Jiang Chen knew from the beginning that this thing was definitely thrown out by the female devil on purpose to force him to fight.

However, this was only one of the reasons.

More importantly,...


It's 100% bait!

After learning the evil king's body movements, you'll be hooked.

Well, do you want to be the evil king?!

Stop talking, I'm going to destroy you on behalf of justice!

Good fellow~

This is fucking shit, it's shit if it's not shit!

With Shi Feixuan's endless routines, plus the blessing of the righteous forces behind her, one move after another of fierce means came over, it was simply overwhelming and invincible!

Don't you see.

The first time she arrived in Nancheng, she made the powerful and powerful Demon Cult in the Ming Dynasty speechless and unable to speak.

You fight her! ?

Just kidding.

If you are just targeted by her, you'd better pray first, you are really the reincarnation of the evil king.

Otherwise, if you can't beat her, the end will be miserable.

And it's the kind of misery that you want to escape, but you can't escape from her palm, the kind of helplessness and despair!

It feels like, I did nothing wrong, but in the end, I lost miserably.

Shuanglong has been going against the grain since their debut, taking all the benefits. Did they do anything wrong?

That's right!

But in the end, they turned the tables, and you had no choice but to give in.

It's like playing chess.

You fight with every move, step by step, and lead the whole game. When the game is about to end, they just drop a piece at random, turn the tables in an instant, and kill you right in front of you!

How can this be done! ?......

Jiang Chen has no idea how to do it for now, but if you want me to be a bootlicker, that's wishful thinking. At most, I can overturn the table. How can I be afraid of you?!

On the other side.

Mu Qingcheng has expanded her business beyond the brothel.

After all, now.

All the masters in the entire South City may have come, including Huashan, Shaolin, Wudang, and many other sects.

With so many people, a small space in the brothel is definitely not enough.

Fortunately, the roof of Yicui Building was lifted, and the view was completely opened.

Some masters found more than ten meters of bamboo poles from somewhere, inserted them into the ground one by one, and then stood alone, watching the battle in the air.

I have to say, with a little wind blowing and a little wine drinking, the effect of watching the battle is excellent!

At this time, if your lightness skills are good enough, you can step in the air, shuttle between the bamboo poles, and sell some peanuts and drinks, you can make a fortune........

"The first battle begins!"

Since Mu Qingcheng is making money, she has to provide good service. There are girls holding signs, girls calculating points and odds, and she even personally hosts the show.

After all, it is a first-class internal skill, and there is no need to add a loudspeaker to shout, it is very useful.

"The top ten newcomers in Huashan, Yuandu!"


"The Flying God and Demon disciple of the Demon Cult, Zhao Yi!"......


When Zhao Yi saw that it was Yuandu, he couldn't help but sneer and pointed to the odds next to him.

"Twenty-six to one! ?"

"Hahaha, is this the confidence of you righteous people?"


"You can't even make it onto that rubbish Jianghu rookie list, you can only show off your power by relying on your connections."

"Forget it, I am too lazy to kill a piece of trash, you should just go back to your dad and drink milk, don't come out and embarrass yourself~"

Yuan Du didn't expect that his odds would be so exaggerated.

At this moment, in front of his fellow martial artists and Shi Feixuan, he couldn't lose face no matter what he said.

"Zhao Yi, you were the one who ran fast last time in Qingniu Village, so I’m kind enough to let you go!"

"Since you don't know what's good for you, today I must let you know that the strength of the Huashan Rookie List is definitely not something that a newcomer in the martial arts world can challenge!!"

Purple Cloud Divine Art!" As he spoke , a hint of purple appeared on Yuan Du's face.


"What the hell?"

"Yuandu actually knows the Zixia magic skill?"

""Ah!? You call someone who has mastered a unique martial art a rookie!?"

The people in the martial arts world were stunned. When people say a rookie, the best he can do is to master a martial art of level 150.

The eighth level is enough, and the ninth level is beyond the standard.

A unique martial art?

Are you kidding!

How can a few newcomers have a unique martial art right from the start?

The sect is not run by your family, so why do senior brothers like Linghu Chong not have the qualifications, but you do?


Linghu Chong is indeed not qualified, but he is in Yuandu!

There is nothing we can do.

Who asked his father to be in charge of the assessment of disciples?

"Awesome! Look at his face, the deep purple aura is so strong, his level must be quite high."

"That is~"

"Don’t you even look at Young Master Yuan’s status in Huashan?"

"Do you really think he has to work hard and stay up late to gain experience like us?"


"You don't need to do anything at all, you will be taught by various senior masters, and the experience will increase rapidly. Even if you go out, there will be a bunch of Huashan masters to lead you!"

"I'm afraid that the experience you gain from several months is not as good as the experience others gain from one day!"


