Moon, Attilan.

Wanda Maximoff has been in a slightly complicated mood recently.

Very happy, but also slightly melancholy.

What makes me happy is that I can actually live on an alien planet for the rest of my life. Even though it’s just the moon, it feels amazing. Moreover, I can live with my silly twin brothers. Being with my family is the most important thing.

But despite being stuffed with dog food all day long, he is still the younger brother who always listens to his own decisions, obeys his own words, and takes the best care of him.

There is a sense of relief that my silly brother has enlightened and grown up, and I also feel a little bit like my beloved things have been taken away.

However, these little witches hide it in their hearts, and they are mostly happy and relieved. The little witch is a person who knows how to be content and happy.

"Wanda, I'm looking for you." Crystal found the little witch in the garden. It was rare that she didn't get tired of being with her lover, and she didn't just come here to feed dog food.

"Crystal, what's wrong?" The little witch smiled. During these days of getting along, she also had some friendship with Crystal, who was very simple-minded and expressed her thoughts directly.

"The two people who sent you here are here again and are looking for you."

"Then let's go and take a look." Wanda was also surprised.

In the reception room of the palace, members of the royal family, Quicksilver, who has recently made a girlfriend and is a little calmer and less aggressive, Sister Qin, and Aaron, who looks like a red-haired god of war, are already seated as guests and hosts.

Aaron and Sister Qin are very casual, but the royal family members are a little more reserved.

"Wanda, long time no see." Sister Qin still has a very good attitude towards Wanda, although she describes the guy behind Crimson Energy as "stinky".

After a few pleasantries, Sister Qin got down to the topic and asked Alon: "How are you doing? Can you feel it?"

[Hey, it was really that guy who did this...]

Aaron didn't have to do anything to the little witch. After all, he had tricked the great shadow of Hades, and he was very knowledgeable about him.

Just following the connection between the laws, the connection between the controller of the laws and their host, and the aura of the little witch's parallel universe homology, the target was locked.

[Let’s go and have a look. 】Sister Qin always leaves as soon as she says it, and the parallel universe is no exception. Alon is just one of the clones, and there is nothing to arrange.

The two of them said goodbye directly under the inexplicable looks in the eyes of the little witch siblings and the royal family members, and then disappeared suddenly.

If there were law-level people here, they would sigh at how powerful the two of them were, but the little witch and the others were completely confused.

New York.

A handsome man with yellow hair and parted hair wearing a jacket and jeans was holding his arm with a beautiful oriental woman, and the two were walking on the streets of Manhattan's commercial street.

This woman is a bit petite, but also heroic. She is wearing a red shirt, black leather pants, long leather boots, sharp short hair and a delicate face, which is very eye-catching.

"Beat King... I've always wanted to ask, where did you get so many looks, and you are quite stylish." Sister Qin also learned Alon's transformation method and used the power of the Phoenix to transform this look.

I copied the card form... Liang. Just bite your brother to show that you are satisfied, big sister.

"Speaking of which, it's really a generous move..."

The two of them have traveled to a parallel universe.

After arriving, and having a brief understanding of it, I discovered the huge difference between this universe and my own universe.

The era is the same as Aron's original universe, but the timeline is greatly advanced.

Various information and deeds of superheroes here are widely circulated and most people are familiar with them.

Tony Stark had already announced himself as Iron Man in the nineties.

Spider-Man also appeared in the 1990s.

Doctor Strange has also been the Sorcerer Supreme for more than ten years and is also a member of the Avengers.

Ant-Man is Hank Pym, the forty-year-old chairman and CEO of Pym Technology, a successful man who has never had children. His wife Janet Van Dyne is the Wasp, the initiator of the Avengers, who convened Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye and others formed the Avengers.

The second-generation Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers is a veteran of the Avengers. She has been active on the front line for a long time and is the most powerful superhero in the Avengers. Her superhero suit is a high-cut swimsuit with yellow lightning printed on it.

The widow here collected stamps from all the Avengers men, and also a few X-Men members.

The Winter Soldier here is a die-hard younger brother of Captain America. He has not been brainwashed by Hydra and does not have mechanical arms.

The Black Panther here is also one of the veterans of the Avengers.

The Ultron here was invented by Pim and Stark together. The Vision was still created by Ultron, but while performing Ultron's mission, he gradually became human and joined the Avengers.

Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is an old white man who plays arcade games with Aaron's childhood idol, the Punisher.

There has already been a Skrull invasion here, known as the Secret Invasion.

The X-Men are also a superhero organization that frequently operates in New York. Gambit, White Queen and others are members of the X-Men, Cyclops is the leader, and White Queen is the dean of the X Academy.


Kenosha here is already a paradise for mutants.

The little witch and Quicksilver here are both Magneto's children, but they hated Magneto for abandoning them, so they still joined the Avengers, were kidnapped by Magneto, and were rescued by the Avengers. Over and over again for more than ten years, There is also a bit of family affection.

The little witch here has become a big witch, and she has become a lover with Vision.

She is also a real witch. She learned chaos magic from a mysterious old witch, and combined with her mutant abilities, she actually has the ability to change reality.

Speaking of which, this is the biggest difference in this world.

When Aaron and Sister Qin arrived here, the reality of this world had been distorted.

The little witch here longed for a child, but couldn't, and gradually became mentally distorted and out of control. She even created two children out of thin air by modifying reality.

However, it was unable to truly modify the laws governing the operation of reality. It was counterattacked by the power of correction in the world, and the intensity of chaos magic that modified reality was increased.

As a result, strange phenomena occurred frequently in reality, and finally caused huge damage. The Avengers and the X-Men stopped it, but also caused huge casualties. Super heroes such as Hawkeye and several X-Men members died as a result.

As a result, the mutant city became a battlefield and was reduced to ruins.

Jean Gray here also died in this incident, and also died at the hands of the Scarlet Witch.

Speaking of which, in fact, Jean Gray here has the most unpredictable fate.

The Jean Gray here is similar to the Old Men series in Aron's spoiler pose. She was affected by the Phoenix Force and was sealed by the professor as a dark personality. She was sacrificed at the Akali Lake Dam. The Phoenix Force destroyed her After being resurrected, he was stabbed to death by Wolverine's claw during the mutant healing event, and he died.

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