As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 425: Revealing the verdict, the entire network boycotted, and the defendant

Chapter 425: The verdict was revealed and the whole network boycotted it. The defendant: Am I going to die?

 From the perspective of the entire trial.

 At different moments of the trial, Li Han's psychological changes were different.

 At the beginning when the defendant makes sophistry.

 What Li Han was thinking about was that this court trial might be over again.

 But who could have thought...

 When it comes to determining Jordan’s name rights later.

The presiding judge actually chose to listen to the plaintiff’s statement?

 From the first trial to this final trial, it took so long...

 The case was lost in the first instance and in the second instance.

to be honest.…

Now I heard Su Bai say that the final judgment may agree to all their claims.

Li Han still felt a little unbelievable in his heart.

However, this state only lasted a few seconds.

Soon, Li Han recovered his emotions, faced Su Bai and said with a smile:

 “Lawyer Su...”

“I will convey to Mr. Jordan, Attorney Su, your contribution in this trial.”

“Thank you, Lawyer Su, for entrusting us with the final trial of this case.”

 “Looking forward to the issuance of the judgment, which will rule us in favor of the case, and we can celebrate together when the time comes.”


Su Bai smiled and nodded.

This trial is being heard in the Supreme Court and is already final. The defendant cannot appeal again.

If the presiding judge agrees with all the plaintiff’s claims.

So this time, the legal fees he received were also sky-high legal fees.

In general.…

 Whether it is him and Bai Jun Law Firm, or Li Han and Jordan himself.

  have obtained their due rights and interests.


Su Bai recited silently.



It’s just that compared to Su Bai, the condition of the general manager’s office of Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. is not very good.

 Watching the defense in the live broadcast room of the trial, and now entering the closed court.

 Xu Fei's face was very ugly.

He just doesn’t understand the law, but he can still read the barrage!

 What was said on the barrage?

 The barrage directly stated that the court was closed to discuss the lawsuit application.

  And there are many people who understand the law in the barrage who have speculated on the corresponding verdict.

 The speculated result is that Jordan’s right to his name will definitely be recognized in the judgment.

It may be denied that the plaintiff's claim has infringed Jordan's image rights.


 Even if the right of portrait proposed by the plaintiff is denied.

 However, based on the actual situation, the plaintiff’s claim will still be accepted.

ˆ Jordan Sports Co., Ltd., this name must be changed.

 The listing plan must also be shelved.

 These are what Xu Fei saw on the barrage.

 When he saw these barrages, Yu Fei felt a little more irritated.

 Turning his head to look at his legal director, his voice was a little cold:

“Director Lin... do you think the verdict of this trial will accept the plaintiff’s claims?”

Lin Hai looked up at Xu Fei and sighed inwardly.

how to say.…

 Previously he may have thought that there was still a slight chance of defending the case.

 But the court is now closed, judging from the defense just now.

 The verdict should not be much different from what was stated in the barrage.

 Lying about this matter has no effect, so for Xu Fei’s inquiry.

Lin Hai could only speak truthfully:

“Mr. Xu...I didn’t expect this case to have such an outcome.”

“I personally think that the plaintiff’s claims may be adopted.”

“However, for the time being, the Supreme Court has not issued a relevant judgment on this case.”

 “No one knows how to judge specifically.”

 Xu Fei glanced at Lin Hai coldly, knowing that training Lin Hai now would have no effect.

 What he should consider now is if this case is really judged in the end that Jordan Sports Company needs to bear certain legal responsibilities and needs to change the company's name.

 How will he explain to other shareholders? to explain to investors?

 Either of these two things, it is a very, very troublesome matter.

 But now there is something to be thankful for.

 The main business of sales has not been damaged yet.

 The basic market is now considered to be preserved.

 Now... we can only wait for the final judgment of the Supreme Court.



 Bai Jun Law Firm.

 It has been several days since the court was closed.

 The court has now issued the relevant judgment.

 The verdict is expected to arrive today.

 So...Su Bai asked Li Xuezhen to notify Li Han in advance and ask her to come to the law firm to collect the judgment.

 In the office.

Su Bai took the express document and handed it to Li Han:

“This express delivery contains the judgment, please open it and read it yourself.”


Li Han opened the judgment and then began to read the contents of the judgment.

The content of the judgment was relatively complicated. Li Han glanced at it briefly, and then looked directly at the final judgment conditions—

  "Judgment that Jordan has the right to his "Jordan" name."

“The judgment rejects the plaintiff’s determination that the trademark of Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. infringes Jordan’s image rights.”

 “Agree with the content of the plaintiff’s claim.”

“Dismiss all the defendant’s claims.”


 Seeing these key words, Li Han's expression revealed a hint of joy. Immediately afterwards, he handed the verdict to Su Bai and kept saying:

“Lawyer Su, please take a look at the contents of the judgment.”

“Lawyer Su took over this case. Lawyer Su, you should also take a look at the verdict.”

 From Li Han's expression, it is not difficult to see what is contained in the verdict.

Su Bai took the judgment and glanced through it. The verdict in the judgment was the same as he expected.

