Imperial capital.

In the extremely expensive Peking University campus, there is a small courtyard at the deepest part.

With its blue bricks and white tiles, it seems out of tune with the modern teaching buildings standing nearby.

However, all teachers and students of Peking University know that a living fossil of the Xia Kingdom lives here!

The literary master, Mr. Zhou!

Now over 80 years old, Mr. Zhou is no longer engaged in teaching, but continues to do research on Chinese language and literature.

He has been doing this for 67 years and has made outstanding contributions to the Chinese language in the entire Xia Kingdom!

From junior high school and high school textbooks to graduate student literature, Mr. Zhou is on the list!

Several students that Mr. Zhou had accepted in his early years are now big names in the literary world!

Today, Mr. Zhou rarely appears in the public eye.

But his reputation and prestige have long surpassed the literary world.

He is a real big man respected by the entire Xia Kingdom!

In the study room of the small courtyard.

Mr. Zhou, dressed in linen clothes and with gray hair, is wearing thick reading glasses and bending over the desk.

On the table is a page of unearthed ancient books and documents.

Da da da - outside the study room���There were footsteps on the campus.

Professor He Lisheng stood at the door of the study room with a file bag in his hand.

This well-known education leader was extremely respectful at this moment and bowed slightly:"Teacher!"


Old Zhou glanced at him and continued to study the literature.

He Lisheng did not dare to disturb him and just stood quietly at the door.

There was a large bookshelf on one wall in the study, on which various classics were displayed.

Old Zhou took out a few books from time to time and studied them carefully.

Time passed slowly.

It was afternoon when He Lisheng came. But now it was getting dark.

He Lisheng stood like this for an entire afternoon.

After a long time,

Old Zhou got up from the desk, hammered his waist, and sighed:"I'm old, I'm old. I've only been studying for an afternoon, and my body can't hold on any longer."

He Lisheng hurried forward to support Old Zhou and whispered:"Teacher, you are old now, you don't have to study so hard——"

Before he could finish his words, he was glared at by Mr. Zhou and stopped talking.

"Learning never ends, and there is no end to learning. I want to do more research before I die, so that I can leave more things for future generations!" The eighty-year-old Mr. Zhou spoke in a sonorous and powerful tone.

He Lisheng nodded and said,"It is the student who is ignorant."

Mr. Zhou tapped his waist and led He Lisheng to sit in the tea room outside.

"" No one comes to see me for no reason. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?" Mr. Zhou said slowly.

He Lisheng's expression was stern, and he said seriously:"It's about the college entrance examination essay this time."

Mr. Zhou narrowed his eyes:"Are there any good seedlings?"

This time, the essay topic was personally chosen by Mr. Zhou, and he also wanted to discover some outstanding juniors.

Besides, Mr. Zhou was very dissatisfied with the empty template articles in the past few years.

He Lisheng nodded in response, took out a file bag from his bosom, and opened the seal on it.

He took out an answer sheet from it and gently spread it in front of Mr. Zhou.

The essay answer sheet was a blank grid.

Blank paper?

Mr. Zhou frowned slightly.

He Lisheng knew that Mr. Zhou's presbyopia was very serious, so he hurried forward and pointed to the beginning of the essay answer sheet.

Mr. Zhou then noticed the few lines of small words.

To be precise, there were three lines.

Mr. Zhou looked closer and finally saw it clearly.

‘The days before have become slower’

‘Cars, horses, and mail are all slow’

‘A lifetime is only enough to love one person. '

Just one glance, and Mr. Zhou was surprised and his expression changed!

His old face suddenly froze.

He stared blankly for a long time. He muttered these few lines of poetry in his mouth, and the more he muttered, the more shocked he looked!

"this……"Mr. Zhou suddenly stood up from his seat and looked at He Lisheng with an extremely anxious tone,"Did the candidate write this on the spot?"

He Lisheng responded respectfully,"When I took the original paper, I specifically checked the surveillance video of the examination room. It was written on the spot."

Mr. Zhou stood up and paced back and forth in the room. He shook his head and nodded.

His expression changed constantly.

After pacing for a while, Mr. Zhou suddenly said,"What do you think of this poem?"

He Lisheng was a little unsure of Mr. Zhou's reaction. After hesitating for a moment, he whispered,"The students think it is excellent, the imagery and charm are excellent, and the text is clean but not simple!" Mr. Zhou nodded and returned to the table again.

He held the answer sheet with his wrinkled and dry hands and looked at it carefully.

For a long time.

Mr. Zhou put down the answer sheet and took a long breath.

"Teacher?" He Lisheng was somewhat puzzled by Mr. Zhou's performance.

Mr. Zhou sighed and said,"Great, an old man of such age can still see such a poem, great!"

He paused and looked at He Lisheng, saying seriously,"Do you know what is good about this poem?"

He Lisheng was stunned, and subconsciously expressed his thoughts.

From the words, to the images, to the connotation, and finally connected to the composition topic itself, he made an interpretation.

This is a professional poetry appreciation analysis.

But when he finished speaking, Mr. Zhou shook his head and said in a very affirmative tone:"No, you still don't understand what is good about this poem!"

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