At the end of the dark corridor.

A palace resplendent in gold and darkness completely appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the palace overhead and couldn't help but feel its grandeur and magnificence.

The golden roof and red door of the palace, this antique style, make people feel solemn.

The golden glazed tiles shine dazzling in the sunlight.

Lin Feng knew that it must be the place where the strongest rented in the entire Sky City lived, that is, where Seghart, the Lord of the City of Light, lived.

There, it's the city lord's palace!

Between the city lord's palace and the dark corridor, between light and darkness, there is a wide and long staircase connecting them.

Steps about kilometers.

Extending from the gate of the city lord's palace, through the light, into the darkness, and receiving the darkness ~ the end of the corridor.

Lin Feng knew that it was the only way from the dark corridor to the city lord's direct hall.

Watched for a while.

Lin Feng calmly said to Celia and Saran behind him: "Let's go!"

So, the three of them stepped on the steps to the city lord's palace.

Following the steps, they soon reached the city lord's palace.

Pushed open the gate of the city lord's palace, which had not been opened for a long time, and walked in.

After entering the city lord's palace, they were greeted by two rows of heavily armed destroyer warriors.

It can be felt that these two rows of expeller warriors are stronger than any of the expellers in the dark corridor.

They stood motionless, waiting for their king to give orders!

And their king is at the end of their two rows of queues.

City of Light Lord Seghardt sitting on a huge throne!

Lin Feng's gaze crossed the two rows of expeller fighters and saw Segerhart sitting at the end.

It was a humanoid light wearing golden armor.

It has no substantial flesh, and except for the golden armor, it is composed of a dazzling white light.

Even its hair is a light that gathers together.

Even the sword in the hand is sparkling.

Its body of light is very straight.

It was as if it had never bent.

Even if you are killed, you will always stand!

After seeing Seghardt, the Lord of the City of Light, with his own eyes.

Lin Feng felt a sigh of emotion.

He couldn't help but sigh for the fate of the king in front of him.

Back then, after the defeat of the Demon Realm, the Dragon Explosion King Ba Carl led his men to flee to the Celestial Realm and tried to dominate the Celestial Realm to make a comeback.

They invaded Sky City, the only passage from the Celestial Realm to the continent of Arad, and issued a magic order to weaken the resistance of the Celestial Clan.

Of course, not only that, in order to prevent the Celestial Clan from retrieving magical knowledge from the Arad Continent, Carl Ba Carl also specially used magic to create powerful light warriors to guard the sky city.

And this powerful warrior of light is none other than Segerhart, the lord of the City of Light!

Once created, Seghart made a vow to Ba Carl and swore eternal allegiance to him.

And it did!

Eternal loyalty seems to have become its sole purpose of living.

This powerful belief allowed him to defend the city of the sky for five hundred years after Carl's death.

This strong belief has kept it standing!

As long as it is firmly believed that Carl is still alive, it will be resurrected infinitely to fulfill the promise made to Carl - "Guard the city in the sky and let no one enter!"

But Ba Carl betrayed its loyalty.

Before the tyrannical Carl dies, out of unwilling anger, he wants to have all his loyal subordinates buried with him.

So he left the last words stone and cracked Segerhardt's immortal body.

As long as Segerhart sees Carl's regret in the stone of last words, the ability to resurrect infinitely will end, and life will die with it!

Lin Feng doesn't deny that Segerhart is brutal.

Because when it entered Sky City, after letting the Dragon Clan occupy the first layer, it killed all the creatures in Sky City and refined them all into puppets stationed in Sky City.

But in terms of loyalty, I have to admit that Segerhart has done it to the extreme!

However, it is also a poor man, loyal to the wrong master.

Unexpectedly, after his master died, he did not forget to take his life!

This made Lin Feng sigh for it.

After the three of Lin Feng entered the city lord's palace.

Segerhardt saw their arrival.

It rose from its throne.

The body is suspended in mid-air.

Staring at the three of Lin Feng with extremely angry eyes.

After a moment, he said in a voice as thick as thunder: "Lord Ba's order, those who trespass on the city of the sky, there is no mercy!"

"Ba Carl is dead!" Lin Feng shouted.

He knew that only this could make Gerhart's mentality collapse.

But, to Lin Feng's surprise.

When Segerhart heard his words, he instead laughed loudly: "Joke! Big joke! How great Lord Carl is, how can he die! Stupid humans

Defile the wisdom of Lord Carl, and the sin deserves death!"

After speaking, it flew towards Lin Feng with a lightsaber.

Lin Feng realized that judging by Segerhart's loyalty to Carl, without taking out the stone of Carl's last words, this guy could not believe that Carl would die anyway!

At this time, Seghart had already attacked, and obviously there was no time to show the Last Word Stone again, and even if it did, it would not look at it!

You can only kill it first.

Lin Feng figured this out between electric flints and knew that he could only face Seghardt first at this moment.

