Chapter 103 Delicious Taste in the Primeval Forest [2 More Subscriptions]

Bashu, Bashan mountain range.

Li Feng completed the fixed-point ultra-high-altitude free fall and landed smoothly in the Bashan Mountain Range, he hurriedly cut the big net, jumped down, and examined this reckless primitive mountain.

As far as the eye can see, there are mountains and mountains, flocks of ancient trees, and many rare species of birds fly freely in the mountains, which is dizzying.

The Bashan Mountains are from northwest to southeast, including Motianling, Micang Mountain, Wudang Mountain, Nangong Mountain, etc., with an altitude of 2000-2500 meters, and there are relics of ancient glaciers.

It is composed of hard crystalline limestone and is composed of high mountains and mountains, and the landform of Lust is developed, and the mountains have been strongly cut by rivers for a long time, with many canyons and steep valley slopes.

"Every year, tens of thousands of tourists around the world are lost in various primeval forests, and only 75% of these people are searched and rescued by rescue teams, and the remaining 25% are either missing or have become a corpse."

"In the primeval forest, poisonous insects and beasts are rampant, a little careless, will fall into a situation of no return, and I am now in an extremely treacherous primeval forest, known as the 'Death Canyon' Bashan Mountain Range, it is said that people who strayed into Bashan, each one can get out alive, although I don't know whether it is true or false, but it is enough to show the horror of Bashan, I want to show you how to survive in this extreme environment."

Li Feng walked down the mountain as he walked.

In the blink of an eye, you will enter the primeval forest of the Bashan Mountains, there are many ancient trees growing in the forest, the diameter of the trunk is about one meter, and the canopy is like a huge umbrella, covering the sky and the sun!

There are also arm-thick vines, which are intertwined and intertwined, making the forest impermeable, and it is very difficult to take a step forward.

Li Feng was holding a dog-legged knife to open the road, and while hurrying, he crunched, stepped on the dead branches on the ground, and made a piercing sound.

Suddenly, some small animals fled in all directions.

The forest is filled with smoke, the ground is littered with rotting leaves, and mosquitoes are rampant.

Even Li Feng felt that this primeval forest was full of depression.

"This primeval forest is really so wild, almost no one wants to come here, there are smoke miasma everywhere, and there are rotting leaves and corpses, and the smell of these smells is worse than rotten eggs!"

Li Feng looked helpless, although there is not much danger in this kind of place, it is very draining people's will.

Once you can't hold the claustrophobic forest, the human spirit will soon collapse.

"When we walk in a place like this, we must remember not to get injured, because once we are injured, the hot and humid environment will cause the wound to become infected and pus, causing high fever and dehydration, then our chances of survival will plummet."

"So if we want to survive in this kind of place, we must know some herbs, it will be at a critical moment, just your life, I will introduce you to several very practical herbs, which can greatly improve our chances of survival in the forest!"

Li Feng picked up the dog-legged knife and cut off a straight branch, which was used as a crutch to explore the road and protect himself at a critical moment.

The most terrifying killers in the forest are all kinds of poisonous snakes.

They are like the most terrifying hunters, hiding in the shadows and giving them a fatal blow at any time.

Li Feng walked cautiously, always on guard against poisonous snakes and poisonous insects in the forest.

Gradually moving away from the claustrophobic forest, the plants and trees in front of me finally became much thinner.

The sunlight can also penetrate in, which makes people feel a lot more comfortable.


The forest is full of crisp bird calls, one after another, endlessly, making the claustrophobic primeval forest full of life.

There are a lot of flowers and weeds growing in front of you, which makes people feel suddenly bright.

"This place is a paradise."

"From the mouth, at the beginning of its narrowness, only to pass through people, repeat dozens of steps, suddenly enlightened!"

"The small bridge and flowing water, the birds singing and the flowers are fragrant, Bashan is really beautiful."

"Beauty is really beautiful, but it's very dangerous."

"When you're in, you'll know despair."

"Definitely don't try to go deep into Bashan alone, it's really dangerous there."

"I don't know if the little anchor will meet a wild giant panda."

"Panda, run, the little anchor is not used to you, and it will be miserable if he beats you up."


Seeing such a beautiful scenery, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly relaxed a lot.

At this moment, Li Feng's feet suddenly stopped.

I only heard a sound of breaking the air behind my head, and then, I directly took out the dogleg knife and slashed over!

Let's click!

I only heard that something fell to the ground, and before the audience in the live broadcast room could react, Li Feng had already completed the knife drawing.

"The full-level sword is drawn and slashed, and it is really cool."

"That knife is really handsome."

"What just happened, I only saw a flash of cold, and I didn't know anything."

