Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 44 The battle will continue

Wang Zhong was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the enemy's shot hit him.

Is this luck?

If it's not luck, it's terrible. He operated the artillery with a broken arm and completed the emergency stop shooting accurately. What kind of ace gunner is this?

Are all the tankers of Proson a monster?

But the enemy still has two tanks coming around from the south. Now is not the time to sigh about these.

He grabbed the "idle person" closest to him: "Su Fang! Get in the tank, I need a new loader!"

After saying that, he struggled to climb out of the tank and let go of the hatch.

In fact, Wang Zhong is not so familiar with the tanks in this world. He doesn't know where the loader got on the car, so he can only let go of the commander's hatch.


Su Fang is thinner, and she got into the turret more smoothly than Wang Zhong-T28 is not a particularly spacious tank.

After entering the turret, Su Fang saw at a glance that the gunner's left shoulder was also full of blood, and his arm was drooping weakly, obviously broken.

Her first reaction was to tell Count Rokossov, but she was caught by the gunner with his right hand that could still move.

The gunner turned off the microphone and mouthed, "There are no gunners alive, so I have to go."

Su Fang was stunned. At this time, Count Rokossov climbed in again, his butt right next to Su Fang's face.

The Count's voice came from outside the hatch: "Reload quickly, there are still enemies!"

The gunner pointed to the ammunition rack where the armor-piercing shells were placed with his right hand.

At this time, because the body of the original loader had not been transported out, the entire space was extremely narrow, and only Su Fang could move around.

She took out the shells, stuffed them into the cannon, and then didn't know how to close the breech block.

The gunner demonstrated it himself with his right hand. Because he was sitting on the right side of the turret's fighting room, he had to turn around to operate it, and a lot of blood flowed down his left hand during this process.

But he still completed the loading action.

Su Fang nodded: "I understand."

After that, she looked at the gunner's left arm worriedly.

Gunner: "There's a medical kit over there, help me bandage it, force it, tie it tight."

Su Fang took out the medical kit, took out the gauze and started bandaging it. For some reason, she couldn't control her tears while bandaging it, blurring her vision.


Wang Zhong is now thinking about how to repel the enemy. He switched to the overlooking mode, so he didn't know the gunner was injured.

The remaining two enemy tanks, tactical numbers 153 and 154, now circled a larger arc, intending to circle out from the south to destroy No. 422.

It looks like the distance is close to one kilometer, and the enemy's training will have a greater advantage at this distance.

The most important thing is that there are two enemies, and they circled out and stopped to shoot at the same time, so No. 422 can only deal with one.

Wang Zhong quickly glanced at the village and found that the tanks entering the village were also firmly stuck at the intersection, and he couldn't retreat into the village.

The only solution is to use smoke to cover it and then retreat to the east.

But in that case, the distance from the enemy will continue to increase, and the enemy will have a greater advantage in sights and training.

Wang Zhong was secreting a lot of adrenaline at this time. Obviously, the death of the loader made him deeply aware that he was licking blood on the tip of a knife and dancing at the gate of hell.

Perhaps adrenaline increased his thinking ability, and Wang Zhong really came up with an idea.

He turned his head and shouted to the infantry next to him: "Hurry up and use straw or something to hide the wreckage of the half-track vehicle!"

The engineer half-track vehicle just now was blown up when it was hit. It may have been blown up too thoroughly. It didn't catch fire after the explosion and turned into a pile of charred wreckage lying there.

With straw piled up, it looks like a tank lying there.

The enemy also pulled the distance away, so it must not be seen!

Fortunately, there were infantry nearby, and they didn't all join the meat-crushing battle on the street.

The sergeant who had just ordered people to throw smoke immediately organized everyone to move straw.

The enemy went around farther away, which gave Wang Zhong time to prepare.

Wang Zhong: "Driver! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Wang Zhong: "Back up, back into the yard behind!"

The half-track just exploded, blowing down the wall on the east side of the alley, so the tank can retreat in.

Wang Zhong planned to use the remaining low wall on the south side of the yard as a cover to hide the tank, and then use the wreckage to take the enemy's first round of artillery fire.

