American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 72 Explosion

Rhodes was trapped in the war machine and unable to control himself. The only thing he could do was to inform Spider-Man: "Be careful, the data shows that a missile is about to be launched."

"Copy that, Mr. Rhodes."

Spider-Man immediately stuck an iron cover with spider silk and swung it towards the incoming missile. With a bang, the missile exploded. Rhodes said with satisfaction: "Well done, boy, be careful, the machine gun is activated."

As Spider-Man fires spider slime to jam War Machine's machine gun, he complains: "Why does it feel like cheating?"

"Barbarian, the trap you set is so good, I lost three hairs."

"Tony Stark, you are the filthiest and most disgusting bedbug I have ever seen..."

The battle between Iron Man and Ivan was very fierce, uh, it refers to their swear words. The two were fighting and swearing at each other, from the grievances and curses of the previous generation to the hatred of this generation, Tony's poisonous tongue, Ivan's swear words, They are all master level.

To be honest, Tony was a little depressed. Why should he understand Russian? If you don’t understand, many words can be automatically filtered.

Iron Overlord punched Wade away and shouted anxiously to Ivan through the internal communication: "Ivan, we can't go on like this. Iron Man has SHIELD behind him, and time is on his side."

"Obadiah, fly up."

Ivan snorted, gave up on his opponent and flew up. Iron Man was about to pursue him, but War Machine gave up on Spider-Man and hugged him again from behind. Tony cursed: "Again?"

At the same time, the remaining unmanned suits raised their right fists one after another, and then, their fists separated from their bodies like cannonballs, and wrapped around Psylocke and the X-Men with chains.

"Be careful, there's something weird."

Psylocke cut off the chain with a backhand knife and shouted to the others. Everyone did not dare to neglect and avoided the chains of the unmanned suit. However, Colossus, Wade, and Cyclops reacted a little slower and were entangled in the chains. .

Immediately afterwards, the war machines and the Ark reactors on the chests of all unmanned suits lit up red at the same time, as if the bombs were counting down, even those damaged unmanned suits were no exception.

Tony's expression changed and he shouted hurriedly: "Be careful, those Ark reactors will explode soon."

While speaking, Tony broke free from the shackles of the war machine and let Jarvis use all his strength to crack the system of the war machine - before, Tony put a small thing on the war machine, which was a small cracker.

The war machine rushed towards Tony under the control of Ivan. Rhodes smiled bitterly and said: "Tony, don't worry about me, you can run away."

Tony shouted: "What are you talking about? You haven't paid back the money you owe me, how can you die?"

Rhodes rolled his eyes and said, "I think it's better to just die. Besides, what I owe is your bank's money, not your money. To be precise, it's called a loan."

"Did you tamper with the Ark reactor?"

Obadiah flew into the sky and asked Ivan in surprise: "Don't tell me that the Ark reactor on Iron Overlord will also explode?"

"Don't worry about details. Anyone who cares about details is a fool."

Ivan fired at Tony in the sky and shouted: "The most important thing to do now is to prevent them from escaping."

"Isn't it a fool who doesn't care about details?"

Obadiah cursed, if he guessed correctly, the batch of Ark reactors given to the organization also had problems, and Ivan was definitely a bastard.

Despite the scolding, Obadiah did not get angry at this moment. He raised his gun and fired wildly at the X-Men.

"Qin, you go first."

Cyclops shouted while destroying the chains with lasers. Naturally, Jean would not abandon Cyclops, and used his telekinesis to throw away the remains of the unmanned suits on the ground.

"Psylocke, help Colossus, I will take you out of here."

Storm's eyes rolled white, the wind was strong around her, and even the bullets were deflected.

"I don't need your help."

Psylocke rushed over and cut off the chain in front of Colossus with a knife. Then, she threw the katana hard at the building in the distance. There was a purple light rope behind the katana. As the light rope shrank, she quickly flew into the sky.

"so cool."

Spider-Man praised, landed next to Wade, and shouted: "I will save you from leaving."

Wade lay on the ground, posing in a rather sexual... uh, disgusting pose, and said: "Brother who is wearing a couple's costume with me, you can leave by yourself and don't worry about me."

"Couple costume?"

Spider-Man's face was a little dark. He stepped forward to grab Wade and was about to take him away by force, but was kicked away by Wade.

Then, Wade cursed: "Get out of here, I want to receive the pension from the Stark Group. Miss Pepper is so generous, even Iron Man is eating her soft rice."

Iron Man's face is also a bit dark. This is the worst time I have ever been blackmailed.

"Spider-Man, don't pay attention to Wade. He won't die. His self-healing ability is so unscientific that he won't die no matter what."

Colossus shouted, and at the same time, he, Cyclops, and Jean flew into the sky surrounded by strong winds.

"Let's go, I'm too popular to die, but you, be careful of being replaced. Spider-Man is not the only one, my couple costume partner."

Wade chuckled, and Spider-Man scratched his head, turned around, fired his webbing, and fled away.

At this time, the system of the war machine was finally cracked by Iron Man. He controlled the war machine to disintegrate and pulled Rhodes into the sky. Ivan and Obadiah cursed and fled away.

"An unexpected bonus."

Andrew smiled and pulled the staff in the warehouse and the surrounding people into the illusion - the location of the warehouse was relatively remote, and the number of people was not too large, only a few thousand.

These people discovered the war there early on, and most of them chose to sign a contract. Andrew sent a group of robots over and fled quickly with the contractors.

The next second, boom, boom... Thirty unmanned suits and one war machine exploded at the same time, flames and black smoke rose into the sky, the whole world was shaking, and the warehouse of Hammer Industries was instantly razed to the ground. buildings were also swept by the airwaves.

Iron Man, X-Men and the others did not fly far enough and were all blown away by the air waves. Fortunately, no one died, at most they were injured.

What, Wade? Of course he was not dead. When he flew up, he yawned in the air and thought about what gift to buy his wife.

"A bunch of tough bugs."

Ivan scanned it and cursed unhappily. He was about to continue to cause trouble for Iron Man when Obadiah stopped him and said, "Go to Manhattan. There are allies over there. We will deal with Iron Man there."


Ivan hesitated, and flew quickly towards Manhattan with Obadiah. Tony placed Rhodes on the rooftop and chased after him with a few words, those two guys must die.

"Take me with you, you can't defeat the two of them by yourself."

Psylocke wrapped Tony's feet with an energy rope and shouted. Tony was a little moved. At this moment, Psylocke added: "It doesn't matter if you die. The key is that it will affect my ability to receive money."

Tony rolled his eyes and returned my excitement!

It is worth mentioning that Psylocke's spiritual energy can protect her, so she is not afraid of the oncoming strong wind.

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