"Do I have to name you?"

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly, and took a step forward, but he was suspended in the air for seven inches, stepping out in a vacuum.

Normal Qinggong, anyone above level 50, can actually step in a vacuum, the only difference is the number of steps, speed, and whether it is cool or not.

But Jiang Chen took one step at a time, very slowly, as if there were steps under his feet.

Very steady, very solid.

He walked in the air, his steps were leisurely.

He strolled in the garden, almost like the Taoist method of the immortals!......

Wow! Awesome!

Speaking of Qinggong, Zhao Yi's Feixu Qingyan Gong just now was amazing, but Jiang Chen didn't fly this time, but it felt even more outrageous than flying.

Everyone was amazed.

Wu Qianyue couldn't help but frowned and muttered in a low voice:"Little bastard really likes to pretend! Isn't it just the Golden Goose Gong that is perfected? Do you have to do this?! Damn it~!!"

Shi Feixuan's eyes flickered slightly.


It was indeed unexpected!

With Shi Feixuan's understanding of Jiang Chen, it was impossible for him to cultivate the Golden Goose Art to the maximum level at this time.

However, Shi Feixuan was not surprised.

Because she came here today, she had already made up her mind and no longer looked at Jiang Chen with the eyes of the past.

After all, the past was always wrong, and a good opportunity could be missed every day.

Shi Feixuan has never missed so many times since she was born. If she still has to estimate Jiang Chen with the thinking of the past, she can only continue to be wrong.


She did not recommend the candidate she had prepared before, but directly pushed forward Jiang Chen.

Although there is no result yet, it seems now that he is at least capable of fighting.......

"Go up the ladder!?"

Zhao Yi glanced at him with disdain.

"The Quanzhen Golden Goose Skill is only the seventh grade. Even if it is fully cultivated and transformed into the Heavenly Ladder, it is still the seventh grade!!"

His Qinggong is the unique Qinggong of the Green Winged Bat King, one of the four great Dharma Kings of the Ming Cult, and it is the eighth grade!

Zhao Yi naturally looked down on Jiang Chen's Qinggong.......

"There is no point in bragging, you have learned too many things."

Jiang Chen walked slowly onto the stage and said calmly

"You alone can't take my three swords, so add the other two, and we can finish the battle quickly, right?""

Three swords!?



Zhao Yi has seen crazy people, but he has never seen someone as crazy as this.

"Even Shang Wanli, who has been promoted to the top level in terms of strength, doesn't dare to talk about the Three Swords. Who gives you the confidence?!"

"I study a lot of different things? Hahaha, that's really funny?"

"Which martial arts I practiced is not of the best quality?"


Taiji Sword, Flying Catkins and Blue Smoke, Ice Palm, the lowest is of the eighth grade.

And the skill of rubbing needles just now even looks a bit like the hidden weapon technique evolved from sunflowers.

If it is bad, it may be because he did not get the Star Absorbing Technique. Although the internal strength he practiced is good, it is a little different from the orthodox Xuanmen.......


Lu Xiaofeng finally waited for the opportunity to make money, and immediately excitedly slapped the shore and said:"Hey, hurry up, if others don't come up, let's bet on three swords!"

"I, Lu Xiaofeng, will pay you one hundred for one, whatever you want!"


The whole audience burst into laughter

"Oh shit!"

"I have been in the casino for 30 years. I have seen people gamble their lives, but I have never seen anyone gamble their lives like this.��"

"One to one hundred! ?"

"Lu Xiaofeng is so confident, that won't work, I have to consider Jiang Chen~"


"Jiang Chen closed the game and won’t give it to you?"


The man was stunned.

"So confident! ?"

"This guy dared to directly lock Jiang Chen's plate, without even thinking about losing....".......

「Flying Gods and Demons" Zhao He couldn't help but frown slightly.

They didn't just arrive at the brothel, but were there the whole time.

Although they couldn't watch Jiang Chen's previous battles openly, they saw them clearly.

"Even though he is at the first-rate level, he has achieved the state of unity between man and sword, and his comprehension is good, but he cannot have a 30% chance of winning against my disciple!!"

On the other side

「"White Ape God and Demon" Zhang Chengyun sneered secretly:"Huh, who doesn't know how to brag?"

"Three swords?"

"If the three swords cannot be taken, what else can we do? Are we going to tear off the skin and pretend that nothing happened?"

Lu Xiaofeng was delighted, thinking that something big was coming.

But Shi Feixuan said first:"Do you not believe it?"

"I don't believe it!"

Shi Feixuan's white jade palm suddenly turned over, and a light golden elixir lay quietly in her jade hand:"This is the Shaolin Da Huan Dan, which was originally given to me by Master Fang Zheng."

"If Jiang Chen fails to win in three sword strikes, then we will lose directly. This pill and the secret manual will be handed over to you."

Da Huan Dan!?"

Zhao Yi's eyes flashed with greed.

This pill is extremely rare. Even when the Demon Cult attacked Shaolin, they didn't get a few pills. Now there is not a single pill left.

And because he debuted late, his internal strength has not been able to catch up with the top-notch masters.

If he gets this pill, he will definitely be able to stay in the top-notch realm, and even have the confidence to enter the middle of the earth list within three years!

