Seeing Andrew and Prowler finish off Kingpin and others, Miles smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Wang, Uncle Allen, isn't this not good?"

"Not good? Miles, you don't think putting Kingpin in jail will bring peace to the world, do you?"

Andrew sneered: "He knows your true identity, and if he just spends a few million, he can destroy your family.

Let me tell you that once your enemy knows your identity, you must silence him completely. Otherwise, you will be sending your loved ones to someone else's knife. "

Prowler also said: "Miles, he is right, we must do this, to be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to our own people."

"Although it is inappropriate for me to say this, Miles, it is very important to hide your identity, otherwise, you will become like me."

The bully Spider-Man smiled bitterly and said: "Spider-Man is also a human being and needs support. Our relatives are our support."

Miles scratched his head, looking very confused. Gwen was also a little hesitant. However, she was not as stressed as Miles. After all, she had the Avengers, the Defense Bureau, and her invincible boyfriend behind her.

"Peter, you send the symbiote out of the earth first."

Andrew said: "As for Miles, you go to the city to save people first. This time, a lot of people died in New York."

"A lot of people died in the city?"

Miles and Spider-Woman were shocked when they heard this and hurried outside to save people, and Prowler followed.

When they reached the top, the three of them were shocked. In front of them, there was no New York, only ruins, open spaces, strange buildings, and messy ground everywhere.

"This disaster is too great."

The three of them sighed at the same time and searched for survivors in the city. Miles even contacted his family immediately. Fortunately, they were fine.

However, Miles's father couldn't bear it anymore and ran to the street to save people. Although he was a bit stubborn, he was a real policeman.

Every Spider-Man has a respectable relative beside him, which is an important reason why they can become Spider-Man.

"I'll deal with the symbiote first."

In the laboratory, the bully Spider-Man nodded to Andrew and left with Drake.

"This incident is almost over."

Andrew sat on a chair, copying the super collider data and taking stock of what he had gained this time.

The harvest this time is still extremely rich. The total number of human souls in both universes is at least over 100 million.

In addition, Andrew also harvested a large number of symbionts this time, which also have souls and can increase Andrew's strength.

Not only that, the symbiotes can also greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the major legions of Rebirth Hell - their parasitic ability is very useful, like a biological armor.

What's more important is that there are so many of them. In addition to those that have been conquered, there is an entire planet.

What, the symbiote planet isn’t Andrew’s? Hey, if he is targeted by a big devil, sooner or later it will be his, there is no doubt about it.

Plus, this isn't the end, and Andrew can enter this universe at will in the future.

When he completes the arrangement, this parallel universe will provide him with a steady stream of souls just like the zombie universe.

What Andrew gained was a whole world.

In addition to the above, Andrew also harvested countless coordinates from different universes, super collider, and most importantly, the female Doctor Octopus.

These gains will not only bring a lot of souls to Andrew, but also help him achieve diversity. It can be said that Andrew has a bright future.

"There is another reward, and that is the promise of Gnar, the god of symbiotes. This matter needs to be carefully planned."

Andrew thought to himself: "Once you succeed, you will not only get a lot of benefits, but you will also be more confident in dealing with Dormammu."

Dormammu is the master of the dark dimension, and Gnar is the god of darkness. He must know how to deal with Dormammu.

"Parallel universes are indeed a gold mine."

Andrew smiled. He was not in a hurry to transfer all the souls of this universe to the main universe. He would wait until everything was dealt with. It would be bad if anything happened.

On the other side, the bully Spider-Man spent a lot of effort to gather all the symbiotes on the space shuttle. Then, Drake started the rocket and sent the space shuttle into space.

Andrew did not take away the symbiotes from this plane, but followed them with his consciousness - he wanted to find the symbiotes' nest.

How can one plane of symbiotes be enough? Andrew said he wanted them all.

Spider-Man and the others are still out there rescuing people. The U.S. official system has been severely damaged and has been unable to function. The situation is quite bad.

This time, the United States suffered heavy losses and its national strength was greatly reduced.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Andrew. He is only greedy for souls, and other aspects are none of his business.

"Things are almost settled."

The bully Spider-Man returned to the laboratory and asked Andrew: "Mr. Devil, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Talk about your future."

Andrew smiled and said: "The earth in your universe has been completely occupied by symbiotes?"

"Yes, there are only millions of humans left who are parasitized by the symbionts on the entire earth. Everyone else has been swallowed up."

The bully Spider-Man smiled bitterly: "The symbiote needs a special substance to survive. This substance only exists in the brain and chocolate. This is why they often chew on the head.

In order to survive, I used to lead them around to attack living planets, which was notorious and even worse than those predators. "

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Andrew asked: "Let all symbiotes leave the host's body and return to the symbiote planet?

I think that even if you are the king of symbiotes, they will not agree to your request. The king can be overthrown. "

"Of course the symbiotes will not agree. It has been too long and the symbiotes have completely integrated with the host and cannot be easily separated."

The bully Spider-Man sighed: "For example, part of my liver is missing, and my stomach has undergone major changes. If the venom leaves, I will die.

The same goes for the venom, which is now completely parasitic on my body. "

Finally, the bully Spider-Man smiled bitterly and said: "Devil, to be honest, I don't know what to do now."

The bully Spider-Man's eyes are full of confusion, not only about the symbiote, but also about himself - he doesn't know how to face himself at all.

He had killed countless people before and was more evil and cruel than any super villain.

Andrew smiled and said: "This is simple, just give me all the millions of symbiotes and I will help you solve this problem."

The reason Andrew talks so much to the bully Spider-Man is because of the millions of symbiotes he has on hand.

This is not an ordinary symbiote, this is a symbiote with a host and has experienced hundreds of battles. Once you get it, it will become a super army.

