An Ordinary Path to Immortality

Chapter 170 Abnormal Ice Spiritual Root

Fortunately, Fang Ping reacted in time and decisively cut off the connection with the cold air before it spread to his body.

Fang Ping, who came back to his senses, secretly said in his heart: "It's a sin, don't blame me."

Then he started the spiritual fire formation again, so that the speed of melting the ice in the furnace was equal to the speed of ice generation in the girl's body.

Then he dared to input spiritual power into the girl's body again to observe the girl's injuries.

Fortunately, because of the loss of consciousness just now, the girl's body did not cause much damage.

On the contrary, after the girl spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood, her body gradually began to recover.

The heart that was frozen into ice actually had a tendency to resume beating. Unfortunately, the ice had not melted yet. Not to mention the heart, even her flesh and blood were still frozen at this time.

It couldn't function normally at all.

Fang Ping ignored these, knowing that the girl still had life and would not be frozen to death for a while.

Then he controlled the spiritual energy to enter the girl's dantian. This time he was well prepared, and the situation did not happen like before.

The girl's Dantian is much simpler than Fang Ping's.

Fang Ping's Dantian has five spiritual roots, but the girl's Dantian has only two spiritual roots.

Because the two spiritual roots completely occupy the Dantian space, the girl's spiritual roots look particularly strong and tall.

If Fang Ping's spiritual roots are five small mounds squeezed in the Dantian.

Then the girl's two spiritual roots are two peaks rooted in the Dantian.

Fang Ping lamented, is this the difference between two spiritual roots and five spiritual roots?

With such a big difference in spiritual roots, there will naturally be a big difference in future cultivation speed and future achievements.

Even the relatively weaker of the two spiritual roots is much stronger than Fang Ping's strongest wood spiritual root.

One of the two spiritual roots is cold and exudes the breath of freezing everything, occupying four-fifths of the entire Dantian.

Fang Ping is very familiar with this breath, which is exactly the same as the cold air of the cold pond.

The other one is squeezed in the corner by it, and it looks much weaker in comparison.

The two spiritual roots were not the water and ice spiritual roots that Fang Ping thought they were. They were all ice spiritual roots.

Although the slightly weaker spiritual root was close to the cold air spiritual root of the cold pond, it still maintained a relatively soft icy aura.

Fang Ping felt that this spiritual root should be the girl's own ice spiritual root.

He could sense the aura of the girl's spiritual energy in the spiritual root.

If that was all, Fang Ping would not be so shocked that he extinguished the spiritual fire in the alchemy furnace.

What really shocked him was that the majestic and tall spiritual root emitting the cold air of the cold pond was actually squeezing, eroding and swallowing another spiritual root next to it.

The weak ice spiritual root was being squeezed by the cold pond spiritual root at this time, struggling to resist the cold air of the cold pond.

But even so, it was slowly shrinking, being eroded and frozen by the cold air of the cold pond, causing the cold pond spiritual root to grow stronger.

Two spiritual roots were fighting in his dantian, one wanted to swallow the other.

Fang Ping thought that his behavior of forcibly breaking through the spiritual root barrier was crazy enough.

Unexpectedly, the situation in the girl's Dantian was even more bizarre.

"What's going on?"

"What secret method is she practicing?"

"It can actually make one of the spiritual roots devour the other spiritual roots to strengthen itself?"

"If I master such a secret method, then why do I have to worry about the five elements of cultivation? Can't I just devour the other four and become a super genius with a single spiritual root?"

Thinking wildly in his mind, Fang Ping himself was also thinking about how to save her.

"Or I'll use the sound transmission talisman to ask for help. I can't handle this situation."

He took out Yang Shuo's sound transmission talisman, thought about it and put it away.

If Yang Shuo came and didn't save her, wouldn't that implicate Yang Shuo as well?

"What should I do, what should I do?" Fang Ping scratched his head anxiously.

He couldn't figure out why one spiritual root devoured another spiritual root.

At the same time, he couldn't figure out why there were two spiritual roots of ice and water, but now they became two ice spiritual roots.

As for treatment, it was even more impossible. He couldn't even figure out the cause, let alone save her.

All he could do now was to maintain the furnace with all his strength and use the fire to consume the cold air in the girl's body to maintain her vitality.

At the same time, he was also constantly observing the changes in the two spiritual roots in the girl's dantian.

Gradually, as the furnace continued to consume, the spiritual energy emitted by the cold pond spiritual root into the meridians continued to decrease, and at the same time, the proportion of the soft icy spiritual energy became more and more.

The cold pond breath that froze into icicles and blocked the meridians became less and less, making the meridians run more and more smoothly.

The speed of spiritual energy circulation was also getting faster and faster, from almost stagnant to being squeezed by the icy spiritual energy and almost unable to move.

Now Fang Ping could almost feel the gurgling sound of spiritual energy circulation in the girl's meridians.

Suddenly, Fang Ping's heart moved, because he observed that the spiritual energy circulating in the girl's body actually followed the girl's spiritual energy and circulated smoothly in the meridians for a week.

When the first cycle was completed successfully, the spiritual energy in the girl's body began to accelerate, constantly absorbing the cold spiritual energy into the body, then circulating in the meridians and then entering the weaker spiritual root.

After absorbing the injection of spiritual energy, the spiritual root's ability to resist swallowing was obviously slightly stronger.

As the spiritual energy circulated around the sky, the girl's vitality was constantly recovering.

The frozen body also began to look less stiff.

But the cold pond spiritual root was overbearing and the spiritual energy it emitted was even more unbridled, freezing everything.

This feeling was like the feeling when the body meridians were filled with ownerless spiritual energy after swallowing the elixir during daily cultivation.

"In this case, the spiritual root of the weaker party should be the spiritual root that the girl usually cultivates."

"If you want to save her, you have to start from here."

Fang Ping finally distinguished between the enemy and us, and realized that he should help the weak and fight against the strong.

"But how can I help you?" Fang Ping said to himself: "Why not give her some ice-attributed spiritual stones to try?"

Since the girl is practicing the skills to fight against the cold pond spiritual root, giving her more ice-attributed spiritual stones should be effective.

"Try it, at worst she will be frozen again."

So Fang Ping took out the ice-attributed spiritual stone and put it into the alchemy furnace. The spiritual stone fell accurately into the girl's palm, and then Fang Ping saw that the ice-attributed spiritual energy in the spiritual stone was slowly absorbed by the girl.

He also sensed that with the spiritual energy support provided by the ice-attributed spirit stone, the speed at which her spirit root was devoured was significantly slowed down.

"It worked."

Fang Ping was overjoyed. When the spirit energy in the spirit stone in the girl's hand was completely absorbed, Fang Ping directly threw another medium-grade spirit stone over.

He didn't dare to throw too much, because the alchemy furnace had become fragile after several times of freezing and roasting, and it might explode at any time due to excessive cold and heat.

After a while, Fang Ping was depressed, because even with the help of the spirit stone, her spirit root still couldn't compete with the cold pond spirit root, and could only slightly slow down the fate of being devoured, and the ending could not be changed at all.

Fang Ping was not in a hurry. Anyway, he had found a way. If he could hold on until the girl regained consciousness, then under the girl's intentional guidance, the effect should be better.

And all he could do now was to hope that the girl could wake up before her spirit root was completely devoured.

As long as she woke up, whether she asked for help, saved herself, or used any other methods, she just had to not die in her own hands.

. You provide the ordinary immortal road of a great god

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