As a Lawyer, You Sent the Judge In?

Chapter 378: Disappeared couple, death penalty, all defendants died

Chapter 378: Disappeared couple, death penalty, all defendants are sentenced to death!

 In fact, since the case of Xu Xingwang became a big issue, public opinion on the Internet has not stopped.

 Especially the public opinion directed at Wang Fang.

 Various situations have occurred.

 There were even some people who had been tried by Wang Fang.

Made a real-name statement on the short video, accusing Wang Fang of using illegal behaviors during his trial!

 What does it mean to speak out under a real name?

  It means that you are willing to bear all the legal consequences for your voice!

 This is also a resolute attitude that shows on the Internet that one has indeed suffered from this kind of thing.

 With the gradual fermentation of public opinion.

It can be said that Wang Fang is now on the cusp of a storm.

Even if Wang Fang appeals, it is impossible for him to be acquitted or have his sentence reduced.

ˆ And.

Wang Fang has not only been involved in an unjust, false and wrong case or an illegal procedure over the years.

 But more than one!

 This nature is very serious.

Su Bai also knew about Wang Fang's appeal to the second instance, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

 Because in Su Bai's view, the first instance sentence was four years in prison.

To be honest, this sentence is not particularly serious.

You should know that... there is no problem in determining that the circumstances are serious.

 There is no problem either from a subjective point of view or from an objective factual point of view.

The serious circumstances warranted a three-year prison sentence, but Wang Fang was only sentenced to four years in prison.

 Already considered a lighter punishment.

 If you appeal again, the most likely outcome is that the original judgment will be upheld.

 It’s just...

What Su Bai learned from Wang Lixuan is that the prosecutors are currently further confirming Wang Fang’s criminal circumstances and confirming whether Wang Fang has other criminal circumstances.

 Because Wang Fang has received a large number of supervisory reports recently, the prosecutors are collecting legally significant evidence.

It is very likely that during Wang Fang’s second-instance appeal, the prosecutor will present new evidence and increase his sentence.

 In this regard.…

Su Bai is looking forward to what the outcome will be when Wang Fang's second trial is over, when the prosecutor adds other evidence and new crimes, and decides to increase his sentence.

  In other words, what kind of attitude will Wang Fang have when facing the penalty?

Su Bai took Li Xuezhen to see Wang Fang’s second trial.

how to say.….

Wang Fang’s lawyer’s statement at the trial, in Su Bai’s view, was not as good as the previous first-instance lawyer Zhang Liang.


This lawyer Li is very good at showing himself in court trials. From time to time he will question the presiding judge of the trial, and occasionally he will have heated discussions with the presiding judge on certain trial rules.

Of course, there is no relationship between these court rules and judgments and whether there are irregularities in the procedure.

 It was entirely Lawyer Li who wanted to express himself and deliberately "find trouble" in the trial.

 The content of the complaint has no impact on the judgment result or the judgment process.

  It is also commonly referred to as a performance lawyer.

This type of lawyer often charges high legal fees, but has no effective legal proof in court.

Having a heated "quarrel" with the presiding judge during the trial to show that the lawyer's fees were not in vain.

But in fact, what was stated did not affect the final outcome of the trial at all.

 During the second trial, the prosecutor presented new evidence to determine that Wang Fang’s case was particularly serious, as well as other charges.

 After the final result of the second trial came out, he was sentenced to seven years in prison!

 After the judgment results came out, Wang Fang was completely stunned.

  During this court hearing, she always felt a vague feeling of uneasiness.

 Can’t tell why.…

 Looking at it now, this is entirely because of this penalty, there is something wrong!

She also thought that she might not be able to plead not guilty, and the most she could do would be to uphold the original verdict of the first instance and not increase the sentence on appeal.

 But she never expected that the sentence would be even harsher!

 No, what about the agreed not guilty verdict?

 It was agreed that the appeal would not increase the sentence!

  Why has everything changed since she came here?

At this time, Wang Fang was no longer fixating his eyes on the court seat, but on his client's seat.

“Lawyer Li, didn’t you say that we can get a not guilty verdict in this case?”

 “What’s going on now?”

“Why was the sentence harsher? Even three years in prison was added?!”

Facing Wang Fang’s doubts, Lawyer Li spread his hands:

“The three-year prison sentence was added because the prosecutor collected new evidence, which has nothing to do with me.”