No. 422 fell into the yard and hid behind the low wall, with only half of the turret and a gun barrel exposed.

Wang Zhong: "Give me some straw too, block it in front, don't block the gun mirror!"

The infantry immediately threw two bundles of straw onto the tank, and then a private climbed up and placed straw on the gun barrel on the left and right, just revealing the gun mirror.

Wang Zhong was about to shrink his head, but another bundle of straw was placed on the top of the tank turret, blocking most of the hatch and himself.

Wang Zhong used his bird's-eye view to zoom out and see that the camouflage was OK. It was full of flaws when viewed from close up, but it was too hard to spot from a kilometer away, even with a telescope.

The wreckage was also "camouflaged". The infantry not only piled straw, but also moved part of the wooden house that was blown down by the Proson combat engineer before, which looked particularly suspicious.

Wang Zhong: "Infantry, stay away to prevent us from accidentally injuring you with the explosion."

Although it was a very tense situation, some infantry still laughed.

They thought the count was showing his tolerance and sense of humor.

The enemy in the distance was about to get in place. Wang Zhong switched to the naked eye view and raised the telescope to look at the edge of the smoke.

Car No. 153 rushed into the field of vision.

Wang Zhong: "Did you see it? No. 153! The scale is 980 meters! Aim! The enemy will definitely stop suddenly this time, don't worry!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tank No. 153 stopped, and the commander exposed on the turret was also observing.

Wang Zhong suddenly realized that the telescope would flash when he was facing the sun, so he quickly put the telescope down and changed the perspective.

He continued to order: "Hold still! Wait for the enemy to fire first!"

No. 154 is also in place, and two Prosen tanks are aiming this way in the wilderness.

Immediately afterwards, No. 153 opened fire! The target is the straw-covered wreckage!

Wang Zhong: "Hold still! Wait for No. 154 to fire!"

This time, he didn't wait too long. Smoke and flash came from the muzzle of No. 154.

Without waiting to confirm the impact point of the enemy's shells, Wang Zhong shouted: "Fire!"

The muzzle blast of the shooting blew away all the straw. The door of Wang Zhong's car was wide open, and the tactical number 422 was directly exposed to the sunset!

From an overhead perspective, Wang Zhong clearly saw that two of the enemies on No. 153 were dead and one was injured. This time they did not insist on fighting, but abandoned the vehicle!

Su Fang's voice penetrated Wang Zhong's ears: "Armor-piercing bullet, okay!"

Wang Zhong: "Target Tank No. 154! Turn the turret quickly!"

For some reason, the rotation of the turret was a beat slower this time, and Tank No. 154 fired again.

Wang Zhongxin was done thinking.

Soon enough, he saw a ray of light hitting the low wall in front of the tank - the enemy was down!

Then the shell penetrated the low wall and hit the tank.

The hit happened so fast that Wang Zhong didn't see what happened, but he heard the windowpane of the room behind him shatter.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Zhong saw the trailer steel cable fixed to the tank shell bounce up high, and hit the wooden house next to it like a whip, cracking the wood directly, and the whip was completely embedded in the wooden house.

Wang Zhong couldn't control it anymore and shouted: "Fire!"

Before he finished speaking, flames erupted from the muzzle.

He quickly looked at the enemy tank.

It's over, not a single enemy is dead from the bird's eye view!

I don’t know if it was blown away or not penetrated!

Just when Wang Zhong thought he was about to confess, the enemy abandoned the car!

If you look carefully, you can see that there are hit marks on the enemy's gun mantlet. It's probably because the breech block is stuck!

In the game, if the breech block is jammed, you only need to click "F", and after waiting for more than ten seconds, you will be a hero again. This is not the case in reality! If the breech block is broken, you have to abandon the vehicle first and then tow it to the repair shop to repair it!

Wang Zhong was overjoyed and actually won! Although I only killed two enemies in total, a win is a win!

He laughed, then remembered that there were tanks and enemy infantry in the village.

The fight will continue!

Wang Zhong didn't know why the melody of "The Battle Will Continue" sounded in his heart.

The fight will continue!

Full of passion and leaping with heart!


At this time, the gunner said: "I... seem to be dying."

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