The interstellar interception network said that there are three lines of defense, but in fact, after the first breakthrough, the remaining two lines of defense are combined into one.

The scientists of the Eagle Kingdom are not fools. If the other party can pass through the coverage net of the star cannon, it means that the other party has a very strong defense.

Then, try other methods.

Hyperlaser electromagnetic rays, and...

Magnetic interference.

Eagle country scientists believe that any machine will be afraid of strong magnetic field interference.

At this time, with the addition of Starlink's super laser electromagnetic rays, it will definitely be completed.

This is not a guess, but the final result of countless scientific demonstrations.

Previously, scientists had two analyses:

First, if it is just a meteorite, it is absolutely impossible for it to break through the covering net of the planetary cannon.

Second, the spacecraft, then it is possible to break through the overlay net.

"But...they can't break through our line of defense." Jack smiled at the camera and said.


In the silent command room, the atmosphere finally became tense.

Lin Luo also came to the back and started conducting:

"Ye Yi, activate the celestial body system and help the interstellar interception network."


"Is it possible to see what's inside by satellite?"

"Report to Master Lin, it is not clear at the moment, the opponent's shell is all metal objects that cannot be seen through." Pen Fun Library

Lin Luo frowned, looking at the approaching flames on the screen...

If it was just a shooting star, what a shocking and beautiful scene it would be.

However, if it brings only destruction and death, all this will be another matter.

"Can you locate where it might fall into Huaxia?" Lin Luo asked again.

"There is a deviation in the flight trajectory, but some results can be estimated." Someone stood up and said.


Lin Luo glanced at the screen and was startled, only to see densely packed red dots appearing in the coastal areas of various countries.

From beginning to end, due to globalization, most developed cities and populations are located in coastal areas.

These people go for people.

"Damn it!" Lin Luo turned his head and said, "Send it to the Heavenly Soldiers."

"Yes, the Heavenly Soldiers have already dispatched."

Hearing this, Lin Luo looked at the picture in space again, the spaceships densely packed in the universe were approaching the second line of defense of the interstellar interception network.

this time...

Can it work?


drip drip...



Someone turn back, board

On the rescue cabin, look back at Michelle.

Michelle was in extreme pain and looked back at the International Space Station several times.

This space station is his painstaking effort, and now it is about to stimulate a strong magnetic field, interfere with the signal, and cooperate with Starlink to complete the final interception.

Michel also knew that he couldn't wait anymore, so he sat directly in the rescue cabin, put his hands together, looked at the alien flying object that was getting closer and closer, and prayed: "God, save us!"

Today, this top scientist in Eagle Country has realized the seriousness of the matter.

From a scientist's point of view, nuclear bombs exist beyond human technology for a hundred years.

The magnetic field is a product developed in line with the times.

If the other party can really withstand the attack of a nuclear bomb, will they really be afraid of a magnetic field attack from you?

Michelle is unwilling to trust her intuition.

At this moment, he wanted to believe in miracles.

A miracle given by God.


As the rescue capsule ejected from the space station, a large number of red light spots flashed around the International Space Station.

Magnetic interference...

start up!


"Blue Star Blue Star, this is space, the magnetic field has been activated, and the star chain is ready to attack at any time."

"Space space, this is Blue Star, attack is allowed, attack is allowed!"

"Yes, the order has been received, over!"

On the Starlink control station, a five-star general watched the spaceship depart from the space station, and looked at the shocking scene in front of him. He clenched his fist and said loudly:

"Starlink... start!"

"For the sake of mankind, kill them!"


A large number of magnetic field disturbances are activated, and the Starlink system surrounding Blue Star is also an official system.

Starlink is a new type of weapon conjectured by Eagle Country scientists five years ago. Its future should be astronomical weapons in space.

However, human technology is still far behind.

This is the first generation weapon, the hyperlaser.

This kind of ray is specially aimed at super-strength metal objects.

In five years, the scientists of the Eagle Kingdom collected the metal materials of thousands of meteorites from all over the world, and finally came to a conclusion.

Ultra-laser is effective against these metal materials.

At present, there is no metal on the blue star that can withstand such a powerful penetration.

"start up!"




Immediately, a total of 14,355 satellites all over the world were activated at the same time, and countless blue rays of light connected the satellites together.

from far away space

From above, it looks like a giant blue fishing net woven together, which is very spectacular.

At the beginning, scientists in Eagle Country also named it the blue spider web.

In the picture, it can be seen that the alien flying object has approached the position of the space station.


"Enter the magnetic field interference range."

"Launch!" The five-star general shouted.

At the same time, these tens of thousands of satellites fired powerful laser rays towards the distance at the same time.



Several rays of light converge into the same path from different angles.

And at this moment, a huge river-like red energy merged into the blue light in the distance.

Everyone eats.

What is this?

"It's Huaxia's satellite system!"

"Huaxia has also made a move!"

"Huaxia actually has such a powerful weapon."

The red and blue light converged into a straight river and collided fiercely with the flying red flying swarm.


In the next second, gorgeous fireworks exploded in the universe.


"so beautiful!"

"Eagle Kingdom is really too powerful."

Audiences all over the world saw this scene and exclaimed how powerful the Eagle Kingdom was.

It is hard to imagine that Eagle Country already has such a powerful technology.

Jack and Anna jumped up and down again on the commentary stage.

They also did not expect that the picture is so spectacular and their country is so powerful.

"Eagle Kingdom, long live!"

He is shouting.

The barrage is also shouting.

It's just that everyone's eyes were fixed on the picture, but the eyes that were originally happy thought that the change of the picture was gradually changing.



to the end...

turned into a panic.

"Chong...Come here!" Someone covered his face and shouted.

Because they saw that the red alien flying object broke through the laser beam and hit the space station directly.

The thin space station was like an ant among the alien flying objects, easily crushed.

Then, they slammed into the Starlink interception net.


In the next second, people saw that the satellite was directly smashed by the alien flying object.




The fireworks from the satellite explosion bloomed in space, just like the fireworks in the peaceful and prosperous age.

The five-star general stood on the control center, watching the alien flying object crashing into him, he laughed out loud, with fear and worry...

He knew that he was about to meet God.

Humanity, the last line of defense...

Declare failure!

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