Apocalyptic black technology battleship system

Chapter 91 What a tricky idea (please collect it!)

The car thief failed to steal the car, so he took out a small infrared toy and scanned a specific location first. The few people hiding outside seemed to have heard the signal and entered one after another in the dark. He entered the villa yard, and the car thief simply took out the gun from his arms and walked towards the villa first in the dark. Apparently he wanted to take advantage of the night to kill all the sleeping survivors in the house. Kill them all.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, the villa in front of him was very "lively".

Chen Tiancheng was very efficient. When the car thief failed to steal the car, he had already used a walkie-talkie to wake up everyone in the room. At this time, everyone in their message channel lowered their voices. As he spoke, there was a black muzzle sticking out of the window of every room.

Chen Tiancheng: "This girl is definitely not a car thief."

Hou Zhuang: "They came in with guns. Do you still think they just want to steal the car? Are you the Holy Mother?"

Li Jingyang: "These people are very agile!"

Bai Lan: "Keep your voices down. The people behind you haven't come in yet, so don't startle them."

Yang Xin (cautiously): "When shall we open fire?"

Chen Tiancheng: "Wait for Xia... Damn it, Brother Xia has already opened fire!"

Xia Bai did open fire. At that time, the leading car thief had arrived downstairs and was about to disappear into the blind spot of Xia Bai's sight. Although not all of the car thief's accomplices had come in yet, he couldn't wait any longer. .

He is not worried about putting such a person into the villa. If this guy dares to come in, the first person he has to deal with is Bai Lan, the awakener. But if there is a fight in the house, smashing and bumping, it will be easy in the past two days. The house that had been cleaned up was in chaos again, so Xia Bai directly opened fire upstairs.

He used a sniper rifle with a caliber of 12.7 mm, and at such a distance, he was shooting from upstairs to downstairs, and he also used a scope, so there was no reason to miss.

The car thief was so proud, but he didn't even realize what was going on. His head exploded instantly. At the moment of death, he didn't even know he was dead. He fell backwards and fell heavily to the ground behind him. On the ground, there was a large pool of blood in the snow.

In the space, the thunderous sound of sniper rifles echoed.

Immediately afterwards, a heart-rending shout rang out from the car thief's companions behind him: "Fuck you, sniper!!"

Xia Bai calmly turned the gun and pointed it in the direction of the sound, but before he could fire, someone over there opened fire first. He didn't know who had such good eyesight, and he spotted Xia Bai in an instant. Although the opponents were all armed with pistols, they all seemed to have one. They fired at the same time. Xia Bai had to stop and retreat, and was forced into the room.

Xia Bai exhaled. Now that this group of people are here, don't even think about leaving. Their firepower is generally small and they don't even need to move the battleship. Be simple.

The other party's gunshots resounded instantly. Although they were all pistols, five or six of them fired at the same time, which was quite shocking.


There is no use in forcing Xia Bai back.

Because the next moment, Hou Zhuang and the others opened fire.

The "bang bang bang" sound of gunfire was instantly replaced by "ta da da da".

On Hou Zhuang's side, all rifles and submachine guns fired in a burst, suppressing all the survivors. Xia Bai only heard screams coming from below, and then, someone yelled at the top of his voice: "Boss" , The idea is prickly!"

As for Xia Bai, there was also a burst of noise in the news channel.

"What are you shouting from the other side?"

"That guy wants to run away! Fuck him!"

"Should we leave him alive?"

"That man can run faster than my grandson!"

"Fight this grandson with me!"

"Fuck! It's the Awakened One! It's the Awakened One!"

"No, that person isn't trying to run away. Damn it, what kind of operation is this?"

"Wait for me, wait for me - cover me!"

Xia Bai originally thought that he didn't need to take action anymore, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to have an awakener. He also changed his color slightly and came to the window again from behind. Then he looked down and saw Jean. He also changed his color slightly.

There really was an awakened person among the group of people below. Moreover, at this moment, the awakened person moved a Wuling Hongguang that Xia Bai was familiar with from nowhere. He held it diagonally and used this car domineeringly. As a shield, he protected the people behind him and resisted the shots of Chen Tiancheng and others. Moreover, this person was also a ruthless character. Even if the situation reached this point, he still did not intend to retreat at this moment. Instead, he held up the shield Wuling Hongguang rushed towards this side like crazy. The Awakened One was extremely fast and powerful. This thing was like a toy in his hands. It wouldn't take long for him to rush in with this thing on his head. .

Xia Bai changed color. He once again set up his sniper rifle, intending to find an angle to kill the awakened one.

But at this moment, Xia Bai saw out of the corner of his eye that a rocket flew out from the front entrance of their villa!

Xia Bai was shocked.

The rocket flew out from the front entrance of the villa, and in an instant, it hit the Wuling Hongguang of the awakened people over there. The awakened people seemed to have never expected that Xia Bai and the others not only had sniper rifles, but also rifles. , he was able to take out the RPG, but he didn't react and kept rushing forward.

Therefore, in the eyes of Xia Bai who was on the roof, the scene in the field was like a rocket that the awakened person had bumped into.

The two collided instantly, and the van and a group of people behind it were all blown away. The flames rose three to four meters high, and the entire courtyard of the villa was illuminated.

The fire and thick smoke obscured his sight, so Xia Bai carried a spray gun and walked all the way downstairs. When he got downstairs, he saw Hou Zhuang putting down the rocket launcher. Chen Tiancheng came out of the control room with a complicated look on his face. He looked at Hou Zhuang with an expression that wanted to both curse and praise.

Xia Bai glanced at Hou Zhuang, it was this guy who had just cleared the place.

Hou Zhuang was rubbing his shoulders now, as if he was in pain from the shock.

Xia Bai said: "Take the gun and follow me out to hit the target."

However, at this moment, Bai Lan's voice sounded in the message channel: "The awakened one ran away!"

When Xia Bai rushed out, he saw the awakened person whose arm was blown off, running out of their villa yard while holding on to a door panel, and got into a car they drove over. Just run away.

Hou Zhuang asked: "What should we do?"

It would be okay if the person running away was an ordinary person, but this is an awakened person...

Xia Bai walked directly to his battleship and said, "I am a guest. Since I am here, it is not good to let me leave like this."

At that moment, he and Hou Zhuang got into the car, notified Bai Lan, and chased after him.

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