January 6 at 14:00 noon

Huaxia's mecha army all withdrew. After all, after the prey acted, they were severely injured.

Lin Luo's residence welcomes Chen An.

He pushed the door angrily and came in, and said to the Zijinlong soldier next to him, "Go out."

The two nodded.

"Close the door for me." Chen An shouted.

Lin Luo drank tea slowly and said, "Why is Uncle Chen so angry? Did he get scolded?"

Chen An directly took a document, smashed it on Lin Luo's desk, and shouted, "What's going on here?"

Lin Luo squinted.

Chess plan.

"I made it," he said.

"I know." Chen An shouted, "Why don't we know about this plan."

"Because you won't agree."

"Yes." Chen An replied affirmatively without thinking.

How could they agree to such a plan.

"So I didn't tell you guys." Lin Luo said.

"Lin Luo!" Chen An roared, and shouted at Lin Luo: "Do you really have no idea how much we have paid to protect you?"

Lin Luo looked at Chen An's red eyes, he nodded heavily, and said, "I know."

As soon as Chen An smashed the table, he said rudely: "Ha Ma Pi, you know..."

In the end, he couldn't go on.

"If human beings are defeated, is it meaningful for me to live?" Lin Luo asked.

Chen An said without thinking: "You can take the Heavenly Soldiers to find Fang Yin to hide, I know... you can definitely do it. In the end, you will definitely be able to fight back against them."

Lin Luo stood up and said seriously: "But that's not what I want."

Chen An had a meal.

"I think Huaxia is very good."

"Blue Star is fine."

"Humans are nice."

Lin Luo said: "I want our country to be strong, Blue Star to be strong, and human beings to continue to live with dignity on this land."

Chen An was silent.

Lin Luo added: "I have already arranged, you go to Maoxiong first, I have already transferred most of the people in the country."

"I won't go." Chen An shouted: "Why can you be a chess piece, but I can't?"

After finishing speaking, Chen An scolded angrily again: "Damn it, it's all because I'm a waste."

Lin Luo smiled and said: "Don't be angry, I promise to lie to you for the last time."

Chen An added: "Can't the plan be cancelled?"

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "The beginning of this plan has already been carried out on that side, and Ye Yi has also moved forward.

To Eagle Country. "

"Ye Yi? It's none of his business?" Chen An was surprised, and then angrily said: "Bastard, did you make another plan without telling me?"

In the plan of the chess pieces, there is nothing about Ye Yi.

Lin Luo took out a stack of planning books from the drawer at this time, Chen An opened it and saw that it said:

Human Counterattack Plan!

"The chess piece plan is just one of the plans." Lin Luo said.

Chen An didn't even look at it, but furiously said, "How many plans have you made without telling us?"

"Just...just one."

"You just said you lied to me for the last time."

"It's... really the last time." Lin Luo sweated, knowing that he couldn't touch his edge at this time, otherwise the other party would become angry and would definitely curse again.

"Then why don't you dare look into my eyes."

"Uh..." Lin Luo squeezed sweat, looked at the ceiling, and said, "Let me think about it, is there anything that needs to be improved in this plan, the plan for the dead..."


"Your uncle!"

Chen An cursed and took the plan and walked towards the Zijinlong Building.


"Then please."

In the northern land, a large number of people have migrated here.

Fortunately, Chinese people are used to Spring Festival activities, otherwise such a large-scale migration would be really difficult to complete.

"Go back and say hello to Chief Master Lin for me." Jonarev said with bright eyes, and he still couldn't forget the first time he met Lin Luo.

That young man descended from the sky like a god.

At this time, the old man and Chen An came over, and Jonarev hurried forward, and was polite again.

"How dare you conspire with that kid..." Chen An narrowed his eyes, and anger came from it.

Even if you know that the other party's status is higher than him, you still have to scold him.

Jonarev grinned and said, "I don't know that you don't know. If you want to blame, blame Master Lin..."

Chen An was about to explode, the old man said: "Okay, Chen An."

Only then did Chen An shut his mouth.

The old man stood on the top of a high mountain, looking ahead, he said worriedly: "I hope... I hope they can succeed."

"These people are the future of the country!"

"No." Jonarev said, "It's the future of mankind."

After hearing this, Chen An couldn't help but said, "Fart, it's the future of our China."

"Human," Jonarev said.

"Chinese." Chen An argued.


"Chinese." At this time,

A leisurely voice came, and both of them paused before looking up at the old man in front of them.

In the end, Jonarev sighed: "Okay, Huaxia, you guys are awesome."

How stingy.

You have all come to my house, and you still don't say a good word, are you really not afraid that I will treat you badly?

But at this time, the two showed a smile.


On the other side of the ocean, Ye vomited heavily.

His physical strength is not good, and he will get dizzy when he is on a boat.

Even if...

He was on a nuclear submarine.

After all, the initial combat power is about the same as that of a fighting chicken, not a joke.

"Do you want to rest?" Li Donglai had already come to the coastline to wait for him.

"No, time is urgent." Ye Yi paused for a moment before saying, "In brother Lin Luo's plan, this is the last link, so there is no room for loss."

After speaking, he took another big breath.

Li Donglai smiled, and said: "It seems that your sister Xia Qian's special training is not good, and I will come back when I go back."

As soon as Ye heard this, his face became even paler, and he hurriedly said: "Uncle Li, thank you, I think..."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Li Donglai patted Ye Yi's shoulder while muttering in a low voice: "I can't beat this kid Lin Luo, it's okay to teach you a lesson."

"?" Ye Yi had just vomited, and suddenly raised his head, with shock in his pupils, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Li Donglai smiled, patted him hard again, and said, "That's it."


Ye Yi started vomiting again.


Zhang San walked into Lin Luo's office and said, "Essential personnel have been evacuated."

"Master Yang is back."

"What about Chen An and them?" Lin Luo looked up.

"Evacuated." Zhang San replied: "Ye Yi just got news that he has arrived safely."

Lin Luo nodded and continued to look down at the document.

"Boss Lin."


"What if they don't come?" Zhang San looked at Lin Luo.

"Obviously, they haven't destroyed us yet, they just think we have value."

"And I control the Heavenly Soldiers, so there is a high probability that they will come to me."

Lin Luo said.

Zhang San said at this time: "Then you can also let me..."

Without raising his head, Lin Luo said, "You want to sit in my seat?"

Zhang San didn't dare to answer, but just smiled.

But the smile froze quickly. He looked at Lin Luo who was scanning the documents, and suddenly remembered a sentence:

Only by taking yourself as a chess player can you win the world!

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