As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 380: Court trial, audience: After listening to the detailed process, this

Chapter 380 Court trial, audience: After hearing the detailed story, this defendant really deserves to die!

This case entrusted by Yang Tiejun is approaching the eve of the trial.

Su Bai has made all the preparations.

 In fact, the main focus of this trial is still on the prosecution’s accusation.

 According to what Su Bai knows.

This time, the prosecutor in the trial also took this case very seriously.

 And he advocates strongly recommending the death penalty!

 Of course...Although the collegial panel will focus on hearing the opinions of the prosecutor, the opinions of all parties need to be synthesized.

 So...the judgment of this case still needs to rely on the court's point of view.

in addition.…

During this period, Wang He approached Yang Tiejun many times and wanted to get a letter of understanding.

  Used to reduce penalties.

 But they were all rejected by Yang Tiejun.

There were four criminals in total this time, and the family members of the other three criminals also approached Yang Tiejun, hoping for forgiveness.

 However, the family members of the other three criminals also chose to give up after Yang Tiechun refused.

 No one is as persistent as Wang He.

 Even offered a compensation of 3 million yuan and asked for a letter of understanding.

However, even though Wang He was very persistent in getting the letter of understanding and the price reached 3 million, Yang Tiejun still refused.


 Because he knew that after getting the letter of understanding, Wang He would use the letter of understanding as an excuse to exonerate Wang Wenyuan!

 What does this equate to?

It is equivalent to Yang Tiejun taking this money, which is equivalent to taking 3 million to buy the lives of his son and daughter-in-law!

 Why do you agree?

Definitely cannot agree!

 Besides, his daughter-in-law’s parents have passed away, so he is equivalent to his daughter-in-law’s biological father!

 Can he do this?

It would be **** her conscience to do this!

He is so old, why does he need money? He doesn't want money, he just wants the other party to get the punishment he deserves!

 Let’s talk again!

 This case was proposed by Wang Wenyuan to find some excitement and find the home of his son and daughter-in-law!

 Equivalent to the principal criminal!

Yang Tiejun will never forgive this kind of principal culprit!

Yang Tiejun never understood this matter, which gave Wang He a great headache.

 Within the company.

Wang He looked at the lawyer he hired from a well-known domestic criminal law firm at a huge price.

He rubbed his brows and said, "Lawyer Wu, the victim's family has always refused to understand."

 “Will this have a big impact?”

 Wu Zhen nodded: "This will have a certain impact."

Wang He frowned after hearing Wu Zhen's words.

Wu Zhen was a relatively well-known criminal lawyer whom he hired from several red-circle firms in China at a large price.

 In this lawsuit, he also knew that the lawyer entrusted by the victim was a well-known lawyer in the country.

If you don’t hire a better lawyer, you have no chance of winning the case in court.

 Wenyuan...may be the end.

 That old friend also said it before.

 The court hearing must be based on the law, so he needs to make use of this legal criterion.

 A suspended death sentence.

 As long as the death penalty is not imposed, everything has a chance.

He was sentenced to death with a reprieve, and then he could slowly fish his son out.

 So this is why he wants to find a relatively powerful criminal lawyer.

Although Wu Zhen is not as well-known as Su Bai, he has consulted friends in the court.

 criminal lawyers mainly play a supporting role in court trials.

 As long as the key points can be explained clearly and convinced by the chief judge, it can influence the subjective judgment of the judge.

 Then the case is considered a win!

 But after hearing what Wu Zhen said, Wang He felt uncertain.


 Wu Zhen also understood what the client in front of him was thinking about.

 Slow down for a few seconds and then spoke: "There will indeed be a certain impact if there is no letter of understanding."

“But the main key point in this case is whether the court will decide whether Wang Wenyuan is the principal culprit.”

“There is also what the court thinks about the circumstances of surrender.”

“Generally speaking, it cannot be said that it is 100% guaranteed that the death sentence will be suspended, but there is still a high possibility that the death sentence will be suspended.”

