.Piercrot took the cup , and after taking a sip, he immediately exclaimed : ” This tastes great !”

.Inside the castle hall .

.At this time, a group of guests have gathered , and these people are all leaders of the underground world .

.However, both are the leaders of the underground world , and their status is also divided into high and low .

.Those with extremely high status , such as the five underground emperors , can sit in the center of the long table .

.As for the next-level position , it is sitting at the outermost position of the long table .

.The lowest status can only sit in the corner .

.Although these people are active in the underground world , not all of them know each other .

.So with the help of the tea party , they will also communicate with each other .

.With the BIGMOM Pirates as the center , they form a big net covering the entire underground world .

.Compared with Whitebeard and Kaido , the BIGMOM Pirates are not only powerful , but also have a network of intelligence and underground relationships that spreads to the entire world .

.The Don Quixote family is nothing compared to the BIGMOM pirates .

.this time .

.In the corner of the tea party hall, a blue-haired young man slipped into the room at some point , and everyone was unaware .

.At this time , the blue-haired youth was tasting refreshments and looked at the audience with great interest .

.” Hey … why do I think you look familiar , but I can’t remember it for a while . ”

.At this moment , Charlotte Garrett just happened to sit over , looking at the blue-haired young man , a strange look flashed in her beautiful eyes .

.This blue-haired youth was none other than Cang Yue .

.Ever since he heard that BIGMOM was holding a tea party , he secretly left Robin behind and came over to have fun by himself .

.Anyway, he has already arranged a back-up for Robin , so he doesn’t have to worry about the safety of the other party .

.” Really ? I haven’t seen you , but you’re beautiful !”

.Cang Yue smiled slightly .

.” Thanks for the compliment . ”

.Garrett pursed her lips and smiled , but the smile was a little weak .

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