
Liu and Hu were both stunned at the same time, then turned their heads to look at the place not far away where the sound came from.

"Is there a woman?"

"In distress?"

"It's possible."

Zhao Lu also frowned.

Looking at the distance, he felt something strange.

He felt that the shouting was a little strange, and it didn't seem like a woman.

However, he decided to go over and take a look.

After all, the place where the incident happened was not far from his shelter.

""Let's go and take a look."

Zhao Lu ran out first.

Liu Hu and the other two quickly followed, and the three of them ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Since the distance was not far, the three of them quickly arrived at the place where the sound came from.


As soon as Zhao Lu arrived at this place, she saw an eagle flying in the sky.

It seemed to have aimed at its prey. As long as the time was right, it would swoop down and take its prey away.

However, after Zhao Lu and the other two appeared, it obviously retreated.

"Not a human being."

Zhao Lu glanced around casually and then directly stated the conclusion.

"Isn't it a human?

But its voice is too much like a woman's scream."

Hu Xin looked around curiously.

However, he found nothing.

"Where are you hiding?"


Zhao Lu pointed to a big tree not far away. There was a dark hole in the tree.

Obviously, the little guy was in the hole.

"What is that?"

Liu Deli looked over there with some confusion.

Although he knew a lot about the wilderness, he also had some blind spots.

"A honey bear"

"Honey bear!?"

Hu Xin was shocked. He couldn't understand how a bear could get into a tree hole.

"Honey bear?"

Liu Deli knew what it was this time."So it's this.

It's really rare. This thing is a very rare species."

As the three of them were talking, they came to the outside of the tree hole.


Zhao Lu suddenly let out an eagle cry.

Then there was a noise in the tree hole, and then a golden"monkey" jumped out and ran quickly into the distance.

The"monkey" was about the size of an adult cat, with short golden hair and a long tail that could grab trees. Its sharp claws, fingers that could be spread 180 degrees, and its nimble tail ensured its extremely fast movement speed in the forest.

"Boss, it's about to run away, should we catch it?"

"Forget it, the forest is its home ground, we can't catch it."

Zhao Lu waved her hand and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, a"chirp" sounded not far away, and then an eagle rushed down from the sky, grabbing the honey bear on the tree with its claws.


The honey bear screamed, then quickly retreated, and in a moment he returned to the original tree.

After that, he seemed to feel unsafe, and finally jumped onto Zhao Lu's shoulder.


Zhao Lu looked at the little guy on her shoulder in silence.

She saw that the little guy was looking at her pitifully with big eyes.


The boss is really charming!"

Liu Deli laughed at one side,"I heard a report that said an old lady was sleeping at home. In the middle of the night, she suddenly felt something on her body. When she opened her eyes, she found that it was a honey bear lying on her body.

Sometimes, this thing is really clingy, hahaha~"

Zhao Lu shrugged and found that the honey bear did not respond, so she walked back directly.

"Never mind, let's go back and eat."


When the three returned to the shelter, Chen Chen had already woken up and was washing up by the waterway.

Seeing Zhao Lu and the other two returning with a golden"monkey", he was stunned.

"what is this?"

"Honey Bear, our new summoned beast"

"Is it asleep?"

Chen Chen came over curiously and poked the honey bear gently with his finger, and found that it was really asleep.

"How could it fall asleep directly on your shoulder?


It feels so silly and cute~"

At this moment, the honey bear has fallen asleep, and Zhao Lu can't help but sigh that this"summoned beast" is really generous.

"This guy is a nocturnal creature. Maybe he was too tired last night?"

Zhao Lu gently picked up the honey bear and placed it on a tree stump. Then she told Liu Hu and the others about several ingredients that needed to be washed, and went to wash up.

Liu Hu and the others obediently picked up the ingredients and ran to wash them. When Zhao Lu finished washing up, the two had already prepared one of the ingredients they needed.

Then Zhao Lu started to cook.

When Zhao Lu cooked the first dish, Liu Hu and the others also prepared the ingredients for the next dish.

The three of them repeated this process and soon cooked this morning's meal.

One dish of fried meat with mushrooms, one dish of fried meat with dragon beans, one dish of roasted meat with black pepper, and a rice porridge.

The staple food is still breadfruit

""What a feast!"

Hu Xin sighed as he looked at the table full of food.

If he were in the outside world, he would not be interested in such food.

But this is a deserted island!

Two stir-fried dishes, a black pepper barbecue, a rice porridge soup, and the staple food of toasted breadfruit. This is simply too rich!

"All meat dishes!"

Hu Xin was very touched.

He felt that Zhao Lu was really great! She actually made so many meat dishes just to welcome him!

She was simply the best boss!


I, Old Hu, can't talk. Our feelings are all in this bowl of rice soup."

Hu Xin picked up the rice soup,"Boss!

I offer you a bowl!

If you need anything in the future, just ask!

Going through hardships, if I, Old Hu, frown, I'm a wimp!

I've done it, you can do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Hu Xin finished the bowl of rice soup in one gulp.

Liu Deli was stunned when he saw this.

He felt the pressure!

The pressure from his companions! You really can't judge a person by his appearance!

His companions are even better at"licking" and flattering him than him!

How can he tolerate this?!


I wish I was like the stars and you like the moon, shining brightly every night!

You are handsome, graceful, wise, brave, wise, intelligent, wise like Kong Ming, strong like Xiang Yu, you have fought a hundred battles and never lost a single battle, you are handsome, omnipotent, and can do anything, you have fought a hundred battles and never lost a single battle……"


Zhao Lu was immediately convinced,"I understand, just do it!"


Liu Deli nodded, then drank the rice soup in one gulp.

Hu Xin on the side was stunned.

"Is Lao Liu so arrogant?

What the hell! Is being educated so great?"

Liu Deli seemed to feel Hu Xin's gaze, so he turned his head and glanced at him.

The look seemed to say, sorry, being a educated gangster is really great!


Chen Chen coughed twice to attract the attention of the two.

Then he slowly said,"Well, since you have all decided to cooperate with us for a long time, let's sign a contract.

In this way, everyone will be very relieved."


Liu and Hu were stunned at the same time, and then said in unison:"No! How can this be possible! ?"

Chen Chen was also stunned.

It seems that these two have bad intentions?

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