Hearing this, Wang He felt relieved instantly: "Okay, then I'll trouble Lawyer Wu to take care of this case."

 “You’re welcome, this is what I should do.”

Wu Zhen nodded.



Soon, a trial was held at the Dashui City Intermediate Court regarding this brutal home invasion, forcible sexual intercourse, and murder.

 And because the social impact involved in this case is extremely bad.

 As for the court leadership, in order to eliminate this bad influence, they actively chose to hear the case in public.

 At the court hearing.

 After all parties enter the court.

Sitting on the presiding judge's seat is Lu Penghui, the deputy president of the Dashui Intermediate Court in charge of the criminal department.

As the presiding judge of this case, when Lu Penghui learned about this case, his first reaction was that he had never encountered such a severe punishment case in so many years!

Such severe criminal cases are rare.

 General severe punishment cases only involve one or two severe punishments.

 But this trial has already involved many kinds of things!

 The first group broke into a house and robbed it, and several people forced the woman to have **** and killed her afterwards.

 And killed two people!

  Extremely cruel methods were used in the process.

 This kind of nature is very, very bad!

 In this case, it can be said that the four defendants are very likely to be sentenced to death.

 At least that was Lu Pengfei’s first reaction when he saw the detailed process of this case and the objective evidence materials submitted.

Lu Penghui sat on the presiding judge's seat, briefly sorted out the materials in front of him, and struck the hammer.

 “The court is in session!”

“In this court hearing, the Dashui City Intermediate People’s Court initiated a public prosecution against the defendants, Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali, Yu Wei, and Wang Wenyuan, for home invasion and robbery, group forcing others to have sex, and intentional cruelty to murder.”

“Now the court will further confirm the specific circumstances.”

“Does the defendant have any objection to the crimes charged by the prosecutor, Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali, Yu Wei, Wang Wenyuan and the other four persons?”

 Zhang Liang, Zhang Dali and Yu Wei's family is an ordinary urban family in Dashui City.

 The three of them all followed Wang Wenyuan.

 In this court hearing, except for Wang Wenyuan.

 The family members of the other three people consulted lawyers and friends.

 Learned that the cost of defense was tens of thousands of dollars.

And it was not certain that he could win the case, so he only found the assistance lawyer arranged by the court.

 As for the crimes charged by the prosecutor, both the defendant and the lawyer appointed by the defendant admitted their crimes.

 Because there is absolutely no escape from these crimes. The facts of the crime are there and there is no room for refutation.

 After confirming that he had no objection to the crime, Lu Penghui continued:

“Based on the evidence provided by the prosecutor and the criminal’s confession.”

 “Now for further confirmation.”

“Can the defendant Zhang Liang describe in detail the specific circumstances of the incident?”

“For example, who took the initiative to sneak into the victim Yang Fan’s home, and what was the reason for it.”

“The specific process of committing the crime and who raised the crime.”

  Mention yourself in court in front of the presiding judge.

As the oldest defendant in this case, Zhang Liang originally lowered his head, but after hearing Lu Penghui’s question, he raised his head and looked at the presiding judge’s seat:

“President, I need to explain this slowly.”

"Well... you can explain slowly, but I may interrupt you to ask other questions halfway. Please be mentally prepared and continue talking."

After Lu Penghui finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Liang and listened to his continued statement.

 Zhang Liang nodded: "Before the incident, the other three people and I were in a good relationship."

“To put it bluntly, we are equivalent to young people in society, the kind who don’t do serious business.”

“On the day of the incident, the four of us didn’t know what to do, and then Wang Wenyuan wanted to have some excitement.”

“We were asked if we dared to go to other people’s houses to grab something.” “Actually, we didn’t dare at the time because it was too bad to go to other people’s houses and grab things in front of them, and we all knew it was not good.”

“But Wang Wenyuan kept saying that he promised there would be no problem, because we all listened to Wang Wenyuan, and then everyone agreed.”

“Wang Wenyuan said that he knew a family whose house was far away from the village. He said that he knew about this family’s situation and that they had just gotten married.”

