"How do you do it?"

Chen Chen became excited when he heard the word"trick".

He ate the honeycomb and asked with a silly smile.

"Follow me~"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn't answer, then picked up the large broad leaves that wrapped the honeycomb and walked towards the farm.

"What would you like to eat in the evening? Rabbit or bamboo rat?"


Are these the only two options?

I want to eat coconut crab...

I've never eaten this since I was a kid.……"

"Of course you can eat coconut crabs~

But first, choose one.

Rabbit or bamboo rat?"

"Let's go with bamboo rats.

Not only are they hard to raise, but they're also not cute.

Rabbits are so cute, so let's fatten them up before eating them!

That way they'll be cuter and more delicious.


Chen Chen almost drooled as she spoke.

She had a younger sister and a younger brother at home, and her family was not wealthy, so they seldom ate meat.

They only ate pork, chicken, fish, and occasionally beef and mutton.

She had never eaten uncommon meats like rabbit and bamboo rat.

"OK~ I don't like raising bamboo rats either~"

Zhao Lu responded with a smile, then came to the breeding farm and picked out the most disobedient bamboo rat.

"Let's go and play a trick on someone.

Does the bastard in the trap outside have any accomplices?"

"There is one!"

"Do you know where their shelter is?"


""Okay! Let's go!"

Chen Chen followed Zhao Lu out with curiosity.

Soon, they arrived at the gate of the yard.


Qian Lin heard the voices outside and immediately felt hopeful again. Then he shouted regardless of anything.

Although he didn't think Zhao Lu and the others would save him, he still couldn't control his mouth and wanted to shout a few times.

"Can you listen to my explanation?

Please give me a chance!"

It seemed that the heaven heard his voice and granted his wish.

Zhao Lu and Chen Chen looked down at the


This very cold word brought great encouragement to Qian Lin.

Seeing that Zhao Lu and the others seemed to be softened, he no longer hesitated and began to speak.

"We are competitors. I stole and smashed things because I wanted to win. That's why I did it.

I admit I was wrong.

I hit a wall.

I admit defeat.

As long as you can help me get up, you can put forward any conditions."

"Yo~ You are still single~"

Zhao Lu smiled, and then threw the large broad leaves covered with honey and some broken honeycomb residue down


This is honey.~"


Qian Lin was stunned when he saw the object falling from the sky.

Although he couldn't figure out what Zhao Lu meant for a moment, his intuition told him that this must not be a good thing.

"Thank you~

But how about you rescue me first?"

"You're welcome, eat first and we'll talk when we come back~"

Zhao Lu said, and then pulled Chen Chen up and left.

Just when Qian Lin was a little confused, Zhao Lu's voice suddenly came from not far away.


I forgot to tell you, in this tropical rain forest, there are many bugs and ants, and what they like most is honey.

You have to eat it quickly, otherwise your honey will be eaten up by those friends.~"


Hearing Chen Chen's silver bell-like laughter, Qian Lin's face suddenly became blue with veins jumping


He understood what these things were used for!

This thing was used to attract bugs and make them bite him!

"Bastard! I'll fuck you**!***! Beep!"

"Why did he say a bunch of stars? And beep~"

"Maybe... it was blocked by the program team? Hahahaha~"


Zhao Lu and the others laughed loudly while following the mark and walking towards Qian Lin's shelter.

Qian Lin's shelter was not too far from here.

The two of them jogged all the way and arrived at the destination in about an hour.

In Qian Lin's shelter, there was a man staring at the flames in boredom.

This man was Qian Lin's teammate, Wu Long

"How are we going to play a trick on him?"

Chen Chen asked curiously, and then looked at the bamboo rat in Zhao Lu's hand with some curiosity, and had some guesses in his mind.

"Let's go~ give him a gift~"

Zhao Lu smiled and said nothing more, but walked over quickly.

"Hello , friend.~"


Wu Long was stunned when he heard a human voice.

Turning his head, he found that it was a man and a woman coming together.

The man was holding a bamboo rat in his hand.

Suddenly, Wu Long's eyes focused, and he recognized Chen Chen!

As a so-called beauty, Chen Chen is still very well-known.

Qian Lin knew her and told Wu Long that he was after Chen Chen.

So when he saw Chen Chen coming with a man, Wu Long immediately became alert.

"What are you doing?"

"Gift Giving~"

"A gift?"

Wu Long was stunned.

Just as he was stunned, he saw Zhao Lu carrying a bamboo rat to the door of their shelter, and then began to slaughter the bamboo rat on the spot.

"You! What are you doing!?

Don’t you know what the smell of blood will attract?"

"I know~"

Zhao Lu didn't look up and continued to peel the skin.

"You now have two choices, one is to hit me and then be eliminated, the other is to pack up, abandon your shelter and get out!

Of course, there is a third option, where you can fight the beasts attracted by the smell of blood!"


Wu Long was stunned.

It was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

It felt like being raped by an AIDS patient with a short penis. Not only could he not resist, he couldn't enjoy it either, and he felt extremely sick.

Countless emotions surged in his heart, making him feel like he wanted to explode!


"Holy shit! The master is so cruel!"

"This is a werewolf!

A little more ruthless than a human!"

"No! This is Langmie!

He has three more points than the ruthless one!"

"I didn't expect that the master would retaliate in such a way that doesn't violate the rules.


I wanted to laugh when I saw the expression of that bastard Wu Long!

Finally, I let the cute girl Xixi vent!"



When the live broadcast room was full of barrages, several guests in the Mango TV live broadcast room were also confused.

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