"It looks like there's something going to attack the little streamer."

"What's so bold, not looking for death?"

"Take the initiative to send people to the head at the beginning, what kind of operation is this?"


At this time, Li Feng turned his head to look over, only to see a green snake on the ground being cut into two pieces with a knife.

Scarlet blood flowed all over the ground.

"This is a jungle killer, the bamboo leaf green snake, the bamboo leaf green snake because of its emerald green body color, and like to inhabit plants, and is not easy to be found, people pass by its habitat, accidentally touch or approach the snake body, often bitten."

"Because they are often entangled in trees, it is difficult to find, so many people are bitten every year, although the toxicity of bamboo leaf green is not fatal, but it will cause the wound to swell and infect, but in this deserted jungle, it is likely that the wound will fester, and finally lead to death."

It turned out to be a bamboo-leaf green snake.

"Woo woo, poor green snake, just got the bento."

"Anyway, is Xiaoqing practicing in the purple bamboo forest in Bashu?"

"Xiaoqing, I want you to help me practice."

"Great Mighty Heavenly Dragon, World-Honored Jizo, Hirono Ma Ma Coax!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was happy with the barrage, Li Feng didn't care, and continued to move forward, and after a while, he found a plant with seven leaves.

So I pulled it up for the audience to see.

"This plant is called Seven Leaves and One Branch, Seven Lampstands, and Baihe Che, and it also has a more famous name 'Chonglou', which has seven large leaves and is very recognizable."

"The effect of seven leaves and a branch of flowers is very large, it has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and relieving pain, drying the liver and calming the shock, often used for boils, sore throat, snake bites, falling pain, convulsions, is one of the main ingredients of Yunnan Baiyao, if you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you can immediately mash it, apply it to the wound, and can effectively remove snake venom."

Li Feng introduced the herbs in his hand, and many viewers were also surprised, many people only knew Western medicine, and they didn't know anything about Chinese medicine.

They never thought that it was these inconspicuous roadside weeds that would have such a great effect.

"It's up, it turns out that the heavy building looks like this."

"Demon Respect Building: Hold a grass?"

"The little anchor is so right, we in southern Yunnan often use this medicine to treat poisonous snake bites, which is really easy to use."

"I've learned, the next time I'm bitten by a poisonous snake, I can try it."

"Brother, you're ruthless."

"I am a student of traditional Chinese medicine, and I can testify that the herbs that the little anchor said have an effect and can save lives at critical moments."

"The Stone Hammer Party is really everywhere, and Meng Xin is trembling with fear."

"There are so many talents in the live broadcast room."


Li Feng found a lot of herbs in the jungle, all of which were used to treat snake venom, what Aracea, Dongfeng cabbage, ghost needle grass, lobelia and so on.

These are all common medicinal herbs, and if you find one of them, you don't have to worry about dying of poison if you don't get to the hospital.

Before I knew it, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Feng walked for a day, covered in stinky sweat, and his hungry stomach growled.

He needed to find food, then spend the rest of his time building a safe shelter and spending the first night in the wilderness.

"The most important thing in the mountains is food, you can find it all year round, and now it's September, and all kinds of delicacies in the mountains are ripe, such as fir mushrooms."

Li Feng's face was overjoyed, and when he saw a golden mushroom growing under a fir tree, he immediately ran over to pick it.

"This mushroom, called fir fungus, the cap is flattened hemispherical to flattened concave or central umbilicus, 4~10cm wide, the color is pale earthy yellow or apricot yellow, this is a precious and rare wild delicacy, the market price is bought at 100 yuan a catty, with meat cooking, the taste is more beautiful, I want to collect some as dinner."

There are many fir trees growing in the mountain forest, and the number of fir fungi is extremely large.

Li Feng quickly collected enough fir mushrooms, as well as wild onions, bracken, ground ears, etc., and was satisfied.

That's when it happened.

A croaking sound attracted Li Feng's main one.

If you look closely, it is actually a group of bullfrogs the size of the paws, and there are fifteen or sixteen of them.

Li Feng's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Look at those huge frogs, they are called bullfrogs, they are non-toxic, edible, and they are rare and delicious. "

Bullfrogs are an alien species.

Introduced from the Americas in the middle of the last century, bullfrogs eventually overflowed, and they can be found all over the country.

Li Feng picked up a handful of a dozen stones from the ground and threw them directly at those bullfrogs, with his expert-level 'projection' skills, he almost hit every shot.

A few snaps.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen huge bullfrogs were killed.

"Tonight's dinner is finally over!"

Li Feng was full of smiles, and disposed of the bullfrog on the spot, and then put it in a backpack and took it away.

The next step is to set up a shelter and spend the first night in peace.

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