"With these odds, there’s a chance to get rich~"


"You just realized it now. Didn’t you read the information Yicuilou gave you just now?"

"It's clearly stated there that Yuandu is the eldest son and he doesn't usually take action, but you can't really think he's a loser, right?"

"As the saying goes, Zixia Secret Book is the basics for getting started, while Sunflower Secret Book is the pinnacle!"

"Yuan Du must have learned a modified version. Looking at the depth of his purple qi defense, I'm afraid you can't even cut him even if he stands there for you to kill?!"


After saying this, someone immediately regretted it.

"Depend on!"

"Come on, I want to raise the bet!"......

Seeing this, Lu Xiaofeng nodded secretly:"His internal strength is indeed profound. Although it is not at level 200, it is definitely above level 180."

This kind of strength, in theory, should not be counted on the sect's rookie list.


Yuandu has been on the rookie list for several years.

For ordinary people, it would be at most one or two years, and even if they are not dead, they would voluntarily withdraw.

The rookie list is, after all, reserved for newcomers.

You are an old man, and you are about to be super first-rate, but you are still occupying the toilet without doing anything. Isn't it offending people?

But Yuandu can hang, and he likes to hang.

It's a title after all.

If he doesn't hang a rookie, he will not be able to make it into the top ten of the sect for a while. With nothing on his head, how can he be worthy of his status as a young master?.......

"Humph, now you know how powerful I am, right?"

Yuan Du started with his internal energy, using his Qi to defend his body, and his whole body was covered with purple air.

If you were to look from the outside, the entire Yicui Tower seemed to be filled with purple clouds, and those who didn't know would think the sun had clocked in early.


Zhao Yi glanced at him with contempt, holding a top-grade long sword in his hand, which was four inches wide, and raised his hand with the sword.

Under the infusion of internal force, bursts of dense Qi energy were released.

This Qi had no color, but it was more dense than ordinary Qi energy, like the Qi of the fairyland, pure white, dense, and ethereal.

The speed of the sword seemed very slow at first glance, and the sword was accompanied by Qi, which seemed to have a thick feeling.......

"Damn it, it's really my Wudang Taiji secret skill!"

When this sword came out, the people of Wudang were furious.

You know.

When the Taijiquan Sutra was stolen, even they themselves had no secret skills to use for many years.

It was not until more than 20 years ago that someone in the Song Dynasty started a secret skill mission, and almost all the masters in the Wudang sect came out. Only then did they escort the Taijiquan sword back to the Ming Wudang after several twists and turns.

Now it's unlucky to see the enemy use it.

What's more hateful is that Zhao Yi used it very well. Not only is the level of swordsmanship extremely high, but his comprehension is also very deep.

You know.

Taiji sword is a secret skill, starting with The first step is to learn without any moves!

That's right.

Tai Chi sword has none of the fixed moves and changing routines of ordinary sword techniques.

So this sword cannot be learned directly, it is necessary to master a lot of ordinary sword techniques first.

First get the sword, then forget the sword. Only then can you comprehend the essence of Tai Chi.

When facing the battle, it all depends on improvisation.

But it is not a random fight, there are basic sword moves.

Point the sword, stab the sword, chop the sword, hang the sword, lift the sword, cloud the sword, wipe the sword, carry the sword, collapse the sword, twist the sword, set the sword, cut the sword, draw the sword, pierce the sword, lift the sword, hold the sword, sweep the sword, cut the sword, block the sword, cut the sword, and hold the flower....

All sword techniques rely on one's own understanding and application.

The difficulty is so high that Tai Chi must not be passed on lightly. Even if you are given a high-end sword technique, you will not be able to use it, and your combat effectiveness will be reduced.

Only a sword master can calm down, meditate in seclusion, and finally master the essence of Tai Chi, and then use his own practical experience to exert its due power.

"It seems that this Zhao Yi should be the strongest among the new generation of the Demon Cult!"

Shang Wanli thought in his heart.

In terms of debut time, he was earlier than him, and Tai Chi sword was also guided by the master in the sect all the way, so he has achieved such a level of cultivation today.

It can be said that if they are the same age, Shang Wanli's Tai Chi sword is definitely not as good as the other party.


But that's useless.

In actual combat, no one will compare your age with you. If you have no ability, you have no ability. No matter how talented you are, you will die in the hands of the master!......

""Taiyue Qingfeng!"

Yuandu used his inner strength to slash out with purple clouds.

However, Zhao Yi was not in a hurry and pulled back with his backhand.

The deep purple sword energy seemed to be stuck, and was thrown out of the ring along with the opponent's long sword.

""Tsk, nothing special!"

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes, turned the sword in his hand, and turned around again.

This sword, from slow to fast, burst out in an instant, actually gave people an extremely trance illusion, extremely uncomfortable

"I will kill you in ten moves!"

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