He looked at Seghart, who was flying with a lightsaber.

There is no fear in the heart.

Because he knew that Segerhardt at this time was no longer afraid.

When Segerhardt was created, his strength was very powerful, almost arrogant to the entire Arad continent.

But with the death of Carl, the energy of the magic array weakened, and its strength continued to weaken.

After more than five hundred years of consumption, it now has less than one-tenth of its strength left.

The level has also been reduced to level 30.

If it had just been created, Lin Feng would have pulled out his legs and ran away in the face of its attack.

But now it is only level 30, and after putting aside the ability of infinite resurrection, Lin Feng no longer puts it in his eyes in terms of the ability to fight!

Lin Feng drew the knife in his hand and faced Segerhardt.

The swords collided, radiating with light, emitting a thumping explosion.

"Lin Feng, drag Segerhart, let's go investigate the magic circle!" Celia shouted at Lin Feng.

After that, she pulled Saran and prepared to run to the position of the throne where Segerhardt was before, behind the throne was the top floor leading to Sky City, from where you could see the magic array up close.

Lin Feng shouted at Celia: "Don't go, come back, it's never too late to kill Segerhart!"

Kill Segerhardt?

Celia looked at Lin Feng with shocked eyes.

Segerhardt has the ability to resurrect infinitely and is an immortal being!

And Lin Feng said to kill Segerhart, did this guy forget Hegerhardt's ability?

Didn't you make this clear to him before entering Sky City!

The strategy is not to kill Segerhardt, but to drag it!

Although Celia couldn't understand why Lin Feng said this, the trust she had built up with Lin Feng made her decide to trust Lin Feng again.

So he followed Saran and stayed still.

Lin Feng saw Celia stop and focus on the fight.

He first unleashed a ghost slash move, tearing apart Seghardt's shining body with the power of a powerful ghost.

Then he used a crack wave slash to completely crush Segerhardt's body with a sword wave.

Segerhardt, he beheaded under the knife.

However, Lin Feng, along with Celia and Saran, both know that this does not mean that the battle is over and that Segerhardt will be resurrected.

The three of them were right.

Segerhardt's body disappeared under Lin Feng's knife and recondensed in the air.

After the light in mid-air flickered, it condensed a thing that was exactly the same as the original.

It is resurrected!

"I promised Lord Ba Carl that I would hold on to the Sky City, and I would not fall easily!" After the resurrection, it said loudly.

"There is something for you to see, it is the last words of your master, the Dragon King Ba Carl, do you want to see it?" While it was talking, Lin Feng said to it.

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Segerhart had no intention of looking, but became even more angry!

"Ridiculous! Lord Carl will die! What are the last words? Your slander against your master has angered me!"

As it spoke, it shot powerful lasers from its eyes towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Segerhart speechless.

This guy is like a donkey, and he can't believe that Carl is dead!

Seeing that it is angry at the extreme, kill it a few times to calm down!

It's too late to say.

Lin Feng quickly dodged the laser rays, and carried the knife to unleash a ghostly blessed mountain crash.

A knife slapped Segerhart's head, smashing its straight body to pieces.

Under Lin Feng's powerful attack, Segerhardt's defense was obviously like paper paste, and he was easily killed by Lin Feng.

The slain Seghart recondensed the body of light and was resurrected again.

This resurrection made it recognize Lin Feng's strength.

Knowing that Lin Feng crushed himself in terms of strength and speed, as well as attack power.

But it's not scared at all.

Because it is no longer afraid, there is only one belief in its heart, that is, the promise to its master, to stick to the city in the sky!

Fighting, killing all invaders who break into Sky City, this is its mission.

Other than that, it doesn't need to think about anything!

So, after being resurrected, it continued to fly towards Lin Feng with its lightsaber.

Lin Feng shouted at it: "We have your master's things, do you want to take a look!"

This time, Hayashi Gang learned wisely.

He knew that Segerhart would not believe the fact that the dragon king Ba Carl was dead, so he stopped talking about Ba Carl's death and did not imply that Ba Carl was dead.

Just say that you own what Carl has for Ba.

In this way, the appeal will be even greater for Segerhart, who will always be loyal to Carl.


As Lin Feng expected.

Segerhardt, who flew over, froze in mid-air.

It put away the attack it was ready to launch.

Mumbled: "The master's stuff ... The owner's stuff..."

Then it looked at Lin Feng and said, "What is it?"

Sure enough, talking about Ba Carl's stuff can interest it even more, and it takes the bait!

Lin Feng saw it stop and made sure it was interested.

So from the storage bag, he took out the stone of Bakar's last words that he had received from Kakun.

And ask Saran to start cracking the magic applied to the Last Word Stone, and will Ba Carl's last words


Celia and Saran did not know in advance the role of the Last Word Stone.

They all thought that Lin Feng brought Saran to Sky City because he took a fancy to her status as a powerful magician, in order to investigate the situation of the magic array more conveniently.

