As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 462: The final penalty, the justice that has been waiting for many years has come!

 Chapter 462 The final sentence, the justice that has been waiting for many years has come!

 In fact, in this second trial, Su Bai, as the plaintiff, was very well prepared in terms of facts and evidence.

 The first instance rejected his lawsuit simply because it involved the content of the Constitution.

Now that there is guidance from the Supreme Court, the second instance trial only needs to be conducted in accordance with the guidance of the Supreme Court.

The result of this trial will definitely be that the plaintiff wins.

 There will be no other circumstances or objections.

 Zhou Liang knew this very well in his heart.

 With the guidance of the Supreme Court's documents, as the defendant, they basically have no other conditions for winning the case.

According to the Supreme Court documents, the presiding judge determined that Ye Meizhen violated Liu Wenya’s right to education.

 This has become a fact and a foregone conclusion, leaving no room for them to refute.

 But then again.

 Ye Meizhen still needs to understand this matter.

So, Zhou Liang handed the guidance document of the Supreme Court to Ye Meizhen.

 Ye Meizhen frowned after briefly scanning the contents of the guidance document.

Although she doesn’t understand the law.

 But her husband is a staff member working in the court.

Ye Meizhen also knows very well how the Supreme Court will guide the case.

 Then the punishment needs to be based on the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the case.


 Liu Wenya’s case actually received guidance from the Supreme Court?

 And the content of the guidance is inclined to judge Liu Wenya to win the case.

Ye Meizhen was a little surprised, but at the same time she was very clear about this second instance case.

 She is likely to lose the case.

A hint of displeasure appeared on his face unconsciously.

This displeasure stemmed from Ye Meizhen’s original belief that Liu Wenya could only accept the penalty of the first instance in this case.

 But now there is a sudden reversal.

This huge reversal caught her off guard.

 It is equivalent to a person she originally hated very much, but now his life is much better than her.

This was completely unacceptable to Ye Meizhen.

To the side, Zhou Liang spoke in a low voice: "The Supreme Court has now given guidance on this case."

“The probability of winning our case is very low... The Provincial Court is very likely to agree to all the plaintiff’s claims.”

 “Well…we still have to be mentally prepared.”

 Ye Meizhen nodded: "I know."

“With the guidance of the Supreme Court, we are still leaning towards the plaintiff.”

 “If we lose this case, let’s lose it.”

  ….But let’s try to recover the losses as much as possible.”

“I don’t want to see the plaintiff on the opposite side step on me too much in this case.”

"okay, I get it."

Zhou Liang nodded and spoke.

 Judging from the current situation, there is no possibility of winning this case.

 The defense can only be made from the point of recovering losses.

 At the judgment seat.

 Duan Chaohai, as the presiding judge, continues to preside over this trial.

 The progress of this court hearing is relatively fast.

 Judgment completed.

 It has entered the final stage of the trial, the court statement stage.

As long as both parties have completed their court statements, the case is considered to have been concluded at the second instance stage.

Duan Chaohai briefly sorted out the defense materials from all parties just now.

 Then he looked at the defendant’s seat:

“Have the defendants read the Supreme Court’s guidance just now?”

“Do you have any objections to the judgment of this court?”

 Zhou Liang: “We have just read the guidance of the Supreme Court and have no objection to the judgment of the Supreme Court.”

“Since there is no objection, let’s start the final part of the trial, the court statement.”

 “Now let the defendant begin his court statement.”

 The gavel fell, and Duan Chaohai looked towards the defendant's seat.

As the defendant’s attorney, Zhou Liang didn’t know what to say in court.

This trial mainly focused on the fact that the plaintiff’s facts and evidence were very conclusive, and there was also the intervention of the Supreme Court.

 Everything that needs to be judged has already been judged.

Ye Meizhen’s requirement to reduce losses as much as possible is mainly reflected in the loss of compensation amount.

 Hence Zhou Liang can only make a statement in court from this point:

 “Presiding Judge.”

“Our court brief is as follows.”

“The main content of our court statement is still reflected in the amount of compensation.”

“It is believed that the amount of compensation requested by the plaintiff is too high and does not meet the corresponding legal requirements.”

“Based on the content of the plaintiff’s complaint.”

“The main content of the accusation is only one point.”

“That is our client Ye Meizhen, who replaced the plaintiff Liu Wenya in school.”

“By infringing on his right to name, Liu Wenya’s right to education was violated.”

 “At this point, our client understands that what he did was wrong.”

“But as for the issue raised by the plaintiff, the amount of compensation.”

“We believe that at this point, more than 120,000 yuan is too high, because we have only violated the right to a name and the right to education.”

“In other aspects, such as labor work, etc., they are our labor income generated by our own labor ability.”

“So if we apply, the amount of compensation can be slightly reduced.”

 “The above is our court statement.”

 After Zhou Liang finished his statement, he specifically glanced at Ye Meizhen's position.

Seeing that Ye Meizhen didn't speak, he didn't say much.

 By entrusting this trial, to be honest, he betrayed Wang Qirui.

 The reason why he worked so **** this case was because he was worried that Ye Meizhen’s family would have a certain impact on him and his law firm because of this case.

Now whether it is a defense or a court statement, as an entrusted lawyer, Zhou Liang has fulfilled his responsibilities.

As long as Ye Meizhen doesn’t blame the lawyer for not doing enough.

Then his responsibility as Ye Meizhen’s lawyer has been completed.



 At the end of the statement by the lawyer entrusted by the defendant, Duan Chaohai asked Su Bai to start making a statement in court.

 For the results of the second trial.

