“I think you may have misunderstood something.”

“I won’t support your dreams.”

“On the contrary, Cang Na, you should support my dream”

“Because of your dream……Just a tiny step towards my dream”

“So, it’s not me who wants to stand with you, Cang Na…….you……You must stand with me.”

Luo Fan’s words left Cang Na speechless for a long time.

Good guy, it’s the opposite of Tian Gang, right?

After sorting out his mood, Cang Na asked:”Speaking of which, because Luo Fan Jun doesn’t talk much, I have never heard you say”

“Mr. Luo Fan, can you tell me what your dream is?”

Luo Fan picked up the silver gem in his hand and spoke slowly.

“I want to transform the existing system of the underworld……That’s all”

“Not only deny the old demon king, but also deny the new demon king”

“Not only is he not a conservative establishment figure, but he is also not an innovative reformist figure.”

“It belongs to my own faction!”

The old Demon King faction is conservative and only recognizes bloodlines instead of people.

Although the reformists have made some changes, the recognition and recommendation mechanism of pure blood supremacy still dominates.

If the old Demon King faction is the recommendation system, the current reformists are the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng system, which is more advanced than the recommendation system.

Then Luo Fan’s goal is – the imperial examination system!

“Although it is just an idea now, I think we have some ideas in common.”

“In my opinion, it is a waste to not allow half-blood demons and reincarnated demons to advance just because their blood is impure.”

“Talents should be assigned to the most suitable places”

“Talents should also be trained in the most appropriate way”

“Not cultivating or even suppressing reincarnated demons and hybrid demons just because of the prejudice of the old demons is simply an”anti-demon” act!”

Comparing bloodlines?

What a joke?

After absorbing the real demon chess pieces, who can compare with him in bloodline?

When Luo Fan’s chess pieces are full, there will be 15 real demon bloodline followers and 225 pure-blood demon bloodline followers.

This power is even enough for Luo Fan to create another underworld.

This is also the confidence that Luo Fan dares to have such an idea….

“I also agree with Luo Fanjun’s point of view”

“But my ideal is still full of difficulties.”

“Luo Fanjun, is your dream a little……..Castles in the air?”

Cang Na’s words were rather euphemistic, but his meaning was clear. Your dream is amazing, so amazing that it is impossible to realize it.

If Cang Na knew that Luo Fan wanted to do this largely for Gurefia, he would probably give up the cooperation and run away on the spot, right?

“As of now, the degree of our dreams is similar. My dream is bigger and the road is longer. But isn’t my strength stronger than yours, Cang Na?”

Hearing this, Cang Na couldn’t help but smile.

“That’s true~ I don’t seem to have the right to say anything to Luo Fanjun now.”


“As partners on the same road.”

Cang Na stretched out his hand and pointed his eyes at Luo Fan.

“It’s a pleasure to work with you.”

Luo Fan extended his hand and also made a handshake gesture:”It’s a pleasure to work with you.”……..

In front of the”dream”, the engagement seemed insignificant.

The two of them just briefly discussed the handling of the”engagement” and were ready to let it go.

“Today’s discussion has benefited me a lot, Luo Fanjun”

“Although I am not used to Luo Fanjun’s changes”

“But I am very happy to have a like-minded partner like you, Luo Fanjun”

“Cang Na, we are not like-minded. I actually……I see you as my follower.” Luo Fan corrected

“”Okay, okay, let’s just be followers, right? After all, your dream is much crazier than mine.” Cang Na smiled helplessly and replied……

Just as the two were about to cut off contact, Luo Fan suddenly noticed something and looked out the window.

“”Lo Fanjun! Be careful!”

Before Cang Na finished speaking, Luo Fan’s villa was enveloped by the black and purple”qi”.

At the end of the black and purple”qi”, Luo Fan saw a girl wearing a kimono and with long ears on her head……..

A few minutes ago.

The kitten from Tacheng was sitting on the sofa waiting for Luo Fan’s cooking.

Originally, the kitten was not a foodie, but when she smelled the wonderful smell she had never smelled before, her salivary glands began to secrete saliva rapidly.

A rough sniff was pure egg fragrance, but a careful sniff revealed that the egg fragrance was mixed with a fishy smell.

That fishy smell was long-lasting but short-lived, strong but shallow. She could still smell it in the last second, but it disappeared from her taste buds in the next second, attracting her to keep breathing to capture this unique aroma.

The parent-child rice bowl made with eggs and chicken of the Sea King Chicken, coupled with Luo Fan’s unique craftsmanship in the underworld, conquered the kitten in the first place!

【Logically, I should watch or avoid it now.】

【but……What is this taste?】

The kitten couldn’t look away.

Cats have always liked to eat fish, which is why Luo Fan used Sea King Chicken to make dishes.

【No……no……I can’t help it!]

Koneko stretched out her hands towards the spoon at hand.

Even though she knew her actions might bring shame to Lady Rias, she didn’t care!

Let’s eat!

She picked up the spoon, and when the spoon touched the plate, it triggered the spell that Luo Fan had set on the food.

“”Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!”

The magic of annihilation evaporated some of the moisture that Luo Fan had reserved on purpose, creating an effect similar to that of a microwave oven.

The aroma that the kitten was already addicted to was completely stimulated by this stimulation.


Picking up the spoon, the kitten didn’t care about anything else and directly put a mouthful of rice into her mouth.

The moment the food touched her taste buds, the kitten’s body trembled involuntarily.

This was an instinctive reaction, so much so that the kitten didn’t react at all, and just kept waving the spoon.

Even the kitten herself didn’t notice that a crystal teardrop flowed down her face.

The reason why the kitten had no time to care about other things was that���Because……..She has been enveloped by a familiar and warm feeling and has entered into an immersive experience of happiness.

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