Now, Lin Feng asks Saran to crack the magic of the Stone of Carl's Last Words, much to their bewilderment.

0 Ask for flowers............

I don't know what Lin Feng is doing this!

Of course, although Saran was confused, she did as Lin Feng was told.

Regardless of Lin Feng's purpose, based on Lin Feng's looks alone, she has no reason to refuse.

Carl Ba made this last words stone and sent it to the continent of Arad, in order to let the people of the continent of Arad get this last words stone and kill Segerhardt

It accompanies the burial.

Therefore, the magic that Ba Carl exerts on the Last Word Stone will not be too complicated.

Sharan, who is proficient in magic, quickly cracks it.


The stone of last words shimmered with white light.

Segerhart recognized the breath of Carl in the bright light at a glance.

Knowing that this stone is really something left by his own owner, Ba Carl.

It fell from mid-air.

Even the body that had been standing when he died finally bent and knelt in front of the Stone of Last Words.

Tears rolled in its bright eyes.

It had not felt the breath of Carl for more than five hundred years, and this time it felt the breath of Carl again, making it cry.

Not much....

The white light emitted by the Last Word Stone condensed a small magic screen.

The ghost of the Dragon King Ba Carl appeared on the screen.

The moment he saw the shadow of the Dragon King Ba Carl, Segerhart's tears rolling in the corners of his eyes couldn't help but fall.

It cried!

The lord of the magnificent Sky City, the city lord of the famous Sky City, the strong man who once made countless people in the Arad Continent fearful, actually cried like a child at this time.

"Great Lord Carl!" It knelt on the ground and shouted!

In Seghart's cry.

The picture on the screen starts to change.

The shadow of Ba Carl began to speak.

......... 0

Ba Carl said, "Segerhart, your loyalty to the king, the king has already felt. When you see these last words, the king is already alive, and you don't have to hold on to it

This city. Rest in peace with this king, my faithful men!"

After speaking.

The ghost blurred and then dissipated.

The white light emitted by the Last Word Stone also dimmed, and then disappeared!

A simple sentence is enough to express the meaning of Ba Carl.

Although Carl spoke for a short time, every sentence was very clearly engraved in Gerhart's heart.

After hearing this, Seghart knelt on the ground and completely collapsed!

"Master, my great Lord Carl!" It cried out with tears in its heart.

The sound resounded throughout the sky city.

Lin Feng looked at it like this and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It's a pity!

Segerhart, if he was born on Earth or Blue Star, I am afraid he is a good crying grave!

Usually take on the crying business, can also become the top of the industry!

It's a pity!

Segerhart did not believe that his great Lord Carl would die.

But it can already be confirmed that this is the case.

Because it is the product of Ba Carl's magic, it knows the breath of Ba Carl best.

That last word stone, and the content of the last words, are definitely by the hands of Carl.

That said, it's all true!

Segerhardt collapsed for a long time.

After half an hour, it eased up slightly.

Like an old man with a wind candle, it dragged its unstable body back to its feet.

Then he looked at Lin Feng.

He said, "Lord Carl... Since it is the master's meaning, I will not stop you again. Thank you, powerful adventurer, for allowing me to feel it in my lifetime

I was breathed by Lord Ba Carl once and saw Lord Ba Carl's last words!"

It took a deep breath.

He continued: "In return, before I die, I will exhaust the energy of my whole body and condense a lightsaber and give it to you!"

Say it all!

It turned into a ray of light very decisively.

And then disappeared!

Lin Feng looked at the light that had disappeared, and his heart was ashamed,

This guy is also a ruthless person, saying that he will sleep by suicide!

It seems that Carl Ba knows it well.

After guessing that after it sees its last words, it will definitely die!

Not for long.

Lin Feng's eyes brightened.

Because in front of his eyes, where Segerhart disappeared, a light like a small star suddenly appeared.

After this light appeared, it began to absorb the surrounding light and constantly expanded itself.

It is in mid-air, gradually deforming.

From the size of a fingernail, it quickly grew to the size of an arm.

Finally, under Lin Feng's surprised gaze, it actually grew into the appearance of a sword.

A lightsaber, a lightsaber made entirely of dazzling light!

"Is this what Segerhart said he was going to give me in return? A lightsaber?" Lin Feng thought to himself.

He didn't know the attributes of this lightsaber yet.

But he was already satisfied with this lightsaber!

Because, the appearance of this lightsaber is simply bursting!

The hilt is the golden hilt cast by melting the golden armor on Segerhardt's body.

The sword body is a pure white light, shining and dazzling.

The +0 enhancement level is already more dazzling than the light emitted by other +17 weapons.

Moreover, in addition to the dazzling white light, its appearance style is also very good-looking.


Lightsaber condensation complete.

It ended up in Lin Feng's hands.

Lin Feng finally learned its name.

On the light of the true winged shadow!.

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