 To be honest, it was within Su Bai's expectation. Moreover, various litigation defenses progressed very smoothly during this trial.

 Court presentations.

Su Bai prefers to describe what Liu Wenya has faced over the years.

To obtain the presiding judge’s preference for the amount of compensation, he spoke:

 “Presiding Judge.”

“The amount of compensation we request is very reasonable, and we have listed the reasons for various compensation amounts in detail in the submitted materials.”

“In the statement of this case, we would like to state what happened to our client.”

“Yes, court statements can be made as long as they do not deviate from the content of the trial.”

 Duan Chaohai nodded and gestured for Su Bai to continue.

Su Bai continued to speak:

“Our client was replaced by the defendant Ye Meizhen in college many years ago.”

“In this process, the people involved include the defendant Ye Meizhen, the defendant’s father Ye Yuancheng, and others.”

“They all concealed the fact that we were admitted to university in order to benefit the defendant Ye Meizhen, which should have belonged to our client Liu Wenya’s educational interests.”

 “In some ways, this is fraudulent.”

“After many years, our client learned the truth, but it was already too late.”

“Now our client is a housewife, what is the reason for becoming a housewife?”

“The main reason is that I lost my right to education.”

  “leading to today’s results.”

“Although this causal relationship may not be recognized legally, it is a de facto causal relationship.”

“And what about Ye Meizhen, the defendant? With the help of her university degree, she successfully entered an establishment position in the city.”

“Here I would like to ask, if Ye Meizhen did not enter the university instead of our client, then if she was not a university student at the time, would she be able to join the establishment position in the city at that time?”


“Because the defendant, Ye Meizhen, relied on her undergraduate qualifications to enter the city’s establishment positions.”

“From this point of view, Ye Meizhen replaced our client and violated our client’s right to education.”

 “That’s why I have the life I have today.”

“Comparatively speaking, the life of our client and the life of the defendant have undergone earth-shaking changes because he did not enter college.”

“It can be said that the defendant Ye Meizhen replaced our client Liu Wenya’s life.”

“From this point of view, we believe that the amount of compensation we request is not large.”

“And what our client is asking for is justice, what she should have received, what she should have received many years ago.”

 “This was originally her life.”

“Now that her life has been deprived of her, is she only asking for compensation of more than 120,000 yuan?”

“Whether it is from a personal perspective or a legal perspective, these compensations are reasonable.”

“We hope that the presiding judge can consider the legal causation from many aspects before making a determination.”

“Presiding judge, the above is our court statement.”

Su Bai’s court statement described Liu Wenya’s current situation.

 At the end of the day...

The case of Liu Wenya arose because Ye Yuandong asked his daughter Ye Meizhen to go to college instead of Liu Wenya.

 If it weren’t for this incident, there would be no such situation today.

 Is 120,000 a lot?

If Ye Meizhen were asked to exchange Liu Wenya's life for 120,000 yuan, would she be willing?

 Definitely not!

 Another point is that compensation is not an exorbitant price.

Rather, reasonable claims for compensation shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the law.

 The plaintiff’s litigation applications are within the reasonable scope of the law.

  There are no other situations.

 Completed the court statement in Su Bai.

  All aspects of this trial are considered over.

At the presiding judge's seat, Duan Chaohai, as the presiding judge, knocked the gavel and directly announced the closure of the court.

 It also stated that the judgment result will be issued together with the judgment within seven working days.


 After the verdict, Su Bai took a long breath, judging from the current situation.

 The judgment of the second instance was undoubtedly in favor of the plaintiff.

 Generally speaking, it is not difficult to achieve client Liu Wenya’s litigation claims.

 Liu Wenya appeared in court as a party and could clearly feel the presiding judge's tendency to make a decision in this trial.

 A smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

On the other side, Ye Meizhen's face was not very pretty, and she walked out of the courtroom with a serious look.

Looking at Ye Meizhen’s leaving figure, Li Xuezhen whispered:

“The defendant, Ye Meizhen, went to college instead of someone else and deprived others of their right to education.”

“Now that we have won the case, it’s as if we owe her...”

Su Bai heard Li Xuezhen's whisper, smiled and said nothing.

how to say.…

 This is a typical case where taking advantage is not enough, thinking that what you get now is what you deserve.

 To put it bluntly, it is selfishness.

Of course, if Ye Meizhen had not been selfish, she would not have chosen to go to college instead of Liu Wenya.

But now, no matter how angry Ye Meizhen is, the verdict of this case has been handed down.

 Follow up.…

 In terms of compensation, you can apply to the court for enforcement.

 As for the fact that Liu Wenya has been deprived of her right to education, she can file a request with the local administrative department.

They also raised the issue of canceling Ye Meizhen’s student status to the university where Ye Meizhen attended.

 all all all all all together.

 In short, after the judgment is issued, Liu Wenya can petition the law and request the departments at all levels to give her justice for being replaced in the university!

Even if Ye Meizhen expresses her dissatisfaction at the court hearing, or psychologically, she does not agree with the penalty result.

 But the fact of the penalty is the fact.

 This cannot be changed.

 “Ignore the rest for now.”

“Wait a few more days, and after the verdict is handed down, we can ask administrative departments at all levels to give Ms. Liu justice.”

Su Bai smiled and spoke.

Besides, Li Xuezhen and Liu Wenya had a slight smile on their faces.

 One is the joy of finally winning the case and getting the desired result.

 The other one is that in this case, he has been waiting for so many years.

 Having gone through so many things, I want to get some justice.

 It’s finally here!

 Liu Wenya was very excited at this time, when she heard Su Bai said that justice was coming.

 There is even an urge to cry...



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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