The value of this pill is not something that the auction house can measure.

Because the auction house has not seen Shaolin Da Huan Dan for many years.

No one is willing to buy it!

Even if he wants to buy it, he has no channels to buy it!......


Zhao Yigang said,"Okay!" Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

"You are such a fart~?"

"The bet on our side has been made by Master Fairy. Are you so poor that you don’t even have the money to place a bet?"

"It shouldn't be~"

"Rumor has it that the Demon Cult is still very wealthy.~"

「Flying Gods and Demons" Zhao He's old face turned red:"What a joke! Can't my God Cult afford the gamble!?"

After saying that,

Zhao He directly took out a dark green long sword from his arms. The shape was a bit strange, obviously different from the popular styles today, and it was extremely simple.

Although it was not unsheathed, just looking at the shape, you can tell that this sword is relatively wide and made of a strange material. It is not traditional fine steel, but made of black steel.

"Zhenwu Sword!?"

Lu Xiaofeng could tell at a glance that this sword was extraordinary, but what surprised him even more was that the Demon Cult actually carried this sword with them and could even use it for gambling!

「Flying Gods and Demons" Zhao He snorted coldly:"Little nun, you have planned such a big game just for this sword, right?"


"I will grant you my wish today. Let's see if you have the ability to take it away!"

Shi Feixuan smiled, but her eyes were looking at Jiang Chen:"In this case, the victory or defeat of this battle will be a bit heavy~"


Jiang Chen really wanted to give her a���

This top female devil from the Green Tea Club is different.

She is really good at seducing people!

The Zhenwu Sword is not a sword that Jiang Chen can use, no matter how good it is, it is meaningless.

But I must take the Da Huan Dan.

Good guy!

As long as she makes a move, there is nothing she doesn't want.

Damn it!

If anyone in the current martial arts world has the ability to kill her, it will definitely be a big explosion!

Nuns and monks say they have no money and beg for alms every day, but if you look at the martial arts world, how many people are richer than them?

"Damn it!"

Jiang Chen cursed in his heart.

The difficulty was really pushed to the limit by Shi Feixuan.

Originally, he said three swords, not pretending, but deliberately angering Zhao Yi, forcing him to fight sword against sword and give up Tai Chi defense, so as to catch his flaw in one fell swoop and end the battle quickly.

But now......

As long as the people of the Demon Cult have no problem with their brains, they will definitely choose to defend their three swords.

And once Tai Chi swordsmanship enters a defensive position, those who understand it will understand!.....


【[Martial Arts]

Crazy Demon Sword

Skill Grade: 6th Grade

Level: Level 170 0%

Attributes: Sword skill power increased by 510%, sword skill speed increased by 510%, increased by 3230 points of agility, 1190 points of strength, and 340 points of root bone.

Comprehensive, Nine Circles: Face-to-face change speed increased by 1020%, turn around change speed increased by 510%%

Gale Sword Qi: Using internal force can stimulate up to 18 sword qi, and an additional 8 sword qi can be stimulated when the internal force is exploded (the power of sword qi is equivalent to 170% of the total power of the sword technique)

Sword Power: When the sword technique is performed, the speed is increased by an additional 100% in the first 10 moves, and the speed is increased by 10% for every additional 10 moves thereafter (up to a maximum of 510%)

Additional bonus: The interval between the use of internal force is shortened by 50%, and the meridians can be forcibly damaged when it explodes, instantly mobilizing 80% of the internal force (reducing health by 1000 points, only once, and the meridians need to be repaired before it can be used again)

Three-stage bonus: Increase strength by 150 points, increase bone strength by 150 points, increase body movement by 150 points, and increase internal force by 150 points

【[Light Kung Fu]

Ascending the Ladder to Heaven

Grade: Grade 7

Level: Level 160 0%

Attributes: Increases body movement by 2880 points, increases internal strength by 1600 points.

Ascending the Clouds to Heaven: Circulate internal strength, can walk in the air, can soar into the air (current number of steps is 160)

Golden Goose Speed Up: Circulate internal strength, can suddenly accelerate (current increase 350%)

Xuanmen Entering the Dao: Improve the effect of internal strength training (internal strength obtained from internal strength, internal strength value bonus, additional increase of 160%)

Additional bonus: Lighten the body (reduce self-weight by 50%)......

70 million experience points.

In addition, the swordsmanship that was reshaped and modified again when watching the show offstage. The bonuses to the root bone and strength continued to decrease, while the bonus to the body movement continued to increase.

Otherwise, the Golden Goose Art could not be transformed from perfection to the ladder to heaven.

The special effect of lifting the energy and lightening the body was obtained again.

Jiang Chen's entire lightness skill instantly rose to a higher level.

It was not a super first-class level.

But this lightness skill was rare even among the super first-class ones!......

"Disciple, you only need three swords in this battle. After you win, you can use the Zhenwu Sword."

Zhao He had to remind him.

This round was too much of a gamble.

Even he had to think twice.

A young man of the younger generation, if he lost this round because of underestimating the enemy and being arrogant, he would become a laughing stock in the martial arts world!

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and nodded heavily:"Master, don't worry. With my Tai Chi sword skills, even if Lin Yuantu is resurrected, he can't win with three swords!"

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