Su Chen picked up the pen and wrote down one stroke at a time.

Crabs are peeling my shells, notebooks are writing about me

, I am everywhere, falling on maple leaves and snowflakes

, and you are thinking about me.

This time Su Chen did not write fast, but was very serious.

Because this is a very sad three-line poem.

It has four layers of meaning.

Each layer hides a deeper layer of sadness.

There is even a last layer, a sadness that is best never understood.

In the live broadcast screen.

Countless viewers stared at Su Chen as he picked up the pen, put it down, and stopped writing.

They held their breath tightly.


"Hiss! Finished! Su Chen finished!"

"Hurry up! Is there anyone who can time it?"

"Here it comes! 27 seconds! From the beginning till now, a total of 27 seconds!"

"Wow, familiar formula, familiar time! Is this the founder Su Chen?"

"Eh? Why didn't Su Chen submit it right away this time?" As soon as this was said, everyone realized it.

Unlike the previous round of PK, Su Chen did not press the [Submit] button immediately after completing his work.


"Why does Su Chen... look so depressed?"

"Why do I seem to feel a sense of sadness?"

"Not really? Can a three-line poem make me depressed?"

"Ah this! The expectation value is maxed out in an instant, brother!"

"Looking forward to Su Chen's work this time!"

Netizens were discussing it.

The clock moved slowly.

Tick-tock-- the other three also started to write.

The audience's eyes finally moved away from Su Chen.

Platform No. 1.

Liu Qingqing picked up the pen and wrote. I watched the rain side by side with you.

You didn't look at me. I didn't look at the rain.

Platform No. 2.

Liu Tong opened his eyes that were closed in meditation.

Write a three-line poem.

You can't see it.

What's wrong with writing one less line?

Platform No. 3.

Cen Haobo's face was serious.

Neat handwriting appeared under the pen.

If someone asked me the reason for my troubles,

I dare not say your name.

No one would have thought of it in advance.

Pure free creation.

Including Su Chen, the works of the four people are all sad and bitter poems!

Coincidentally, they all have the same theme!

Love but not getting it.

Maybe what really touches people's hearts is always tragic love?


None of the four submitted in advance.

Until the countdown clock reached the last second.

The music on the stage finally changed from tense drums to soothing piano sounds.

The host of the show, Wang Jiong, strode to the center of the stage

"Dear audience friends!"

"5 minutes of pure free creation!"

"What kind of three-line love poem will the four guests bring us?"

"This time we will first display all the three-line love poems, and then everyone will score them in the end!"

"And the four guests in the guest seats, you can make comments!"

After the voice fell, Wang Jiong did not hesitate and turned to look at the big screen.

The camera lens also locked onto the big screen.

Everyone held their breath. Their eyes were fixed on

【Guest No. 1]: Liu Qingqing

【[Title of Work]: None I watched the rain side by side with you

You didn’t look at me

I didn’t look at the rain.

The content appeared.

All the judges and audiences at the scene exclaimed!

"Wow! Is this Liu Qingqing's work?"

"This song is pretty good! Much better than the last one!"

"You didn't look at me, I didn't look at the rain……"

"The finishing touch is side by side... watching the rain side by side makes it even sadder."

The scene didn't stay for too long.

It quickly switched

【Guest No. 2]: Liu Tong

【[Work Name]: Three-line poem

You can't see it, so why not write one less line?

The work appeared.

The whole scene, including all the audience watching the live broadcast, were stunned for a moment!


There was a huge exclamation!

"Holy shit, this song is awesome!"

"I only wrote two lines of a three-line poem, because you can't see it, so it doesn't matter if I write one less line……"

"This song is really 6!"

"Don't you feel sad? Every word is full of regret and sadness……"

"I can give this one full marks!"

Not only the audience and judges.

Even the four people in the guest seats in front of the stage were stunned.

For a long while.

Yin Kexin murmured:"It doesn't matter if I write one line less... This is too sad."

Ruan Chuxue pursed her lips, and her expression fluctuated slightly.

Cai Yinan's eyes widened.

He had no culture and could only travel the world.

And old man Guan Mu clapped his hands and laughed happily. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although it is a sad love poem.

But the old man is past the age of lingering love after all.

In his eyes, he saw the cleverness of this poem.

