Just when Su Chen was in a dilemma


"System task: Completed the first place in the ranking PK!"

"Get reward: 50 love songs!"

"Do you want to claim the reward immediately?"

Su Chen, who was in deep thought, came back to his senses. After hearing the system prompt, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

50 love songs?

It's a very novel reward.

Su Chen now has a master singer template. In theory, he can slowly restore those famous songs from his previous life.

But after all, he is limited to what he is familiar with. It is impossible for him to be like a diligent porter and not miss any of them.

This song library reward is really a pleasant surprise!

""I will collect the reward later."

Considering that the show was still live, Su Chen said this in his heart.

But just when Su Chen was thinking about it again, the system prompt rang again!

However, this time the prompt message made Su Chen's eyes widen.


"Release system task: combination pairing!"

"Mission Reward: Special abilities of the combination partner!"

This mission came at a great chance!

Isn't combination matching what Su Chen is doing?

But this reward... the special abilities of the combination partner?

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

There is a trick here!

This can almost be regarded as copying the other party's abilities for your own use. The special abilities of these people...

Grandpa Guan Mu, a singer.

Cai Yinan, uh... singing, dancing, rap, basketball?

Yin Kexin, dancing ability.

But abilities must also be divided into levels.

"System, what is the rating of Yin Kexin's dancing ability?" Su Chen couldn't help but ask in his heart


"After testing, Yin Kexin is proficient in classical dance and modern dance, and her ability level is assessed as 7! Master level!"


Another 7-level ability!

Another master level!

Yin Kexin, a master-level dance artist!

Su Chen knows nothing about dance art. He just thought that Yin Kexin's dance! Dance! Dance! in the opening performance was amazing and beautiful.

But he didn't expect that the professional ability level would be so high!

Master level! This can be regarded as the ceiling of Xia Country!

Until this moment, Su Chen suddenly understood why the"Three Love Poems" program was going to be a big hit, but invited a school beauty of the Imperial Dance as a guest?

Now it seems that this school beauty of the Imperial Dance is probably just one of Yin Kexin's countless honorary titles, and it is still the most ordinary one!

Master-level dance art, how can there be less honorary awards?

This school beauty of the Imperial Dance, Yin Kexin, must be... Her status in the dance world of Xia Country is not much inferior to Ruan Chuxue!

It's just that Ruan Chuxue's international championship excited the people, so her popularity is even more exaggerated.

Huh -

Su Chen let out a long sigh.

Yin Kexin, master-level dancing ability.

Ruan Chuxue, master-level piano ability.

Choose one of them and you can get the corresponding ability!

How to choose?

Will they be willing to partner after choosing?

On the other side.

When Su Chen was entangled in the dilemma and fell into deep thought, the audience was also going crazy!

Pairing combination!

This was a big thing that was hotly discussed by the whole network for two or three days before the show started!

Now the wind has stopped and the rain has stopped, and the poetry ranking PK order has finally come out.

The pairing of groups has begun!

And the first round was Su Chen's choice!

"Hey! Su Chen seems to be in a dilemma!"

"I'm also confused! Each of the four guests is very important, so it must be a headache to choose!"

"I definitely won’t hesitate, without even thinking about it, I’ll choose Goddess Ruan!"

"Schoolgirl Yin is my true love! I choose Schoolgirl Yin!"

"Only children make choices, I am an adult and I want them all!"

"Come on! Drag out those drunk and nonsense people upstairs and behead them!"

The audience was obviously very interested in this matter and discussed it.

However, there were also a few rational audiences who were seriously analyzing the situation.

"Considering the content of the following program, which is in the form of three-line love poem + stage performance, I think Mr. Guan Mu is the most suitable for Su Chen!"

"Hiss - now that you mention it, old man Guan Mu is a singing artist, and Su Chen is a gifted poet, how can this powerful combination be possible?"

"In fact, Ruan is also very suitable, piano + singing recitation? I feel that her stage performance must be good!"

"Yin Kexin's dancing is not bad either! Su Chen recited poems and Yin Kexin danced to complement them. The stage performance was really amazing!"

"Why didn't anyone nominate Cai Yinan? He is the most popular traffic star in Xiaguo now.……"

"Seriously? Su Chen went through so much trouble to get first place in the poetry group PK, just to choose Cai Yinan? You made me laugh!"

"Do you know why the guy who nominated Cai Yinnan upstairs didn't hold an umbrella? Because everyone was speechless!"

The discussion among the audience was very heated.

Some people were just relying on their emotions, shouting that Su Chen should choose whoever he wanted.

Others calmly analyzed and made suggestions for the content and performance of Su Chen's next few episodes.

There were all kinds of words.

On the stage.

Su Chen was still frowning and thinking.

As an experienced host of Mangtai, Wang Jiong certainly couldn't sit back and watch the show go cold.

He reacted very quickly on the spot and naturally walked to the guest seats in front of the stage.

At this moment in the guest seats.

Grandpa Guan Mu sat upright, his face a little serious, but his eyes looking at Su Chen were full of expectations!


