As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 467: Satisfied Xiao Li, a confusing case

Chapter 467 Satisfied Xiao Li, a confusing case

 The next day.

The sun shines into the hotel through the cracks in the windows, bringing a hint of warmth.

Li Xuezhen opened her eyes hazily, thinking about what happened yesterday.

 Hands the quilt tightly and takes a few deep breaths, with a look of happy satisfaction on his face.

 The little face is full of joy, but also a little shy.

 Last night, she deliberately wet her bed with water and lay on Lawyer Su's bed, sharing the same bed with Lawyer Su.

 Although...there is no specific information about what happened.


Yesterday, she hugged Lawyer Su and slept all night long, kissing and cuddling him, and tossing around until very late.

Although it has not reached the level that Li Xuezhen wanted to achieve, in any case, the relationship has taken another big step forward!

 Recalling last night, Li Xuezhen had a bright smile on her face.

 Her relationship with Lawyer Su is now progressing steadily, and it is estimated that it will not be long.

She can become a veritable boss lady of Bai Jun Law Firm!

This boss lady is different from the boss lady she mentioned before.

 The previous boss lady was a female boss in a literal sense.

 But now...

 Now it refers to her relationship with Su Bai!

 Today’s work is mainly to sign a commission agreement with the victim’s family and to have a deeper understanding of the contents of this case.

 Go to the court of first instance, Deshi Intermediate Court, and obtain the case file of the case.

 Look at the specific sentencing process and criminal investigation process.

 At the home of the victim’s family.

 The victim’s father was nearly sixty-five years old and had gray hair on his temples.

 In addition to the victim's father, there is also a younger brother of the victim in the family.

The victim's father was very excited after seeing Su Bai and enthusiastically brought out the fruit at home to entertain him.

 When I sat down with the victim’s father to learn more about the case.

 The victim’s father, Liu Hengjun, mentioned that his son was murdered.

I couldn't help but cry: "My family, Xuewei, treats my daughter-in-law very well."

“I don’t mind that the other party is married for the second time, and he goes out to work hard. I will give him as much as I earn, and I will give him as much as he wants.”

 “Isn’t this enough?”

“Who would have thought that she would actually cheat on me?”

“Forget it about cheating, the two of us only had a small conflict, but the other party actually called his father over and harmed my Xuewei family..."

“When I think of this, I feel very sad!”

"What is this? How can a couple have a quarrel and the other's father comes to harm them?"

“Lawyer...I heard Xuezhi say that you are a barrister and a good lawyer...This case will trouble you even more, Lawyer Su...”

 “Isn’t this completely unreasonable?”


 Liu Hengjun's statements were intermittent, mostly painful memories, self-blame, and tears.

 Fell into a very contradictory and worrying attitude.

Su Bai can understand Liu Hengjun's feelings about what happened to him.

after all.…

Seeing his son getting married and having a family, his life is about to be complete.

 But now his son was killed by his daughter-in-law's father.


 The daughter-in-law turned to her father's side, causing her own son to be killed, and she still could not get a fair sentence from the law.

 As a father, I cannot accept this anyway.

 It is normal to feel this way.

On the side, as the youngest son of Liu Hengjun, Liu Xuezhi, the younger brother of the victim Liu Xuewei.

 keep comforting Liu Hengjun.

 Wait until Liu Hengjun's mood calms down.

Su Bai just started to inquire about several doubtful points in this case.

The main point of doubt is what exactly the victim's wife Xie Lirong said to her father Xie An after she returned home.

Did Xie An kill his son-in-law Liu Xuewei due to a crime of passion?

 Another question is, what is the view of Xie Lirong's family on this matter, that is, the marriage of Liu Xuewei and Xie Lirong.

 There are also some more subjective issues.

 As a father, when he heard this, Liu Hengjun waved his hands repeatedly, unwilling to remember the pain.

Besides, Liu Xuezhi, the victim’s younger brother, answered these questions according to Su Bai’s questions.

“Lawyer Su, I don’t know where to start with your questions.”

  “Let’s simply start with what we see.”

“Actually, my brother was killed. To be honest, we still can’t figure it out.”

"Because we can't understand why Xie An is so impulsive."

"Our family members have also had contact with the guy opposite Xie An. Although he is usually a bit arrogant, he is still reasonable."

 “At least in terms of performance.”

“According to what Xie Lirong said at the beginning, she just went home and complained to Xie An, his father.”

“Then Xie An went to my brother’s house and killed him.”

"But later Xie Lirong changed her story. What she said was that she was beaten by my brother because of her own reasons and for showing off to Xie An."

“That’s why Xie An went to my brother’s house and impulsively killed my brother.”

"Xie Lirong's statement is very contradictory... According to our previous lawyer, Xie Lirong's statement is mainly to reduce Xie An's subjective willingness to commit crimes."

“Originally, we asked our lawyer if we could follow the first statement.” “But our lawyer said that this has already been investigated and evidenced.”

“And we have no evidence to prove which one of Xie Lirong’s statements is true and which one is false.”

“It’s basically the process and the attitude of their families.”


