One sword!?

Not only the Huashan disciples present were stunned, but even the rest of the Jianghu people were stunned.

"Dengyun Pavilion!"

"They are all first-rate masters, even top-notch ones!!"

"Do you know what top is?"

"That's the ninth level! The limit is 180 levels!~!"......

Level 100, second-rate.

Level 150, first-rate.

Level 200, super first-rate.

No matter what martial arts, reaching level 200 is considered super first-rate.

But in reality.

No one can practice a low-level martial arts to level 200.

Not to mention the low-level and middle-level martial arts, not to mention the seventh and eighth grades, even the ninth grade!

Few people can use it to become super first-rate.

It's impossible!

The best, smoothest, most comfortable, and of course the most reasonable way is to use a unique martial arts.


Experience, experience, and experience!

If it is a unique martial arts, the experience required to upgrade from level 180 to level 200 is about 4 billion.

And what about the ninth grade?

The upper limit of the ninth grade is 180. After breaking through the upper limit, the experience required doubles. It seems that there are only 20 levels that are not worth mentioning, but the experience required is as high as a terrifying 20 billion!

That's right, the experience required to break through to the super first-rate with the ninth grade is so terrifying!

What if it is the eighth grade?

Even more!

It’s more than breaking through from level nine to level 200! Even more terrifying!

Starting from advanced martial arts, the experience consumed to break through the upper limit will no longer be five times as much as before, but ten times!

Why would everyone prefer to practice a level zero secret skill from scratch instead of choosing to break through?


In the face of such a huge numerical gap, only a fool would choose to break through!

To get a secret skill and break through to the top level, the total experience required is only 20 billion!

Good guy.

It takes 20 billion for you to practice from level nine from 180 to 200!

This only calculates the experience, what about the time?

It’s also ten times!

In other words, even if others get the secret skill five years later than you, they can be promoted to the top level faster than you!

Not to mention the total bonus attributes of the secret skill and advanced martial arts are not at the same level at all.

Even if you break through to the ninth level, everyone is at level 200. Can you beat the secret skill?


Since it doesn’t work, why bother to practice hard?


It is better to stop for a few years, seek for the ultimate skills, and polish the practical experience, improve the internal strength, Qinggong and other martial arts.

If you get the ultimate skills, you can quickly pass the first 100 levels with the experience accumulated by the previous strength, and the dozens of levels in the later period are easier than the ninth level breakthrough.

There are even ruthless people who stop at level 180, accumulate experience like crazy, and once the ultimate skills are obtained, they will spend 20 billion experience points on the spot and directly break through to the super first-class.

There are very few such people, but they are not absent.

They are all ruthless people in the rumors of the world, and they are also masters who can be ranked among the earth list.

Therefore, the first-class realm.

The strength stratification is quite serious.

Many people are stuck in it, and they are stuck for several years or even more than ten years.

The world acquiesces.

The first-class rookie has only one martial art and has just broken through level 150.

The first-class master has one martial art and has reached level 180.

The top of the first-class is martial arts and internal strength, all of which have reached level 180.

A top-notch goalkeeper has three martial arts, all at level 180, and may even have broken through a few levels.

A half-step top-notch goalkeeper has obtained a unique martial art, and his level is above level 150. He only needs to gain enough experience to successfully become a top-notch goalkeeper.......

"Young, rookie is young"

"Little did people know that it would take more than 2 billion experience points to go from 150 to 180!"

"Even if you lead a team to grind like crazy, you have to fight for three years~"

Many of the people present are stuck at this level. They know the bitterness and sweetness better than anyone else.

In fact, many people are stuck at the seventh and eighth level martial arts, and can't even get the ninth level. They don't even have a chance to take a glimpse of level 180.

"It is not too difficult to be promoted to the first-class level if you have some qualifications."

"But to become a master?"

"Difficult ~ Too difficult~"

"Top? Even harder!!!"

After many days and nights, sleeping in the open air, eating dry food harder than stones, drinking stream water that may or may not contain horse urine.

In the deep mountains and forests, fighting with bandits, horse thieves, and disciples of the evil sect, only then can one gain a little reputation, merit, and experience. Only then can one exchange for the ninth-grade martial arts, reach level 180, and become a top-notch expert.

Experts , experts...

It sounds so comfortable!

But who knows how much effort is required?......

"Boy, take back what you just said!" Ling Feng's voice was extremely hoarse.

"You are not only insulting us brothers, but also mocking the world's Jianghu people!"Ling Jun said heavily.

Is that so?

Jiang Chen pointed his sword at the ground, his expression as calm as a well.

"If hard work is useful, then everyone in the world can become a master."


Mu Qingcheng gasped in shock and couldn't help but take a half step back.

Too scary!

This sentence didn't just offend the Huashan Society, but offended all the martial artists in the world!......

"What a talented young man!"

Shangguan Haitang took back her folding fan with a complicated look.

She had her own insistence.

Killing someone in front of her was wrong, and she had to take care of it no matter what, but...

If you take the initiative to ask for a fight, what else can she say?

The rules of the martial arts world.

If you want to fight, then fight.

No matter how many people are on the opposite side, or whether it is fair.

Because it is you who want to fight, no one forces you.

Lu Xiaofeng, on the other hand, had an expression of watching a show:"Haitang, if you have nothing to do, come up and have a drink with me?" Shangguan Haitang was speechless.

If Lu Xiaofeng was an ordinary master, she would have replied.

But Lu Xiaofeng is not like that.

In addition to loving wine and women, he also has connections with the palace.

The relationship has always been good.

Therefore, Shangguan Haitang still jumped up to the third floor:"Senior, you are joking.

Haitang never drinks.


"It's okay. If you don't want to drink, you can watch the show. The view here is very good." Lu Xiaofeng picked up the wine pot, one poured wine and the other got drunk.

Shangguan Haitang had just arrived in South City and still had many questions:"It is rumored that Jiang Chen is a spy of the Demon Sect. According to your opinion, is it possible?"

Ximen Chuxue:"No possibility."


Shangguan Haitang didn't expect the Sword God to speak suddenly, but his words were more effective than anyone else's, so he immediately thanked him:"With this sentence from the senior, the case has been much simpler."



Lu Xiaofeng chuckled:"I am such a nosy person, and I haven't even said anything yet, do you think it will be simple?""


Shangguan Haitang was stunned.


Lu Xiaofeng's nickname is Four Eyebrows, but people who know him generally call him a boring nosy expert.

If Jiang Chen was wronged, why didn't he care?

Shangguan Haitang didn't quite understand, but if Jiang Chen was not a spy, even if he killed people, he was just killing people from the Jianghu. There was no right or wrong, and there was no so-called absolute justice and evil.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was probably still worth it.

"That...It seems that Haitang needs to go down to rescue him."

Ximen Chuxue:"No need.""


This is not necessary?!

Shangguan Haitang felt that he was probably too aggressive.

Two first-class masters besieged a young genius.

This has nothing to do with the rookie list, because the enemy on the opposite side is not within the scope of the list selection.......


Lu Xiaofeng was startled and immediately pressed his palm on his face.

"Damn it!"

Shangguan Haitang was horrified:"Senior, is there any problem?"

Lu Xiaofeng's face was full of bitterness, and he wanted to squeeze out tears

"I was so busy watching the show that I forgot to open the market~!"


What opening?

Shangguan Haitang didn't understand, but was shocked

"I'm so disappointed now!"

Lu Xiaofeng quickly threw away the wine pot.

"Jiang Chen, don't do anything, wait until I open the market, otherwise I will never let you go~"


Good fellow~

You...Are you going to open a betting market?!

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