Grandpa Guan Mu really hopes that Su Chen can choose him!

Su Chen's talent has completely conquered this older generation of singing artist in Xia Country!

Cai Yinnan also looked serious, but in fact he was not very happy.

He saw it today.

Su Chen, this is a person who is born to be in the spotlight! (To read the violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

College entrance examination composition, writing love poems, boom Moved the whole country.

Variety show, a few love poems, because it was not the first before, Mangtai was almost washed away by millions of viewers!

Such a person is born to be a star under the spotlight.

Cai Yinnan doesn't like it, precisely because he himself is a star, so he doesn't like it.

What does a star mean? It is attention, popularity, and admiration! []

Cai Yinnan has a strong premonition that if he and Su Chen become partners, then in the next few programs, he may really become Su Chen's foil for the limelight!

Yin Keyin and Ruan Chuxue both pursed their lips, raised their heads slightly, and looked at Su Chen on the stage.

Are you willing?


Yin Keyin is willing a million times!

Ruan Chuxue didn't care before, but the song"Inverted" seemed to arouse her impatience, making her extremely interested and curious about Su Chen!

Wang Jiong also noticed the strangeness of the two, and smiled at the camera:"Audience friends, why don't we ask the two female guests what they think first?"

As soon as these words came out

, everyone stopped posting comments and stared at them with wide eyes!

They were extremely curious and fresh about the attitudes of the two goddesses!

Wang Jiong walked in front of Yin Kexin, and the cameraman also understood and turned the screen to follow

"Yin Kexin, I don’t know if you——"

But what she never expected was!

0 Asking for flowers

Wang Jiong was interrupted by Yin Keyin before he finished speaking!

Yin Keyin suddenly stood up from her seat, her tall and graceful figure standing out gracefully.

But... she actually started waving at Su Chen on the stage!

While waving, she shouted:"Su Chen! Choose me! I'm a great dancer!"


This is a posture of promoting herself.

How can she look like a guest?

She is simply a fan of Su Chen!

Not to mention Wang Jiong, even countless audiences were stunned!


"Damn the family! Schoolgirl Yin is going to give it away for free!"

"Hiss—Su Chen! Is this the power of the master of three-line love poems? With just a few poems, School Beauty Yin knelt down?"

"Kneeling? I doubt you're driving!"


Yin Kexin's gesture startled Su Chen, who was lost in thought on the stage!

He was stunned!

This... Even Su Chen thought, is Yin Kexin really going to give herself up for nothing?

Only Ruan Chuxue, who was standing on tiptoe, waving and shouting, pursed her lips and looked at Yin Kexin, who was standing on tiptoe, waving and shouting, with a slightly changed expression.

She could feel that although Yin Kexin's gesture was a little exaggerated, it was also from the heart!


Just because of a few love poems? Not really.

At this moment, Ruan Chuxue completely forgot that she was also curious about Su Chen because of a song"Inverted"

"cough cough——"Wang Jiong quickly coughed twice.

Yin Kexin just stopped, just pouting, her cheeks puffy, looking at Su Chen with resentment.

She really wants to partner with Su Chen.

Unfortunately, Su Chen doesn't seem to appreciate it?

Or is he entangled in something else!

However, Yin Kexin is cheerful and free-spirited after all. She was still resentful in the last second, and immediately smiled and said in the next second:"If you ask me, Goddess Ruan must also want to team up with Su Chen!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was shocked!

All eyes fell on Ruan Chuxue.

The eyes of countless male compatriots were full of expectation and uneasiness.

Goddess Ruan, hurry up! Refute her words!

After all, being willing to team up and wanting to team up are two completely different concepts!


Ruan Chuxue not only did not refute, but nodded slightly, her face calm, and said seriously:"Yes, I also want to partner with Su Chen!"

This is her personality.

If she wants, she wants, and if she doesn't want, she doesn't want.

She won't hide it.

It's just... hiss——!

This time, everyone gasped!

Even Yin Kexin, who had just started to tease, widened her eyes!

Oh my!

She just said that, but she didn't know that Ruan Chuxue really thought so!

And the tone and the look, this is a completely serious attitude!

The entire network of viewers went wild!

"Oh shit!"

"My goddess! Woohoo——My goddess is going to be given to me for free!"

"Grandmaster Su Chen is so terrifying!"

"Hey! You guys don't have to be so exaggerated, it's just forming a team, it's not a confession or a proposal, is it that serious?"

"As for it! Very as for it! Goddess Ruan's attitude is so strange and unreasonable!"

"+1! I felt something was wrong just now! Goddess Ruan's attitude towards Su Chen... was too unusual!"

"It’s not as exaggerated as giving it away for free, but Goddess Ruan might really have a good impression of Su Chen!"

"So...Yin Xiaohua and Ruan Goddess are both ready to give it to you for free, what will Su Chen choose?"

After this, everyone came back to their senses!

Yes, after discussing for so long, it all depends on Su Chen's choice!

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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