American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1410 Reinforcements

Then, the demon army of the Violent Demon King invaded the territory of the Phantom Demon King. The Phantom Demon King was furious. Forget about the demon who robbed my wife, he still dared to come to the door? court death!

As a result, the two sides went head-to-head, and the war officially broke out.

Situations like this happen all over hell. It's not that no demon kings find the problem, but most demon kings are too lazy to think about it and just start a war. They have to fight anyway. The reason why they fight is not important.

In addition, most demon kings have sensed the boiling of hell's will. They know that a great era is coming, and the most important thing now is to improve their strength.

In this case, starting a war is a matter of course. Demon kings do not rely on meditation to improve their strength, but rely on war and devouring other demon kings.

Sithorn just pushed from behind, making the war break out faster and more violently.

In just half a month, hell was filled with flames of war and beacon smoke. Just like the Chinese New Year, the demons rushed to the battlefield excitedly. If they were lucky, they would evolve by devouring other demons. If they were unlucky, they would be devoured by other demons or die on the battlefield. , dead without a complete body.

In short, the whole hell is in chaos, and all-out war has officially arrived.

The territory of the Three-tailed Demon King was not connected to that of the Gluttonous Demon King and the Sloth Demon King. Therefore, they did not send out troops immediately. Instead, the Three-tailed Demon King came forward and discussed with the Mountain Demon King adjacent to the Sloth Demon King to deal with the Sloth Demon King together.

It should be mentioned here that the territories of the Demon King of Sloth and the Demon King of Gluttony are also not connected, because they were not friends at the beginning, but later became the Seven Deadly Sins.

Moreover, creatures like demons are very difficult to fight without fighting. They must have enemies. Therefore, adjacent demon kings are generally not allies.

"Mountain Demon King, you and the Sloth Demon King are old rivals."

The three-tailed demon dynasty said to the mountain opposite: "I think you should be happy to destroy him. We want to join forces with you to deal with him."

"You have a grudge against the Demon King of Sloth?"

The Mountain Demon King asked, his voice shaking the surrounding ground. His body was the mountain in front of him.

"Yes, some time ago, He and the Demon King of Gluttony snatched Beelzebub from my hands."

The Three-Tailed Demon King did not deny it. He said: "So, I hope to join forces with you to deal with the Lazy Demon King. In addition, in order to teleport my army here, I need to open a portal here."

The Mountain Demon King looked at the Three-tailed Demon King and said, "That old guy Beelzebub has fallen? There are fewer and fewer old friends. By the way, what good can I do against the Lazy Demon King?"

The Three-tailed Demon King knew that the Demon King was always greedy, so he was not surprised and asked with a smile: "Isn't it the greatest benefit to kill the Lazy Demon King? He is your old enemy."

"That's your benefit, not mine. I want my benefit."

The Mountain Demon King said: "In fact, the Sloth Demon King and I are not enemies, but good friends who have been dependent on each other for tens of thousands of years. As for the little fight below, it is just a joke."

The three-tailed devil's face is a bit dark. You are worthy of being the mountain devil. You are so thick-skinned. He said: "All the territory of the lazy devil belongs to you."

The Mountain Demon King said: "The Sloth Demon King and I even had dinner together. I invited him."

"The wealth of the Sloth Demon King will also belong to you. For those demons who survive, 60% will belong to you."

The Three-Tailed Demon King snorted coldly and said: "But the Lazy Demon King must belong to me. This is the bottom line. I can't just fight and get nothing, right?"

The Mountain Demon King glanced at the Three-Tailed Demon King and said: "The Sloth Demon King and the Gluttony Demon King are good friends. The Gluttony Demon King will definitely come to support him. Just the two of us cannot take over the Sloth Demon King's territory."

"It's not just the two of us, I have several powerful allies."

The Three-Tailed Demon King smiled and said: "As long as the territory of the Sloth Demon King is captured, I guarantee that the Sloth Demon King and the Gluttonous Demon King who came to support will be dead.

The territory of the Mountain Demon King and the Gluttony Demon King can also be yours, but the devil and the Gluttony Demon King belong to me. "

"Is that so?"

The Mountain Demon King thought for a while and said: "I suddenly remembered that last time I invited the Lazy Demon King to dinner, that guy never invited me back. What a bastard. Three-tailed Demon King, let's join forces and teach that bastard a lesson."

"You're the bastard, right? You're lucky to have such a majestic body."

The three-tailed demon king secretly complained, and the two demon kings discussed some details, formally made an alliance agreement, and signed a contract at the same time.

The contract must be signed. The Mountain Demon King is worried that the Three-tailed Demon King will not leave once he comes. The Three-tailed Demon King is also worried that the Mountain Demon King will stab him in the back. Therefore, the contract must be signed.

Of course, there is a contract, and when it is time to backstab, 80% of the time it will be backstabbed. After all, in order to prevent being cheated, contracts between demon kings are generally not too strict, and demon kings are best at finding loopholes in contracts.