The finishing touch.

It's not those two lines of poetry[]

It's the title, or the subject matter - a three-line poem.

I have to say, it's absolutely amazing.

"Teacher Guan Mu, how would you rate this work?" Cai Yinan was stunned for a while, then came to his senses and asked curiously.

Guan Mu thought for a moment and said seriously,"9.5 points! There is only one such work in the three-line poem genre!""


This is also the biggest special feature of this poem.

There is only one

"Now let's talk about it."Grandpa Guan Mu also had some expectations on his face:"I still want to see Su Chen's work the most, can it surpass the previous ones?"

Cai Yinnan curled his lips:"Difficult!"

Yin Kexin, who usually supports Su Chen, did not refute this time.

Because she really thinks that Liu Tong's work is a perfect work.

Can Su Chen's work be better than this one?

Yin Kexin didn't quite believe it.

The picture on the big screen on the stage did not stop because of people's exclamations.


The picture switched again

【Guest No. 3]: Cen Haobo

【[Title of Work]: Your Name

If someone asks me why I am troubled,

I dare not say your name.

A three-line poem appears.

The audience and judges are all silent.

This poem is... very simple.

But not simple

"Your name... This title really hits the spot!"

"I feel like this song is pretty good too!"


Hey! It's obviously a sad love poem, why don't you guys look sad? You look excited?..

Everyone was stunned.


It seems to be true...

Although everyone can see the meaning of this poem at a glance.

That is, a person is secretly in love with someone and dare not say it out loud.

But the emotional touch is really not that great.

But someone immediately refuted:

"Hey! It's just a three-line poem, and that's pretty good!"

"Yes, words are something you savor slowly, and their live performance is definitely not as good as that of music!"

"+1! Especially the three-line poem, with just a few words, can it make people cry? That's too fake!"

"By the way...if Su Chen's work was also this kind of sad poem, would it be possible to make people cry?"

"I think it's suspenseful! And the first three poems are all of good quality, so Su Chen may not necessarily win!"

The works of the three have been announced.

The last one is Su Chen.

This is also what everyone is looking forward to the most!

In the last round, in just 90 seconds,

Su Chen brought"Spring Breeze Ten Miles Yellow Red" and"The Future Is Long".

This time, it is purely free creation.

It should be easier to have outstanding works.

What will Su Chen bring?

Everyone stared with eyes wide open, holding their breath, staring at the big screen.

Even the other three contestants in the poetry group.

Liu Qingqing, Liu Tong, and Cen Haobo, all paid full attention to the big screen.

Finally, under the expectation of everyone, the familiar chic and elegant font was still used.

Su Chen's work was finally released.

Crabs are peeling my shells, notebooks are writing me, and the sky full of me falls on maple leaves and snowflakes

, and you are thinking about me.

Everyone was stunned when they saw it.

The stage of the show was also silent.

Everyone looked at each other!

What... is it written?

The audience was also in a frenzy!

"Holy shit! What the hell is this?"

"Was this really written by Su Chen? This doesn't make sense at all!"

"The crab is peeling my shell? How could it be possible! How could the crab be peeling my shell?"

"And the sentence 1.2 at the end, the notebook is writing about me? This sentence is even more outrageous!"

"Me all over the sky? Wow, the Chinese teacher called me an expert. Me all over the sky fell on maple leaves and snowflakes?"

"Only the last sentence makes sense, and you are thinking of me, but this sentence is too ordinary. Not to mention Su Chen, I can write it!"

"What did Su Chen write? It's beyond my expectation!"

When Su Chen's work came out, countless people who were expecting it were dumbfounded.

After being dumbfounded, they were disappointed!

The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment!

This poem, let alone the connotation and cleverness, even the sentences are not smooth!

How can a crab peel my shell?

How can a notebook write about me?

How can the sky full of me fall on maple leaves and snowflakes?

How can you think——

"Oh shit!"

"How could you possibly miss me!"

"I understand! This poem should be read backwards!"

"It's me peeling the crab shell, it's me writing in the notebook, it's the maple leaves and snowflakes falling on me, it's... I'm thinking of you!"

"I was stunned!"

Everyone came to their senses.

They were all surprised and happy!

But they were not happy for long.

Suddenly someone said:"It seems... it's not that simple.……"

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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