"When he got married, he saw the bride at home. She was quite beautiful, and he could tease her when the time came."

“We had promised Wang Wenyuan to go away, but we were even more excited when we heard that there was a beautiful bride.”

“After hearing that we all agreed, Wang Wenyuan drove us there in his car.”

“The whole road is not far, and the drive takes less than half an hour, probably more than 20 minutes.”

“Then we climbed over the wall and entered Yang Fan’s house.”


 Lv Penghui interrupted Zhang Liang’s statement at the trial table:

“Then what was your motive for committing the crime? Why did you brutally kill someone in the end?”

 Zhang Liang said: “Our motive at that time was to find some excitement.”

“The main thing is Wang Wenyuan’s proposal. Maybe Wang Wenyuan wanted to tease his wife.”

"He wanted to deliberately drag us into the water. I didn't figure it out until later."

“After we broke into Yang Fan’s house, we found that Yang Fan and his wife were both at home.”

“Wang Wenyuan originally went to tease his wife, and then we controlled Yang Fan and his wife under Wang Wenyuan’s command.”

“Originally we thought Wang Wenyuan just wanted to tease Yang Fan and his wife, and we would leave after teasing him.”

“But we didn’t expect that when Yang Fan saw Wang Wenyuan teasing his wife, he would forcefully break free from our control.”

“He even hit Zhang Dali and slapped him **** the face.”

“After Zhang Dali was beaten, he felt angry, so he beat Yang Fan. Several of us participated in the beating process.”

"At this time, everyone's nature has changed. Zhang Dali proposed that he has been beaten since he was beaten, and he must relieve his anger."

“I wanted to force Yang Fan’s wife Hu Yunyun in front of Yang Fan. I wanted to let Yang Fan watch his wife being forced... to stimulate Yang Fan and relieve his anger.”

At this time, Lu Penghui was sitting on the bench, and then asked another question:

“Zhang Dali proposed to force Yang Fan’s wife Hu Yunyun in front of Yang Fan. What did you and the other two do?”

“We were also very angry at Yang Fan for beating people, so we all acquiesced.”

“So you and others have had a relationship with Hu Yunyun?”


“We forced Hu Yunyun in front of Yang Fan.”

“We **** Yang Fan’s hands and feet at that time. Seeing Yang Fan’s painful expression, Zhang Dali was very excited.”


 Zhang Liang knew that all the confessions in this case were conclusive.

 These are what he stated when he was interrogated.

Even if he didn't state it now, the presiding judge wouldn't believe his other remarks, so he might as well just say them outright.

But when Zhang Liang made his statement, the entire court hearing fell into silence.

  At the seat of the victim's family, Yang Tiejun's eyes turned red when he heard this process.

 What on earth did his son and daughter-in-law do wrong?…

 Plunging into the process of the statement, he could feel the powerless despair of his son and daughter-in-law.

Thinking of this, Yang Tiejun looked at the defendant's seat with hatred in his eyes.

The death penalty, everyone must be sentenced to death!



 At the court hearing, Lu Penghui continued to ask:

“Then during the specific implementation process, Hu Yunyun didn’t resist?”


“When Zhang Dali took off her clothes, Hu Yunyun resisted, but Zhang Dali slapped her twice and warned Hu Yunyun that if she resisted, Yang Fan would be tortured.”

“At that time, Zhang Dali retaliated out of anger and shocked Hu Yunyun, and even scratched a deep scar on Yang Fan’s arm.”

“Hu Yunyun saw that Zhang Dali was so angry, so he could only agree to cooperate with us and beg us not to hurt Yang Fan.”

“Then how exactly does it work? Why are there so many scars on Hu Yunyun’s body?”

Hearing Lu Penghui’s inquiry, Zhang Liang continued to answer relevant questions.

“The reason why there are so many scars on Hu Yunyun’s body is Wang Wenyuan’s fault.”