 “Besides, you’ve seen it yourself.”

"I tried my best to fight with the presiding judge at the trial. I even quarreled with the presiding judge at the trial, but the presiding judge was determined to sentence you."

 “What can I do?”

“You can see what’s going on in the courtroom!”

“It’s not that I don’t want to fight for you, but the presiding judge didn’t listen to my opinion!”

 “This has something to do with your own criminal behavior, do you understand?!”

Lawyer Li’s voice directly overwhelmed Wang Fang.

They even began to accuse Wang Fang of not telling him the specific situation and making him unprepared for the trial.

to be honest.…

  Everyone who had not left the court hearing scene was stunned for a moment after watching this scene.

Have you received the lawyer's fees and are you now blaming the blame?

 For this kind of lawyer, there is a general term in the lawyer circle: no professional ethics!


To be honest, Wang Fang found this kind of lawyer. It was “rare”.

 Both people are similar.

Faced with Lawyer Li’s counter-accusations, Wang Fang started questioning him again.


Without giving Wang Fang much chance, the bailiff forcibly took her away from the court hearing.

 The second trial is over.…

Su Bai took a long breath. This trial still had a comedic effect.

 The penalty in the second trial has been decided, so if Wang Fang wants to appeal, he needs to have enough evidence to reverse the case.


 It is absolutely impossible for Wang Fang’s case to be reversed!




 Su Bai looked at the system. The total progress of the system has reached 80%.

 Another 20%.

 According to normal cases, each case has a 2% progress rate.

 It only takes about ten cases to reach 100%.

to be honest.…

This system is a bit useless, but Su Bai is quite looking forward to this 100% success.

 There is no need to take care of the system anymore.

Su Bai put the system aside and walked around the law firm.

 The current development of law firms, that is, Baijun Law Firm in Nandu, has become a first-class law firm.

 The first-class here refers to all aspects.

Of course, criminal cases are not included here. Criminal cases are one level higher than first-class cases.

The overall planning work of Bai Jun Law Firm is now handed over to Han Chen.

 In terms of criminal cases, besides Su Bai, there is also Xu Xiang...

 Xu Xiang has now served as the director of the criminal department.

to be honest.…

 The development of Baijun Law Firm to this point has exceeded many people’s expectations. “One step closer to the red circle!”


Su Bai took a deep breath and saw the message from Xiao Haibo.

 The specific thing is to ask if you want to go to the Lawyers Association.

Su Bai couldn't reply to this.

Xiao Haibo went to the Lawyers Association in order to make good connections and receive some cases.

 Now Bai Jun Law Firm has no shortage of sources of ordinary cases.

After receiving the reply, Xiao Haibo smiled and said: "That's okay, if you don't go, I'll go by myself."


After Su Bai replied, he walked around the law firm and returned to the office again.



Nantou Law University, in the office of the vice president.

Feng Lijian looked at Old Li with a sad face and said cheerfully: "I'm talking about Old Li."

“During this period, you also saw Su Bai and Xuezhen getting closer together.”

“Didn’t you already know the last time we had dinner together?”

 “Is there anything you dare to say?”

“Why don’t you just ask Xuezhen what she thinks?”

“Don’t behave like a slave girl who wants to take care of her daughter for the rest of her life. I’m telling you that your idea of ​​​​a daughter reading needs to change. If you can take care of Xuezhen now, can you still take care of it for the rest of your life?”

 Lao Li's face turned red when Feng Lijian said it, and he frowned and said, "Yes!"

 “Why not?”

“Why did I dig so hard for coal in the past few years? I dug so much coal, why can’t I, Xuezhen, be cared about for the rest of my life?”

 Feng Lijian:.….

 No, you always talk about coal mining, right?

 That's right, you make money digging coal, why are you showing off like this?

 Feng Lijian gave Lao Li a speechless expression:

“Then you think coal mining can take care of Xuezhen for the rest of her life, so why are you still coming to my office?”

“If you go and shovel two more shovels of coal, won’t you have enough?”

As soon as Feng Lijian said these words, Lao Li was stunned and said nothing.

He has been running to Lao Li's vice-principal's office during this period. The main reason is that he is rich, free, and has nothing to do. He comes to chat with his old friends when he has nothing to do.

 In fact, there is a more important point, that is, my precious daughter has been busy during this time.

 He had contacted Li Xuezhen and inquired about it.

