"Bastard Zhao Han!

How dare he use such a trick to bully Xiao Momo!"

"Ahhh! Someone come and beat up Zhao Han!"

"Zhao Han, you must not let me know where your home is.

Otherwise, after you are eliminated, I will definitely come to your house and beat you up!"

"Someone please come and save our little Momo!


Master Zhao Lu!

Momo needs you!"


In Xiang Mo's live broadcast room, the bullet comments directly flooded the live broadcast screen.

The audience could not see anything except the bullet comments.

If someone who didn't know came, they would definitely think that something had happened and caused the"bullet comments to protect the body".

""Turn off the barrage~"

Cao Bin said with a pained look on his face.

Ever since they switched to Xiang Mo's live broadcast room, they have been watching the barrage and can't see anything else! So much so that until now, he still has no idea what happened to Xiang Mo.

However, he soon found out what happened.

Because the backstage staff had already notified him of the relevant news through the headset.

"Okay, now we can see the corresponding pictures.

In addition, through the backstage staff, I already know what happened to Xiang Mo."

Cao Bin's voice was very low, and he slowly explained what happened during this period to the audience.

"This conflict was triggered by Zhao Han.

Zhao Han imitated Xiang Mo's mark and carved Xiang Mo's mark on many trees.

Moreover, the places where these marks eventually lead to are all Zhao Han's shelters.

So Xiang Mo got lost.

No matter how he walked, he would follow the mark and come to Zhao Han's shelter.

Now Xiang Mo has only two ways to go.

One is to ignore the mark and go on.

This will lead to getting lost.

Getting lost in the rainforest, especially at night, is a very bad experience.

She is likely to be attacked by wild beasts.

So that she will be eliminated in the end.

However, if she is lucky, she can also get out.

The second way is to ask for help directly.

This can avoid any pain.

Of course, from Zhao Han's actions and performance, it can be seen that he wants to surrender to Xiang Mo.

But I think Xiang Mo will not surrender to Zhao Han.


Through the big screen, we can already know that Xiang Mo chose to give up the mark and find a way out by himself!

We really admire Xiang Mo's courage.

But what will her ending be?

It's really hard to say.

Teacher Xiao Lin, what do you think?

Is there anything we should be careful of in the rain forest at night?"

"It is very dangerous to be outdoors at night."

Xiao Lin smiled and shook his head,"It is really very dangerous.

For a girl like this who has no lighting equipment, I am pessimistic about her situation.

I think it won't be long before she asks for help."

"I think so too."

Liu Deli said:"It is really dangerous in the wild at night.

And it is even more dangerous in the rainforest at night.

Because there are not only ferocious beasts here, but also countless poisonous insects.

Beasts often do not actively attack humans.

But insects will not.

Insects like to attack humans the most."

"Alas, the little girl is so pitiful~"

Wei Ling shook her head and sighed,"But it’s okay.

If it were me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to bear it for a day!"


While the guests in the Mango TV live studio were discussing, Xiang Mo was experiencing great fear.



I can't go on like this.……"

Xiang Mo scratched the bumps on her arms that were bitten by mosquitoes, and her heart was full of distress.

Not long ago, she accidentally picked up a bow, a pot of arrows and a hatchet.

She knew that these were the equipment of the contestants who were accidentally eliminated here.

She was very excited to get such equipment suddenly.

Because they can use bows and arrows to catch prey.

So she began to practice bows and arrows hard, and at the same time, she brought bows and arrows every time she went out, wanting to use bows and arrows to catch prey.

Today, she went out to find food and was lucky to find a deer.

So she wanted to catch the deer.

As a result, she chased it for an entire afternoon and could not find a chance to shoot.

Until it was almost dark, she still did not shoot.

Looking at the sky, she realized that she could not delay any longer.

So she took the risk of shooting an arrow.

Then, as expected, the shot was off, and the deer ran away, and she could no longer catch up.

In desperation, she could only walk towards her shelter.

However, not long after she walked, she found the problem-her mark had been tampered with!

At this moment, the trees were full of her marks.

She didn't know where she should go at all.

So, she got lost.

At the same time, she also met the culprit - Zhao Han

"What should I do!?

If I keep going like this, I will definitely get lost.……"

Xiang Mo feels like crying now

"Damn it, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be like this!

If it weren't for you, I would have been having dinner with Xiao Xixi now!

Now, I can only wait for Xiao Xixi to save me.……"

Xiang Mo sighed deeply and started to walk back. She found the place where she lost her way by feeling. She waited quietly for Mo Xi to appear. She waited for almost two hours.

When Xiang Mo was bitten to the point of doubting her life and was about to give up, a little fire suddenly appeared in the darkness.

At the same time, a very cold shouting sounded continuously.

Although this voice was cold, it was like the sound of nature when it reached Xiang Mo's ears.

"Mo Xi!

I'm here!"

Xiang Mo's voice was filled with tears. She was really scared!

While shouting, she ran towards Mo Xi.

Soon, she suddenly threw herself into Mo Xi's arms.

"Woohoo... I thought I was going to be eliminated……"

""Okay, let's go back."

Mo Xi's body stiffened, and he stretched out his hand as if he wanted to hug Mo, but when he stretched out his hand halfway, he froze in place.

Finally, he spoke with a cold face.

"Hurry, it's too late now"


Xiang Mo wiped her tears and followed Mo Xi obediently towards the shelter.

What they didn't know was that behind them, there was a pair of obscene eyes staring at the direction they were leaving.



Zhao Lu, who was cutting wood, was suddenly stunned. He felt that his body had changed.

All the muscles in his body were adjusted at the same time, making his body shape more perfect. His eight-pack abs, which were not too obvious at first, became much more obvious in an instant.

He knew that his first bottle of strengthening potion had been officially absorbed!

"Eh? Gou Kun~"

Just when Zhao Lu was delighted, Chen Chen's voice came from not far away.

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