After the contract was signed, the three-tailed demon king began to build the portal, and then, a neat army of demons walked out of the portal.

The Mountain Demon King was stunned, how could there be such an organized demon army? Is this really evil?

Demons are chaotic creatures, which means that they cannot completely obey orders. As for discipline, it is nothing to them, and the demons don't care about it at all.

When demons go to the battlefield, except for staying together with their own kind, they are extremely unorganized in other aspects, and can even be said to be random - when the demon king gives the order to charge, they will rush forward in their own way, uh, just scream and move forward. rush.

Therefore, although there are conspiracies in the war in hell, there are basically no sophisticated tactics. It is in a relatively primitive and barbaric stage. There is no way, no matter how wise the tactics you develop, the devil will not complete it.

But the three-tailed demon king's army was different. Not only was it neat, but no one spoke, and it was extremely quiet, just like the army of the human kingdom. This was simply a miracle.

Soon, the Mountain Demon King reacted and asked in surprise: "Three-tailed Demon King, have you turned all these demons into puppets?"

The devil will not be so neat and tidy. Only when he becomes a puppet can he be so neat and tidy, and there will be no sound at all.

"This is my business, not yours."

The three-tailed devil said: "Get ready, we will attack the territory of the lazy devil immediately, and strive to reach the castle of the lazy devil within a month."

"A month? With you and my army, half a month is enough."

The Mountain Demon King laughed loudly. It seemed that the old enemy of the Sloth Demon King was doomed this time. Speaking of which, he was really sad and had to eat one more night.

In Lazy Castle, the Lazy Demon King lazily said: "The frontline army has been defeated, and the coalition forces of the Three-tailed Demon King and the Mountain Demon King are attacking my territory with overwhelming force.

What's worse is that the other two adjacent demon kings are also ready to move. It's so miserable. I might become the demon king of the country soon. "

The combined forces of the Three-tailed Demon King and the Mountain Demon King were far more numerous than the army of the Sloth Demon King. In addition, the three-tailed Demon King's army was prohibited by law, and the collective combat power was off the charts. It was only natural that the Sloth Demon King would be defeated.

Of course, the situation was not as bad as the Lazy Demon King said. He knew that he could not defeat him and withdrew his troops in advance, so the loss was not huge.

"You don't mean to be miserable at all with your tone?"

The Gluttony Demon King complained, and he said with a sad face: "The Mountain Demon King is not delicious, it is all stones. The Three-Tailed Demon King is delicious, but I can't beat it."

"It's now like this, are you still thinking about whether it tastes good or not?"

Beelzebub, the current Angry Demon King, was speechless. He asked: "Lazy Demon King, they obviously want to break into your territory and make him lose the territory bonus. Aren't you going to do something?"

"I'm too lazy to do anything. Besides, what can I do?"

The Lazy Demon King said: "At most, I can open a portal and let the Gluttonous Demon King pass the demons over. But with the cunningness of the three-tailed demon kings, once I open the portal, the Gluttonous Demon King's territory will definitely be invaded."

"Are you planning to wait here to die? The three-tailed demon king, the mountain demon king, and those four weirdos, if we don't have the territorial advantage, we may not be able to win."

Beelzebub said: "If you really have no other choice, I suggest that the three of us leave the territory and become wandering demon kings."

The Gluttonous Demon King flatly refused: "No, the Wandering Demon King can't even guarantee that he will eat. It's so boring."

"Angry Demon King, I know you are provoking me. Don't worry, although I have no way, BOSS can."

The Sloth Demon smiled and Beelzebub was stunned. At this moment, Andrew appeared in the castle with two figures.


The three demon kings stood up to say hello. They originally called the Lord of Hell, but Andrew didn't like it and changed it to BOSS.

Andrew said: "I already know the situation on your side. It seems that the three-tailed devil has guessed that we are collaborators, so he wants to deal with you and cut off my tentacles that affect hell."

"Collaborator? Boss, you are so humble."

Beelzebub complained, and Andrew asked with a half-smile: "Then do you want me to treat you like a collaborator, or do you want me to treat you like a slave?"

Beelzebub immediately changed his mind: "BOSS, of course we are collaborators, close collaborators. BOSS, it is the greatest honor of my life to be able to cooperate with you."

Everyone looked at Beelzebub speechlessly, you are also a devil after all, why are you so shameless?

"Introduction, these two are the white-robed wizard Saruman and the human king Aragorn."

Andrew said: "They will serve as the commanders and strategists of your demon army."

"I've seen three demon kings."

Aragorn said a little nervously, "Are you kidding? This is the Demon King, and he's doing it three at a time. It's strange that he's not nervous."

Aragorn was originally in the world of the Lord of the Rings, drinking wine, eating side dishes, holding his wife, and teasing his children. He lived a very happy life. However, when Andrew called him, he could only come to hell to help him fight the war.

The reason why he agreed was not because Andrew possessed Aragorn's soul, but because Andrew made a condition that Aragorn could not refuse - help me win this battle, and I will make your whole family immortal.

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