In the laboratory of the seaside villa, Tony Stark saw through the camera that Su Mu easily shattered the special bulletproof glass and then jumped down, and couldn't help but curse in a low voice:

"What a monster, you know, that is a special glass that can withstand RPG rocket launchers, he only used five fingers to easily shatter it, and didn't even use other abilities!

But what is he doing outside at this time?

Jarvis, explore the direction he left to see if there is anything worth noting?"

Jarvis immediately hacked into a large number of surveillance cameras, and after a while, he projected part of the picture in front of Tony Stark.

Seeing the picture in front of him, Tony Stark subconsciously cursed:

"What kind of monster is this! Is Su Mu just going to find these monsters?

Jarvis, assemble Mark 4, I can't miss this kind of thing!"

"But sir, Mark 4 has not been debugged yet..."

Jarvis was interrupted by Tony Stark before he finished speaking,

"No need to debug, there will be no problem with my design!"


New York, northern Manhattan, Harlem.

A terrifying green monster appeared at some point, rampaging through Harlem, killing all creatures in sight.

This bustling urban area has now become a ruin. The dense shooting and screaming have turned this urban area into a hell on earth, filled with wailing and despair.

The fully armed elite troops wandered around Harlem, shooting wildly at the terrifying monster, but neither guns nor missiles could hurt the monster at all. The elite troops were like civilians at this time, and had no power to resist the green monster.

On the high-rise building nearby, Su Mu sat on the edge, his legs hanging naturally, his chin resting on his hands, and watching the tragic drama in front of him with a smile.

He was quietly waiting for the protagonist to appear.


The sound of breaking air came from far away, Su Mu did not look back, and the six eyes had already captured the figure of Tony Stark.

Tony Stark looked at the hellish scene in front of him, his expression under the helmet was full of seriousness,

"What is this?"

Su Mu responded lightly,

"Well, a weak mortal suddenly got the power he dreamed of, and then lost himself, and a crazy revenge drama?"

"Then what are you doing here?"

Tony Stark knew that the young man in front of him had the power to stop all this, but he was unmoved, just like an audience, observing everything in front of him indifferently.

I heard that there was already some anger in Tony Stark's tone, but Su Mu was still unmoved, just changed to a more comfortable posture.

"Waiting for the protagonist to appear! But you, why are you here if you are not preparing for tomorrow's press conference?"

Tony Stark did not answer, but asked in a deep voice:

"Are you staying here and doing nothing, just watching that monster destroy and kill people everywhere?"

"Otherwise? Even if I don't stop it, it's not wrong, right?"

Tony Stark was silent. Su Mu was right. He had no obligation to save others.

So he stopped talking, drove the Mark IV towards the Abomination, and used the energy cannon in his palm to shoot at him crazily, but it had no effect at all.

"Look here, green fat man, I want to give you a gift!

Jarvis, charge 100%!"

A shining white light lit up in the center of the steel armor, and then a thick energy ray hit the Abomination.

Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief, this should be able to deal with him!

Suddenly, a huge building stone hit Tony Stark, and he was directly smashed out, and the chest of the steel armor was immediately severely deformed.

However, the Abomination, who was hit by the thick energy ray, did not suffer any damage.

He glanced at the direction where Tony Stark was smashed and flew out, spitting to one side, and continued to shout loudly:

"Hulk, get out and face me!"

On the top of the tall building, Su Mu attracted Tony who was flying far away to prevent him from being hurt again, and then teased:

"Tony, why are you flying back again?"

Tony Stark did not respond. He took off his helmet with difficulty and took a deep breath. Just now, he almost thought he saw the god of death.

Only then did he understand why Su Mu did not go to stop him. With such a terrifying power and such a terrifying defense, even the white-haired demon would be helpless!

At this moment, a heavy sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from a distance, and then Tony Stark saw Su Mu stand up, stretched and said:

"The protagonist is here, so I, the villain, will also appear."

After that, Su Mu immediately jumped off the building and disappeared from Tony's sight.

Tony was puzzled. Why did Su Mu say that he was a villain? Isn't the villain that green monster?


Banner jumped off the plane and smashed a deep pit in the ground. Then a huge green hand stretched out, and a green giant with green skin but a higher appearance came out.

Hulk is online!

Hulk tore a car in half and rushed towards the Abomination as a weapon.

The two fought fiercely, almost destroying the entire Harlem district.

But because Banner had injected the inhibitor before, Hulk could not exert his full strength and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Just when the Abomination was pressing the Hulk under him and beating him, he suddenly heard a gloating voice from the side,

"No, Abomination, you should have hit the Hulk's eyes directly with that punch just now!

Hulk, you have to attack the weak spot of the hatred, do you understand? "

The two men subconsciously stopped, and then saw a white-haired young man sitting on the only intact street lamp beside him, eating potato chips that he got from somewhere, and pointing fingers at them.

Seeing that the two men in front of him stopped fighting, Su Mu said impatiently:

"What are you doing? Keep fighting, you haven't finished eating the potato chips yet! "

Abomination looked at the white-haired man in front of him and immediately recognized that this was the white-haired demon that appeared some time ago, a level 5 mutant.

However, he had just gained tremendous power and did not take the so-called white-haired demon seriously at all.

No matter how strong he was, could he be stronger than him?

It is estimated that he can be defeated at will just like the iron man just now!

Abomination picked up a huge stone and threw it hard at the white-haired demon on the street lamp. The huge force acted on the stone, and the terrifying speed formed a sonic boom, which directly hit the white-haired demon.

He turned his head directly, without looking at the result of the attack, and wanted to hit Hulk again.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a sigh from behind him,

"Hey, bad boy, how can you hit the referee for no reason?

You said so, Abomination! "

Then, Hate felt a terrifying force coming from his back, and black and red lightning filled all the space around him. He was blown away uncontrollably, breaking through layers of solid walls, and finally on the concrete floor.

After finally stopping, he immediately felt a warm liquid flowing down his back. When he wiped it back, the skin behind him, which was harder than titanium alloy, was broken, and a lot of green blood continued to flow from a fist mark.

Since he gained power, he was injured for the first time!

In the distance, through the channel he knocked out, a pair of eyes emitting azure spiritual light looked at him, looking down at him, as if looking at an ant!

At the same time, Su Mu in the distance heard the system's prompt:

[Energy point +1]

[Template fusion degree: 40%]

[You have unlocked a new skill: Spell reversal "He\

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