When others saw the sights of Luo Zheng and Tian Chuan, they also looked at the Qingtiantai. Book mobile phone

When they saw the people in the Qingtiantai, they suddenly became shocked.


"The man is the same as the black head!"

"Who is he?"

It is not a leisurely generation to stay in Yuqing.

"Tian Chuan seniors, can you know him?" Luo Zheng asked.

Tian Chuan gaze across the Qingtiantai and seems to search for memories of this person in his mind.

On the opposite side of the Qingtiantai, like the black head, there is a strange smile on the face, as if to give time to think.

Tian Chuan is a world builder who has been focusing on building one world after another. He doesn't care about the things in the main world. If you are in trouble before building the world, you only need to call the Shifang government.

The strong dispatched by the Shifang government will wash away all the troubles.

The most contact between the world's builders is about the people of Shifang.

Tian Chuan searched for a long time in the memory of the past. He suddenly remembered something. He looked at the other person and pointed at the opposite person. "I remember, you are the person of Shifangfu. You are the government, the government. will!"

Those who are powerful in the Shifang government are called the government.

There are a lot of troubles in the main world...

For example, when building the world to occupy some ethnic sites, or to demolish some of the barbaric ethnic settlements, you need to trouble to the Shifang government.

Under normal circumstances, it is not enough for the government to go out, and the strong people of the ordinary Shifang government are enough.

One time, two hundred of them were attacked by the tail butterfly family. Two hundred builders were trapped. The people of the Shifang government came back with three waves of feathers. The last ten Fangfu sent six government officials. .

It was also the first time that Tian Chuan met the government of Shifang, and the government was the leader of the time.

The power of the government will be terrible, and the six major government will quickly clear the tail butterfly family, and the efficiency is terrible.

Although the government will leave a vivid impression on Tian Chuan at that time, he and Yufu will have only one side of the relationship. The black head is clearly the face of the government, but now Tianzhi only thought about it.

"Hey, what will happen? Why do some people dare to kill us! I have heard that the Eternal Court has been abandoned, what happened in the four Lingmen?" Tian legend has a series of problems.

Although Tianchuan has been attacked by big-headed monsters, it is now suspected of attacking the black head that the government will control...

Tian Chuanxin still regards the human spirit as his own destination, and regards the Shifang government as a reliable object.

Therefore, he believed in Luo Zheng’s words with a maximum of three points, and now he wants to prove himself in the government. "Ha ha ha..." The government will issue a series of voices. This time he began to speak Sanskrit. "If I killed you all these people, then I would swear again. The road to mourning is a safe life." Make sure you

Still can live. ”

When I heard the words of the government, Luo Zheng and Tian Chuan’s face were slightly sinking. Tian Chuan once again asked, “What is the answer to this question?”

"You are just a builder in the district. How come there are so many problems?" The government will scream in a cold voice. "You just need to do what I said. I will command you as the will of the Shifang government!" ”

There are some situations that have been arranged as early as the first chaos, and the appearance of the government will only erase its variables.

The strength of the world's builders is not worth mentioning, but their familiarity with the chaotic world is also a variable, so they have arranged many enemies here.

Every time a world builder enters here, he will be beaten back by the enemy to mourn the road...

This time the Tianzhu won, and this only shocked the government.

The Shifang government will...

The status in the main world is always high, and a sentence can often determine the life and death of a big family.

It is difficult to disobey in order to accept its orders unconditionally.

"Kill them, then zìshā?" Tian Chuan muttered. Luo Zheng looked at Tian Chuan with a calm gaze, his hand's long gun clenched, and the silver-white shattered light was slowly flowing along the lines of the gun and the tip of the gun. The shattered light could kill the natural and killing body. Pass, even though he is now

Already awakened.

"Tian Chuan seniors, your obsession is to awaken, do you still want to return to the state of embarrassment?" Luo Zheng asked.

Tian Chuan saw Luo Zheng and looked at the distant government.

After thinking for a while, I will show a firm color. "Hey, I will let you go back to the road of mourning, but please unravel my heart. Who killed us? Why?"

The government’s eyes are scornful, and the eyes of the black head are the same. “I don’t know what the so-called things are, I thought I was sleeping. These years are personal things?”

"Hey, hey..."

The government began to blink the blood red light, and the eyes of the black head also had red light to accumulate. It was another wave of attacks.

But the red light of those eyes could not be played out. "Hey, hey!" The two silver guns pierce their eyes again.

Luo Zheng said that the long guns were on the shoulders. "More than a thousand chaos have been used in the past. Maybe the forces of the Ten Thousands of People are not there anymore. It is better to ask the guys than to ask for clues!"

The voice of Luo Zheng is transmitted from the body of the body, and the sound is not big, but the government will hear through the black head naturally.

In the eyes of the government, in addition to the world builders who cannot be killed, there are some people who can't have table bugs.

Although Luo Zheng repeatedly pierced the eyes of the black head, but the government will also count the merits of the light of the destruction rather than Luo Zheng.

"Hehehe, do you think you can leave?" The government will ask in a sigh of relief.

"Do not try and know how?" Luo Zheng's right hand silver brilliance began to gather again.

"The self-righteous bug, let you try it..."

The government will say that it has taken two steps on the edge of the Qingtiantai. Since the skin at his neck began to bulge a ball, it seems that there are eggs swimming in it.

At the same time, the big monsters under the black head began to shake, and they began to merge with each other, spreading in all directions, gradually forming the body of a black giant!

The black giant is full of feet, and it is a big clear platform. It can only be crossed in ten steps.

At that time, the far-off government will also open the clothes that are draped in the body. Only when his body is lightly shocked, there are cracks one after another on the body surface, and then there are countless eyes open under the body. The action of the Black Giant is exactly the same as that of the Black Giant. The appearance of the black giant's body also appears one after another. When these eyes are opened, the blood red light begins to accumulate.

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