After having a legal identity, Xu Hong immediately started to create his own company.

He did not contact Tony Stark.

After all, he had the system. For Xu Hong, there was nothing he could not buy with money.

Even Tony Stark's arc reactor technology, as long as he wanted, he could buy it with money.

And the price was not particularly expensive, 10 billion US dollars would be enough.

Even if he did not buy it in the system, he could get it from Ivan Vanko.

But he had no idea about the arc reactor technology.

Compared with the arc reactor technology.

Xu Hong would rather open a pharmaceutical company to sell various medicines.

Because everyone is inseparable from the need for medicine.

Even if it is just an ordinary cold medicine, as long as it can be made, the profit is very scary.

But Xu Hong does not plan to make cold medicine.

He plans to make weight loss pills, anti-fatigue medicines, and aphrodisiacs. Of course, it is more appropriate to describe it as aphrodisiacs.

Weight loss pills are aimed at obese people.

In the whole world, in terms of the number of obese people, the number of obese people in the United States is definitely the largest in the world.

There is also no shortage of obese people in other countries.

So the market for weight loss pills is huge.

Anti-fatigue drugs are for working people.

The last aphrodisiac is needless to say.

Men all over the world will not refuse this drug.

Of course, the premise is that your drug is good enough and has no side effects.

When evaluating whether a drug is good or not, its efficacy is secondary, and the most important thing is that there are no side effects.

And this is really nothing to the system.

Soon, a pharmaceutical company called Miracle Pharmaceuticals became famous in the United States.

Because this company has a total of three particularly powerful drugs.

The first one is Miracle Fast Weight Loss Drug, a drug that can help you lose weight quickly. It can take effect in one day, and you can lose 100 pounds in ten days without any pressure.

And the most powerful thing about this weight loss drug is that it has no side effects.

While helping you lose weight, it will also promote the contraction of your skin, so that you don’t lose weight too quickly, and the skin doesn’t have time to shrink, hanging on your body like a piece of paper, which looks ugly.

When losing weight, you don’t need to control your eating deliberately. You can still eat the same way as you usually eat when losing weight.

Once it was launched on the market, it became a hit in the market and was called the God of Weight Loss Drugs by people in the weight loss industry.

The second one, Miracle Spiritual Recovery Drug, can help people quickly recover their spirits and have more energy. It doesn't matter if you are tired after working all night for 24 hours. Just take one pill and you will be energetic for 24 hours. You can't sleep even if you want to. It is loved by white-collar workers and some Internet-addicted teenagers.

The third one, Miracle Six Hours, is a male enhancement drug. One pill is enough to make your little brother excited for six hours, so it is named Miracle Six Hours.

This drug works immediately after taking it because the drug effect is too good.

There is also a disclaimer on the drug, which means that you can only take two pills in a row. If you take too much and something goes wrong, Miracle Pharmaceutical Company is not responsible.

Miracle Six Hours is also the most expensive of the three drugs.

Xu Hong did not produce these three drugs himself.

He only produced the packaging of the drugs, and the drugs were purchased directly from the system.

After all, this is not only convenient, but also saves the trouble of being targeted.

At the system, Xu Hong only needs twelve dollars to buy a bottle of Miracle Six Hours.

The Miracle Six Hours I bought from the system, with the packaging and quantity, is 10 bottles of Miracle Six Hours, and the price of one bottle is fifty-two dollars.

Too expensive? If you think it's too expensive, don't buy it.

But any man who has used this thing will not be able to resist using it again.

As for its price, there is always a lot of criticism, but the hands of buyers will not stop.

Because it is really useful.

The profit of other drugs is the same.

The revenue of the three drugs in the first month alone is as high as 24 billion US dollars.

Although the profit of weight loss drugs will slow down in the later period.

But the sales of Miracle Mental Recovery Drugs and Miracle Six Hours will definitely remain strong in the future, or even more exaggerated.

Legally avoid taxes, deduct various costs and salaries for company employees.

Xu Hong got a full 22.1 billion US dollars.

It is crazy to make so much money in one month.

Now Xu Hong is a rich man more famous than Tony Stark in the United States.

Time magazine is also full of his photos.

Various news newspapers are almost all his figures.

Especially after the first month's financial report of Miracle Pharmaceuticals came out, it caused a huge sensation in the United States.

More than 20 billion US dollars, that's more than 20 billion US dollars, and this is just the revenue of the first month.

As Xu Hong's drugs are circulated to other countries, this revenue will definitely double.

Those who are engaged in the pharmaceutical industry are envious.

They are in this industry, and no one knows better than them how profitable this industry is. Of the 24 billion US dollars in revenue, at least half of the profit belongs to Xu Hong.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Hong only needs a few years, and he will undoubtedly be the world's richest man.


New York, Stark Tower.

After completing his heroic deeds for the day, the newly-crowned Iron Man Tony Stark returned to his home.

He turned on the TV and saw Xu Hong on the news.

Tony Stark was actually a little unhappy with this guy.

After all, the news in the past were basically about him, but recently, this guy has stolen his limelight.

All the front-page news has become about this guy.

But he also admired Xu Hong.

Because in his opinion, the other party's medicine is a genius invention.

Except for the diet pills.

He is using the other two.

The effect is great, and there are really no side effects.

This made him admire Xu Hong for a while.

He is an expert in electrical engineering, and it is not difficult for him to do things in this area.

But when it comes to medicine, he is really blank.

Even if he is a genius, he can't be proficient in everything.

But admiration is admiration, and unhappiness is really unhappiness


West Midtown, or Hell's Kitchen.

It's the world of gangs.

It's also the world of the poor.

Here, even in broad daylight, you can see drug dealers trading openly.

And a few meters away, there might be a policeman standing.

But the drug dealers don't get nervous. After the deal is done, they will even greet the police with a smile on their faces.

Because in Hell's Kitchen, the police's words are useless. Here, the gangs' words are the most useful, and the most famous gangster is none other than Kingpin.

PS; There will be five updates every day during the new book period, and five updates after it's on the shelves. Please give me flowers.

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