Next, Andrew will go to war with Dormammu. Soldiers are very important. In addition, he will definitely attack other hells in the future.

"give you?"

The bully Spider-Man was hesitant. He was worried that Andrew would use these symbiotes to do bad things-after all, the other party was also a devil.

"If you're worried, you can join them in my hell."

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, although I am not a good person, I am definitely not a bad person. I will never let the symbiote harm innocent people.

The targets of the symbiote army will be hell demons and various evil spirits. Every one of those guys deserves to die. "

Bully Spider-Man fully understood that the Demon King wanted to recruit him. He thought for a while and asked: "The symbiote needs a lot of food, hell demons and life from the evil dimension, is it enough?"

"Spider-Man, you are also a college student, how come you do things like a primitive man?"

Andrew complained: "Substances can be synthesized. I have a large group of super scientists under my command. Isn't synthesizing a substance just like playing?

If that doesn't work, the worst possible option is to use genetic technology to specifically cultivate lifeless and soulless brains.

Technology changes life, and this is just a small thing. "

The bully Spider-Man was a little speechless. I, a decent college student, uh, a dropped out college student, was actually despised and uneducated by a devil?

By the way, you, a demon king, saying something like ‘technology changes life’, isn’t it a bit inappropriate and the style of your painting is distorted?

"Let's do this. I'll take you to visit my hell first. After the visit, you can decide whether to join or not."

Andrew said: "In addition, Peter, your current situation is maintained by time magic. Although my magic is fine, if this state continues, you may give birth to an evil personality.

If you are willing to join me in hell, I will help you solve this trouble once and for all.

Of course, it is impossible to change back to the kind and innocent Spider-Man from the beginning. You will merge with the evil Spider-Man and become a new Spider-Man. "

This kind of Spider-Man is the Spider-Man that Andrew needs - a certain kind, but at the same time ruthless.

"I also know that I can't go back."

The bully Spider-Man sighed. He looked at his hands and said, "These hands are full of sins. It cannot be erased by amnesia."

Andrew smiled and said: "Be open-minded and look forward. Fusion is not a bad thing. At the very least, your dancing talent will be retained, Dance King Spider-Man."

"I think it's better not to keep it. That guy dances all the time, and it's the kind of dance that's embarrassing to death."

Bully Spider-Man complained, he thought for a while, nodded and said: "Devil, let me visit your hell first.

If it is as neutral as you say, then I will join you with an army of symbiotes. "

"Don't worry, my hell will not let you down."

Andrew smiled and said: "Does your universe have Karma Taj? Yes, that's easy to say. My hell is a top-level hell that has been professionally certified by Karma Taj."

“How come I didn’t know Kamal Taj has this business?”

Bully Spider-Man complained. At this point, Bully Spider-Man's affairs have come to an end. If nothing else happens, he will lead the symbiote army to join the mechanical hell. The reason is very simple. This is the only way he can go.

"There are many parallel universes on hand. The problem is that we are short of manpower, so we can only develop the main universe, the zombie universe and this parallel universe first."

Andrew sighed. There were many resources but not enough manpower. This was undoubtedly a happy trouble.

At this time, Andrew thought of something and said to the bully Spider-Man: "By the way, Peter, you cast Dark Space on me again, and I'll go in and find someone to chat with."

"Is there anyone inside?"

The bully Spider-Man was stunned. He reminded: "Devil, my intuition tells me that that space is very dangerous."

"It is indeed very dangerous. If you use it too many times, a monster will crawl out of the dark space and swallow you."

Andrew said: "But for me, it's not a big problem, don't worry."


After hearing this, the bully Spider-Man said no more and released the dark space to take Andrew in.

In the dark space, Andrew shouted: "Naru, are you at home?"

"Nonsense, I don't want to be home. The question is, can I leave?"

Nall said angrily: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"It's a pleasure. In that case, I won't waste any time."

Andrew smiled: "What I want you to do is very simple. Help me deal with you in another universe."


Naal was a little dumbfounded. He asked, "I may have been in detention for too long and had auditory hallucinations. Can you tell me again?"

"I said, let you help me deal with you in another universe."

Andrew said: "The solution is not necessarily to kill, devour, control, or refine him into a divine weapon. In short, get rid of him."

"You want me to help you deal with the other me? Is your request a bit too much?"

Naal was speechless. He never thought that Andrew would make such a request, asking me to kill myself?

At this time, Null suddenly reacted and asked in shock: "Hey, wait, are you a hell creature from another universe?"

"Yes, I am the Demon King of another universe. You can call me the Machine Demon King."

Andrew said: "I have been in a good mood recently. I will travel to your universe and bring back some local products."


Nall naturally knew what souvenirs Andrew was talking about. He snorted coldly: "The souls are governed by the devils of death and hell. They will not allow you to take a large number of souls away from this universe."

"It seems that he doesn't know anything. That's right. Not long after the birth of the universe, he was sealed. The earth probably didn't even exist at that time."

Andrew knew what he knew, and he said: "That is, death and the devils will not allow the assets of the universe to be lost.

Not to mention this, Nal, in my contract with you, there is no restriction that I cannot deal with you in another universe, so you must help.

Don't pretend to be anything. A villain like you doesn't care what happens to you in other universes. "

"Who said I am the villain? I am the guardian of darkness. There should not be light in this universe, let alone be so noisy."

Null snorted and said, "That is me in another universe after all. I can't bear to do anything to him."

Translated, this sentence means: "Those are my brothers, my dearest relatives and friends... I have to pay more."

"I'm almost finding the symbiote planet."

Andrew smiled: "As long as you help me do this, I will take away all the symbiotes. Those symbiotes are your guards. Without them, you will be free in less than five hundred years."

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