 Mainly I want to ask about my daughter’s relationship issues.

 But, to be honest...

Lao Li has thought about it clearly during this period, but it is difficult for him to inquire about his daughter's affairs.

 Lao Li scratched his head anxiously.

 The current situation is that Lao Li wants to ask Li Xuezhen what she thinks, but is too embarrassed to ask.

 Mainly, I can’t say!

 And Li Xuezhen was still deliberately avoiding emotional issues in front of him.

Hearing what Feng Lijian said, Lao Li smiled and poured a cup of tea for Feng Lijian.

 “It’s not Lao Feng, what you say is so unreasonable.”

“We’ve had an old relationship for so many years, and you’re still telling me that, right? And you still don’t want me to come to your office?”

"Wasn't I in a hurry just now? I also feel that Xuezhen's feelings... it's not easy for me to get involved."

 Feng Lijian saw Lao Li's attitude improving in front of him, smiled and waved his hand:

"Okay...I think you just haven't adjusted from being a slave girl yet."

“Young people’s emotional affairs are not something we should get involved in.”

 “If I have a chance, I’ll ask you...”

When Lao Li heard what Feng Lijian said, he nodded cheerfully: "Okay, Lao Li, you are more reliable."

 “What’s for dinner tonight? I’ll treat you!”

Feng Lijian smiled and said, "Okay, I'll kill you today!"


 Half a month passed in a hurry.

In the past half month, Li Xuezhen always felt a little strange. The strange point was not about work, but about personal matters.

 In the past half month, Lao Li called him a total of 18 times, and mentioned Su Bai 37 times.

Teacher Feng also called him five or six times. From time to time, he would ask her how she was doing at the law firm and whether she had learned anything from Su Bai.


 Asked about my relationship status!

She was just dumbfounded, it wasn’t that she didn’t understand the meaning!

 She was asking Lawyer Su whether she could tell anything in this situation.

This is what Lao Li noticed?


 According to Lao Li's attitude, shouldn't he intervene in something?

 Li Xuezhen still remembers that when she was in kindergarten, she had a male deskmate, and she went home and told Lao Li.

ˆ also said that his male deskmate was very friendly to him.

 The result was...Lao Li smiled and asked her if she wanted to change schools or go to a better school...

At that time, Li Xuezhen knew what Lao Li was thinking.

 For so many years, Li Xuezhen was very clear about the fact that Lao Li was a slave to his daughter.

 That's why he showed his indifference to Su Bai in front of Lao Li.

 But now….

  ? ? ?

Li Xuezhen seemed to have guessed something, and a trace of joy appeared on her face.


But... Li Xuezhen's face changed and she became a little worried again.

 The most important thing now is not these, but Lawyer Su!

 How can I get close to Lawyer Su?

Of course, I rely on my work relationship to have a direct relationship with Lawyer Su!

 At present, in the law firm, many people openly admit that she is the female boss of the law firm, although they do not say it out loud.


Many people know very well that she is the female boss!


Under this premise, Su Bai is the male boss!

 Female boss equals boss lady, isn’t this the default concept?

Thinking of this, Li Xuezhen recited silently:

 “Continue to work hard! Fight the lawsuit!”

 Another half month has passed in a hurry. During this half month, Li Xuezhen has been looking for any good cases and filing a lawsuit.

 From criminal to administrative, to civil, financial, etc.

 She has searched them all.

 Finally, I finally found a better case.

 However, looking at this case, Li Xuezhen felt a little heavy and complicated.

 Then he sorted it out and sent it to Su Bai.

 And left a message: "Lawyer Su, please take a look at this case. Can we take it?"


The Rabbit's profile picture was flashing on the phone. After Su Bai saw Li Xuezhen's message, he first replied with a "Hello" and then looked at the case.

 The more he looked at the case, the deeper Su Bai's brows furrowed.

This case!

To be honest, this is the most cruel case Su Bai has ever taken on!

 A couple were brutally killed by a group and suffered a lot of torture before being brutally killed.

 His wife suffered great humiliation during her lifetime.

 After reading the entire case, Su Bai immediately replied:

 “You can prepare this case and you can take it.”

 Hand put the phone on the table.

 In this case, the client’s request is very simple, that is, the defendants need to be sentenced to death!

To be honest...after Su Bai read the entire case, he felt that the client's request was not too much!



 PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~

 (End of this chapter)

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