The picture on the screen continues to change.

[The Book of Omniscience and Almighty enters the fantasy world after creating the world].

[Fantasy world is a different world that transcends dimensions and contains all kinds of magical powers! ] 】

A scenery is not polluted, the natural environment is harmonious, there are various empty islands in the sky, and magical creatures such as flying dragons and phantom beasts that appear in myths.

There are also modern propeller planes and other worlds full of fantasy and magical styles!

“What a beautiful world! It will be a blessing to stay here! ”

“Come on, I can only see weirdness! So many floating islands, so many monsters, and even helicopters! It looks conflicting! ”

Looking at the fantasy world in front of you, different people have different opinions.

[Thousands of years ago, five people first entered the fantasy world! ] 】

[After seeing the great power contained in the Book of Omniscience and Almighty in the fantasy world, some people chose to stay in the fantasy world and protect the fantasy world].

[Some people choose to stay in the real world and protect the real world! ] 】

[There are also three of them, who did not withstand the temptation, were seduced by the power, and had the idea of wanting to destroy and fuse the world to become the master, and fell into the book demon Man Megiddo! ] 】

[They are: Rachel who controls the phantom beast Megiddo, Zios who controls the creature Megiddo, and Stellius who controls the story Megiddo! ] 】

[Three Megiddo use the power of the fantasy world to create a black and dark book – an alternative driving book! ] 】

[Alternative control books are evil books that can produce the power of various monsters! ] 】

Three figures appeared in the video.

One has an orange-red flame burning pattern, a feather-like hard armor, a ring of sharp teeth around the neck, and a white scarf hanging from the left shoulder, like a proud samurai.

A vicious tiger that looks like an upright walking, the whole body is hideous, it looks very strong, with blue-white patterns on its body, and sharp claws!

The last one looks very mysterious, with a pale face like a ghost, and a pair of sharp horns like branches on the top of his head, which looks like an evil shaman.

“What a terrible three monsters, I have to have nightmares looking at them!”

“It’s terrible! Demagogued by powerful forces and depraved, it ended up like this! ”

[More than two thousand years ago, the inner pages of the Book of Omniscience and Almighty were scattered in all directions, forming a variety of fantasy mastery books, and only the table of contents remained. 】

[Every fantasy driving book contains great power! ] 】

[In order to fight the Megiddo’s destruction of the world, the Kamen Rider Alliance helped the first Lord of Truth establish the Sword of Truth Organization! ] 】

[Then help the Sword of Truth, using the forged holy sword and various fantasy driving books, to create various Kamen Rider armor! ] 】

[Now, the book demon Megiddo has appeared in the city, please participate in the Knight Grand Prix and get the props to transform into Kamen Rider to deal with them! ] 】

[The Knight Grand Prix has officially started, and the mandatory viewing mode has been removed! ] 】

[If you want to see the progress of the Knight Grand Prix, you can watch it in real time on the official website of the Knight Grand Prix live broadcast website].

With the advent of this line of text, people found that their mobile phones, computers, etc. could finally be used freely.

However, there is an extra APP on it, which is the symbol of the Knight Grand Prix!

Click in, and the picture of the Knight Grand Prix continues to play.

“Megiddo, is it true or false, why have I never heard of it and has not recorded it?!”

In S.H.I.E.L.D., agents such as Nick Fury and Coulson searched the huge database while watching the live broadcast.

But in any case, there is no record of Kamen Rider and Megiddo.

Even the Sword of Truth is an organization of liars that only existed in history and has long since perished!

“What to do? No information can be found at all! Coulson looked at Nick Fury worriedly.

“Then we’ll send someone to this Knight’s Grand Prix to see what the hell this thing is!”

Nick Fury snorted coldly and picked up a special communicator.

“Natasha, you take a squad to this so-called Knight Grand Prix! Let them see how powerful our S.H.I.E.L.D. is! ”


Gotham City, Wayne Group.

“Knight Grand Prix, kind of interesting!”

Listening to the introduction on the screen, Bruce Wayne touched his butt chin and nodded thoughtfully.

“Young Master, I don’t really recommend you to participate! All this is sensational and bizarre! ”

Alfred frowned, trying to stop Bruce’s actions.

“Don’t worry! I have my own measure! Bruce smiled confidently.


“Knight Grand Prix, that’s interesting! But it’s not worth my participation! ”

Stark Industries, Tony Stark was not ready for this Knight Grand Prix.

“What a swordsman, what Megiddo! It’s just a bluffing thing, I’d better go to the Middle East to attend the weapons exhibition first! ”

Tony stretched and shouted to the side

“Pebb, my little pepper, when I’m away, Stark will be handed over to you!”

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