eternal universe

Mandal's body lies quietly in the center of the temple of God Chance.

Mandal is dead, and the reason why his body can be preserved is also Lin Luo's masterpiece.

When Mishus found him, he had completely cut off the breath of life.

Mandal's influence is very large. A memorial service like this is not only because of Mandal's own fame, but more importantly, because of his interests.

The new Great Master.

And, the future of the eternal universe.

It is conceivable that the Eternal Continent will be very chaotic in the next period of time.

"Master Metheus."

Someone saw Mishus walking in, and everyone's expressions turned pale.

Mandal's body was recovered by Mishus. According to Mishus, the person who killed Mandal possessed the power of Dixuan.

But not everyone believed what he said.

Mishus already possesses the strength to kill Mandal, and also has a reason to kill Mandal.

The divine opportunity led by Mandal was originally a stone in the way of the high apostle.

Mishus ignored their hostile eyes. He came to Mandal's spiritual tablet and bowed slightly. The newly promoted master next to him saw this scene and didn't know what to say, so he just bowed slightly.

In any case, Mitheus has too much influence in this universe, and no one has seen what Mitheus looks like when he makes a move.

"The man who killed Mandal has a huge conspiracy, you must find out." Mishus said slowly, and finally left under the gaze of everyone.

But as soon as he left, the people behind him began to discuss.

Mandal is dead.

The eternal universe cannot be at peace.

benefits, Thanas system and more.


When Chen An walked in, she saw that Lin Luo was not in the office, so she asked Xia Qian, "Where did you go?"

"He said he was going out for a walk," Xia Qian said.

"Far away?" Chen An asked.

"Well." Xia Qian said: "He just said that if you want to start the final plan, call him in advance."

"He alone?" Chen An asked.

"Yes, alone." Xia Qian nodded.

Chen An didn't know what he was thinking at this time, Xia Qian asked, "What do you need to do with him?"

"It''s okay." Chen An said, turned around, and then left, with a more solemn expression.

At this moment, Lin Luo doesn't know all of this. He walks on the earth and in the universe.

Today's Lin Luo has already surpassed all his predecessors, including the achievements made by the dinosaurs.

Evolution is the root power that makes this world stronger. From being able to walk only on the ground, to walking in the air, to having the power of energy, it can be said that the speed of human progress is really faster than that of rockets. be quick.

However, this is still not enough.

Lin Luo is paying attention to the evolution speed of the system all the time.

Currently, the evolution rate of the system is still at 50%, which means it is only half completed.

As for Big Blue, it has promised Lin Luo that it will merge with Dabai to fight the final battle, whether it is for it or for the original king of dinosaurs.

But in fact, Lin Luo didn't set off alone this time. He was accompanied by a foreigner, Carlo Lin.

When this woman came to this universe, her life was very unstable, even though she knew that Lin Luo was a committed person.

"I have to say that the food here is indeed much better than ours." Carlo Lin said while eating.

Lin Luo glanced at the grass on the ground and said, "What kind of world did you imagine when you were born?"

"It's very big." Carlone said: "Although the Manlo protoss say that there is a big difference between high and low ranks, they have done a good job in education."

Lin Luo smiled, but said: "But, we are different. When I was born, or even when I was educated, I didn't even know the existence of aliens."

Carlo Lin said: "I have read some books about you, it is indeed a legend."

"However, if I can choose." Lin Luo said: "I would rather spend this life in an ordinary way. Blue Star has no wars and no threats..."

Carlo Lin asked strangely: "You are invincible in this Fang universe now, and you have a very high status, isn't it good?"

"Do you know why I haven't found my other half for so many years?" Lin Luo asked.

"I heard Zhang San mention this aspect." Carlo Lin said.

"Because I don't know if I will come back alive in my next battle," Lin Luo said.

Hearing this, Carlo Lin was silent.

The man in front of him leads a whole universe and possesses absolute wisdom.


All he faced were enemies stronger than him.

As for those who were almost the same or weaker, he didn't care at all.

"You go, I'm going to stay here for a while." Lin Luo said.

Carlo Lynn nodded, and she got up to leave.

And at the moment she left, the space in front of her collapsed rapidly, and there seemed to be a layer of black mist between the stars that could swallow darkness, swallowing everything in front of her.

And, it was flying towards Lin Luo at an extremely fast speed.

Carlo Lynn exhaled.

Lin Luo told her before coming.

Human beings can evolve, that is, between life and death.

He, Lin Luo, is willing to use his life to bet that he can continue to complete the final evolution!

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