 After hearing Liu Xuezhi’s answer, Su Bai asked in detail about the specific situation:

“Can I ask you a question about the private lives of Brother Qi and Xie Lirong? For example, are there any conflicts in life between your brother and Xie Lirong?”

“Another point is, before your brother was killed, had Xie Lirong negotiated for divorce, or was there any major dispute over the distribution of property rights?”

Liu Xuezhi thought about these two questions for a few seconds:

“As for the issue of private life, in fact, the private lives of my brother and Xie Lirong have always been very disharmonious.”

“Because Xie Lirong was married for the second time, she got married when she was a teenager, and she also brought up a very big child.”

“Under normal circumstances, my brother has a patient attitude towards Xie Lirong, so he can tolerate it as long as he can.”

“The other thing is that Xie Lirong went too far in her marriage to my brother.”

“Let’s put it this way, my brother works fourteen hours a month, all year round, and makes about 12,000 yuan a month.”

  "Among them, one thousand and fifteen dollars are left for living expenses, and the rest is all given to Xie Lirong."

“My brother’s house was bought with some money from me and my parents, and my brother had saved a lot of money before.”

 “Also wrote Xie Lirong’s name.”

"In this way, Xie Lirong is still dissatisfied with my brother in terms of property. She thinks that her own name is not included, and she often talks about my brother."

“My brother said that Xie Lirong often refused to sleep with him, and every time she wanted to sleep with him, she had to give him money to coax her into doing so.”

 “Anyway, their private lives are outrageous.”

 “Have you ever been divorced before this happened... Yes, there was.”

“Before this incident happened, Xie Lirong had been clamoring to divorce my brother. I guess she wanted to be with her cheating lover or get back together with her ex-husband.”

 “Two people often quarrel over this matter...”

“And before my brother was killed, Xie Lirong had indeed made a strong request for my brother to donate all his remaining property to her free of charge.”

"The two of us had a lot of quarrels over this matter, but it was because my brother was very dissatisfied with Xie Lirong's performance in the marriage."

“So... I have never agreed to this request, which can be regarded as sticking to this bottom line.”

"The current situation is that Xie Lirong has been trying to divide my brother's remaining property for the purpose of custody."

“As for Xie Lirong’s family, the attitude is the same as Xie Lirong’s. They always want money.”

“And I have always had a very bad attitude towards my brother. I would often scold my brother openly at home.”

"Oh, by the way...Lawyer Su, when you ask about this matter, do you think that these things may have a new turning point in my brother's case?"

Su Bai is not sure whether there are any new developments in this case.

  But one thing is for sure.

 No matter how you look at this case, Xie Lirong has big problems.

 First of all, Liu Xuewei and Xie Lirong, as husband and wife, have no feeling of husband and wife relationship at all.

 It’s more like one person is claiming another person’s benefit.

in addition.

 As the father-in-law, Xie An is going to kill someone just because of a small conflict?

 Would it be too much from this point of view?

 Looking at the bright side...Xie Lirong just wants a divorce and obtains property.

 But how many possibilities are there if you think about the worst?

In this case, before the case broke out, Xie Lirong had been making divorce and dividing her property.

 Xie Lirong’s family also had a very bad attitude towards Liu Xuewei.

  The purpose was also to obtain property from Liu Xuewei.

So is there a possibility that, as Xie Lirong's father, he killed Liu Xuewei?

 Liu Xuewei’s property will all belong to Xie Lirong.

It also needs to be understood whether there is such a possibility in the motive for killing Liu Xuewei.

Thinking of this, Su Bai took a deep breath:

“The situation involved in this case is relatively complicated.”

  “Because the relationships involved…are all closely related by blood.”

“There are various possibilities, but I haven’t confirmed the specific possibilities, so it’s not convenient to say more here.”

“It may be necessary to wait until the file is obtained. Further confirmation can be made through the investigation of the case by law enforcement officers on the file.”

Hearing Su Bai’s answer, Liu Xuezhi nodded:

 “Okay Lawyer Su, please trouble Lawyer Su.”


 After leaving the client's home, Su Bai took a long breath.

 On the side, Li Xuezhen was listening to the questions from Su Bai and the victim’s family.

 Aware of the problem, he couldn’t help but ask:

 “Lawyer Su...”

 “This case...I always feel that something is wrong.”

“I always feel that the circumstances involved in this case are strange.”

Su Bai nodded: "The situation involved in this case is a bit special."

“According to the circumstances stated by the victim, if the victim was killed because of some minor friction on the surface.”

"So what is Xie An's purpose for doing this? Just to give his daughter a way to vent her anger?"

“From the perspective of the motive for committing the crime, this reason is too far-fetched.”

“Well...the motive for committing the crime is indeed too far-fetched. It seems more like it was done on purpose.”

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously and looked up at Su Bai, who had a serious face.

“Lawyer Su, what should we do next?”

“Let’s go to the court first to see the specific criminal investigation process.”

“If you don’t read the dossier, you certainly won’t understand the corresponding factual process.”

“With the dossier, we can have a better direction.”

 “Oh, good Lawyer Su.”

Li Xuezhen nodded and followed Su Bai with small steps.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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