Although this claim against Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. for infringing Jordan's image rights was dismissed.

  However, in terms of demands, basically all the demands of the plaintiff were met.

how to say.…

 Although there are some problems in the process, the results are good.

Su Bai handed the verdict back to Li Han: "With this verdict."

“When the execution time comes, you can apply to the Executive Board for execution.”

 “As for Mr. Jordan’s appeal, it can be considered that it has been resolved.”

Li Han nodded, with a hint of excitement in his expression:

“Thank you, Lawyer Su. Regarding the legal fees for this lawsuit, since the amount involved is relatively large, we will pay it into the account of Bai Jun Law Firm next month.”


While Su Bai nodded, Li Han continued to speak, seemingly complaining that winning the trial was not easy.

 At the same time, we also asked about some relevant legal content.

“Our court trial with Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. has been going on for such a long time.”

“I contacted Mr. Jordan just after the final trial, and Mr. Jordan also asked me to express my special thanks to Lawyer Su.”

“And Mr. Jordan will issue a document to clarify that he has no relationship with Jordan Sports Co., Ltd.”

“I would like to ask Lawyer Su, do you need to pay attention to anything when publishing this document? Should you avoid some legal matters?”

Hearing Li Han’s question, Su Bai smiled and shook his head:

  “Even if you publish in advance, there is nothing to avoid.”

“Because Mr. Jordan is clarifying his own matters and not slandering Jordan Sports Co., Ltd.”

“Now Qiaodan Sports Co., Ltd. has clearly infringed on Mr. Jordan’s right to name, and this has been determined by the Supreme Court.”

“Publishing a post normally without deliberately defaming it will have no other impact.”

Hearing Su Bai’s words, Li Han nodded:

 “Okay, I understand, Lawyer Su.”

 Continued to have certain discussions on related cases.

After Li Han walked out of Bai Jun Law Firm, he took a deep breath.

 As Jordan's domestic attorney, she has been following this case for nearly three years!

 At the beginning, the complaint was made to the General Administration of Industry and Commerce, but it was not handled and went through the first and second trials.

 Now...finally we have some results!

  This is a very important thing for both her and Jordan.

“The next step is to release a clarification video and seek clarification from the media.”

 Li Han thought silently in his heart.

 In previous agency negotiations, Li Han had negotiated with Qiaodan Sports Co., Ltd. many times.

Has also negotiated a lot of content.

For example, negotiate with Jordan Sports to issue a statement to publicly apologize.

  In other words, sports brands named after Jordan are suspended.

However, Jordan Sports is very confident in litigating.

  Has been refusing to negotiate.

 Now...the tide has turned.

 Li Han had a smile on his face, and then began to prepare for Jordan to issue a clarification and contact relevant media for reports.



ˆ˜Jordan’s clarification statement was relatively influential.

after all.…

In the perception of most people in the domestic community, Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. and Jordan, the basketball star, are inextricably linked.

 But who could have imagined that what Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. did was illegal and infringed on the name rights of others?

 After Li Han contacted the media and disclosed some of the contents of the judgment.

 There was a fierce debate and abuse against Jordan on the Internet.

 The main content is to scold Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. for being shameless and infringing on other people’s name rights. I have been buying Jordan products for so many years and I feel like I have been deceived!

What's more, it was discovered that Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. deliberately interacted unilaterally with Jordan when it was marketing many years ago.

  And the evidence was disclosed on the Internet.

 Suddenly, the Internet was full of opinions boycotting the illegal behavior of Jordan Sports Co., Ltd.

  General Manager Office of Jordan Sports Co., Ltd.

Xu Fei flicked his phone and saw that Jordan's infringement had become a hot search topic.

 And brands that compete with Jordan have been promoting their own brands during the hot search period.

  Expand its sales channels.

 Xu Fei’s face was very ugly. Judging from the sales data in recent days, the feedback from all aspects was very bad.

 Many sales channels have suffered a lot of boycotts, and the reputation of several popular sports brands sold by Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. has also been damaged to a certain extent.

 The turnover cannot be said to be completely gone, but it has dropped sharply by 1/3!

 Xu Fei was feeling extremely irritable at this time.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and his assistant walked in.

Seeing Xu Fei's irritable expression, he cautiously said: "Mr. Xu..."

“There was a not-so-good email from the legal department.”

 Xu Fei looked up at his assistant: "Not a good email?"

“Isn’t the verdict already out? Are there any not-so-good emails?”

The assistant continued: "You sent this from the Legal Department, Mr. Xu, do you want to take a look for yourself?"

"give it to me."

Xu Fei frowned slightly and took the email. The court's judgment had already been issued. What bad consequences would there be?

 But when Xu Fei opened the email, his brows furrowed even more.

 Because the content of the email is a notice sent by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Notify Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. of infringement of Jordan’s right to name.

 Requires the name to be changed within a certain period of time.

 Otherwise, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce will punish Jordan Sports Co., Ltd. and restrict its company name.

Xu Fei was stunned for a moment when he saw the content of the email. Why did the email from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce come so quickly? !

 And only gave three months to change the name!

Isn’t this going to kill their company? ! .


 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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