“At the beginning, Wang Wenyuan’s purpose was to tease Hu Yunyun. After he succeeded, Wang Wenyuan wanted to vent his emotions.”

“Then he proposed some new tricks, and we all agreed, so there were a lot of scars.”

 “What about killing people?”

“Who proposed the killing? Who advocated it? What was the torture of Hu Yunyun after the killing?”

 In response to this question, Zhang Liang was silent for a few seconds, then turned his head and glanced at Zhang Dali and Wang Wenyuan.

“Originally, none of us thought about killing people, but when we were having fun.”

“Maybe Yang Fan couldn’t stand it anymore, because Hu Yunyun was tortured very badly by us at that time.”

“Yang Fan kept screaming in pain and warned us that what we did was a serious crime.”

“If you are caught, you are likely to go to jail, and a very serious jail sentence.”

 “We are all worried about this kind of thing.”

“Especially Hu Yunyun may have recognized Wang Wenyuan. It was Zhang Dali who suggested killing people and silencing them. Wang Wenyuan was the first to agree, and Yu Wei also agreed.”

"Originally I proposed to refuse, but Wang Wenyuan told me that if I refused and left now, then the three of them would all believe that it was me who had the idea to kill the person, and it was also me who proposed it."

“There is no other way, so I agreed.”

“After the decision was made, Wang Wenyuan and Zhang Dali pulled Yang Fan to another room and killed him.”

“Yu Wei and I also helped out at that time.”

“Immediately afterwards, Wang Wenyuan and Zhang Dali came to the room where Hu Yunyun was and began to torture Hu Yunyun.”

“And tell Hu Yunyun that if Hu Yunyun doesn’t obey or cooperate, they will kill Yang Fan now.”


 The rest of Zhang Liang's description basically describes the process of torturing Hu Yunyun, as well as everyone's subjective behavior.

 For these things, Zhang Liang's description was very clear and objective, and it was basically consistent with other people's confessions.

 Only when Zhang Liang was describing.

Yang Tiejun, who was sitting at the seat of the victim's family, couldn't sit still anymore. He slammed the table in front of him and roared loudly: "Beast!"

 “Are you people still human?”

 “It’s simply worse than a pig or a dog!”

Those who are watching this live broadcast, some people can’t stand this description.

ˆ He kept yelling in the live broadcast: "These four criminal suspects should be sentenced to death. I even think the death penalty is cheaper for them!"


“To be honest, when I heard the details of this case, I almost couldn’t stand listening to it.”

“Using the feelings of husband and wife to torture each other.”

“Even asking the bride to cooperate in various ways, and if she doesn’t cooperate, her husband will be killed.”

"The bride has sacrificed a lot for her husband's life. She would rather be tortured than refuse these requests, just to hope that her husband can survive."

 “Just this little bit of hope.”

 “What about the reality? The reality is that her husband has long since died.”

“This whole process is really cruel. It’s no wonder that the family members at the family table reprimanded him in court. Who can endure this situation?”

“In my case, I would love to take revenge on these criminal suspects one by one!”

“Indeed, these defendants must be sentenced to death, especially Zhang Dali and Wang Wenyuan!”

“I think these two people have lost their humanity!”

“You deserve to die because such a vicious incident happened just because you wanted to tease someone’s wife!”


The barrage of the live broadcast of the court hearing was full of angrily cursing the defendant.

Everyone who is watching the live trial is very angry and angry.

 Because the four defendants have completely exceeded the bottom line of human nature!

 Su Bai was sitting in the seat of the victim's lawyer in the court hearing.

 I felt the same way when I heard what the defendant described.

 Four suspects sitting in the defendant's seat today.

 Being sentenced to death is actually not excessive at all!

The means are excessively cruel, which is also a condition for a heavy sentence during the trial!

And the criminal behavior of the four people on the defendant's bench was already a particularly cruel manifestation.

Su Bai raised his head and looked at the presiding judge's seat.

 At this time, the presiding judge is sitting on the seat.

Lu Penghui also looked serious and silent when listening to Zhang Liang's answers to his questions.



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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