
Chapter 116

The dead body was buried in the ground, and the dead body was buried in the ground.

Huo Ling returned to the central tower and opened the door of a warehouse. The corpses inside were piled up like a small mountain.

These are all precious resources. The corpses inside were all silver-level professionals, and Huo Ling picked them up.

Unlike the silver-level corpses, his teacher didn't like the black iron-level corpses, so Huo Ling could dispose of them at will.

If the previous battle was not too intense and Huo Ling didn't have time to deal with the corpses and make them into skeletons, He Wenhan would not make skeletons.

But the silver-level corpses are different. The silver-level dark warriors are also a very good combat power supplement for He Wenhan.

Huo Ling checked the number of corpses inside, there were thirty-three, including two Gnoll corpses of spellcasters.

These corpses should be two unlucky Gnoll Shamans who ran too slowly and were burned to death on the mountainside by the fire.

Fortunately, the damage to the corpses was not too serious.

Huo Ling simply released the spell of body preservation on the corpses, and came to the upper floor of the tower, where He Wenhan was dealing with the gold-level corpse.

"Teacher, I have picked up all the silver-level corpses, including thirty-one combatants and two spellcasters." Huo Ling honestly reported the harvest to the teacher.

The busy He Wenhan raised his head, scanned with his mental power, and looked at the gold-level corpse in front of him. He now felt that time was a little insufficient.

He had to deal with this gold-level corpse and the silver-level corpse, and there were enemies outside staring at him.

"Pre-process these corpses in the same way as making dark warriors, and leave the final process to me. I will give you ten corpses when the time comes." He Wenhan ordered casually.

"Yes, teacher!"

Huo Ling's voice was calm, but he was already very happy. Most of these silver-level corpses were killed by the teacher. There were only four or five silver-level professionals who died in his hands.

Now I have earned five corpses for nothing, a huge profit!

"There are two more spellcasters, right?" Suddenly, the teacher seemed to remember something and asked.

"Yes! Teacher, there are two silver-level corpses that look like shamans." Huo Ling replied quickly.

"Okay, process these two corpses as well, and give you one when the time comes." He Wenhan pondered for a moment, looked at the students who followed him to fight, and said with a warm heart.

"Thank you, teacher!" Huo Ling's tone was full of joy.

"Okay, why are you being polite to your teacher? Go down."

He Wenhan smiled and waved his hand casually, driving Huo Ling away.

After saying goodbye to his teacher, Huo Ling did not dare to stop to rest. He quickly meditated to restore his magic power, and then began to work intensively.

To make a dark warrior, except for the last dark warrior coffin and the dark warrior soul, the other steps can be done by others.

Especially the warrior curse seal, which takes the longest time.

Making a dark warrior is also a hard job. Huo Ling began to cast spells continuously and then meditate to restore his magic power.


The gnolls who suffered heavy losses outside the city finally decided to withdraw. The battles in recent days, coupled with the attack of the last legendary spell, caused them to lose nearly half of their soldiers.

When the army was 15,000, they did not take Kangchuan Fort in one go. Now that there are even fewer people, the chance of taking this castle is even lower.

Of course, if they are willing to use high-level professionals to attack the city and fill it in, there is still hope.

After all, most of the defenders in the city are of low- and middle-level ranks, and the real gold-level ones are He Wenhan and his Terror Knight.

If the gold-level jackals attack together, He Wenhan will open the castle shield and hide his head, but as long as they come one by one, he will still let the enemy enter the city to strangle.

If they continue to waste time like this, the low- and middle-level defenders will sooner or later not be able to hold on. When there are no low- and middle-level defenders, the castle shield can only be opened all the time.

When the magic stones in the city are exhausted, the castle can be captured.

But the consequence of doing so is that more jackal warriors and high-level professionals need to be filled in, no matter how you calculate it, it is not worth it for the jackals.

So the army withdrew on the third day after the legendary spell attack.

And their withdrawal also relieved the remaining defenders in Kangchuan Fort.

Without the siege of external enemies, Huo Ling and

His teacher's work was also faster. Before, when dealing with these corpses, he had to reserve a good interval between each spellcasting to prevent himself from consuming too much magic power.

Now he can finally let go and do a big job.

In the next half month, the defenders in the city remained on alert, and scouts of the gnoll team could be detected from time to time at the foot of the mountain.

However, no one wanted to go out. Now the defenders in the city and the castle were already stretched thin. The only ones who had the ability to fight outside the city were He Wenhan and Huo Ling.

But the two were immersed in the busyness of making corpses and had no intention of doing this.

More than 30 corpses of combat professionals were quickly dealt with, and the next step was to deal with the corpses of spellcasters.

Now Huo Ling had two corpses of spellcasters in his hands, one was the mage of the looting group killed when he was taking revenge before, and the second was the silver-level gnoll shaman.

After spending several days and carefully making them, the two corpses were finally successfully revived.

At this point, Huo Ling had two more spellcaster spirits under his command, one silver and one still at the ninth level of black iron.

But it was not a big problem. As long as he found an opportunity to kill a silver-level monster or professional, this black iron skeleton mage could also be promoted.

Huo Ling sensed the power of his subordinates and could not help but feel happy from the bottom of his heart. Now he alone was equivalent to a team with very good combat effectiveness.

There were four spellcasters alone. Only a team with a big business could have such a high configuration.

The skeleton mage and the dark mage, their soul fires were engraved with attack and negative spells, which could play a very good role in battlefield attack and support.

As for making skeletons and dark warriors, these spells could be engraved into them, but it was not worth it. The spells that could be engraved in their soul fires were limited and could not be wasted like this.

What now restricted Huo Ling from expanding the dark warriors was not spells and corpses, but cold iron armor and weapons.

Without these things, even if there are corpses, there is no way to create dark warriors.

After dealing with these corpses, Huo Ling also had some free time. In addition to patrolling every day, he would meditate in the tower.

The garrisons on the city wall were under the command of their own officers, and the undead creatures under their command were stationed at each defense node, ready at all times.

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