
The most excited person in the whole room was not Jiang Chen, but Tian Boguang.

At this moment, even the hand holding the knife was shaking slightly.

"you...Who do you think I will marry?"

Ye Ruoli snorted and said firmly:"I, Ye Ruoli, will marry Jiang Chen in this life!"

""No!" Jiang Chen refused without hesitation and turned away.

Just kidding.

Green tea is a disaster, isn't this witch a disaster?

No matter what method she uses, she is still a disaster!

Besides, it's not like Jiang Chen hasn't seen beauties before, he has seen fairies.

So what? You can scold her as you like! To be honest

, even dogs don't believe what Ye Ruoli said just now!

What's the matter!

Tian Boguang hasn't seen Tian Long, how can I not have seen it?

Vulgar, too vulgar~

This witch is clearly dragging herself into the water.

As for what Tian Boguang thinks, that's his business. Jiang Chen won't step into this pit anyway.

Damn it! You can't be a good person!

I thought that since we are all players, I would kill you with one sword to avoid being abused.

But what happened.

You climbed up the pole and relied on me in the backhand?......

Ye Ruoli seemed to have made up his mind

"Jiang Chen, it doesn't matter if you love me or not."

"Anyway, I will not marry anyone but you in this life!"

"If you don't get married, I will wait for you forever!"


Tian Boguang was about to vomit three liters of blood on the spot:"Why must it be Brother Jiang?""


Change someone!

Who is Jiang Chen? He is my Tian Boguang's good brother.

If you change anyone, I will go and chop that pretty boy to death, chop him into pieces, and feed him to the dogs!

But brother......

Brothers are really bad!

The taboo in the martial arts world!

In addition to betraying the master and destroying the master, the next thing is to seduce the second sister-in-law.

Although there is no burning of yellow paper and no cutting of the chicken head, Jiang Chen is definitely his brother Tian Boguang.

A friendship of life and death.

How, how can he do it for a woman?...

Ye Ruoli's eyes were firm:"I, Ye Ruoli, swear to heaven!"

"What I just said is true, word for word. If there is even a single lie, I will be stabbed in the stomach and die a miserable death!"

Jiang Chen sat next to him with a calm face.

"Love or not, what does it have to do with me?!"

Funny ~

He said it as if he knew her well.

Jiang Chen would not be fooled anyway.

As for Tian Boguang.

He was still regretting why he took off the veil of this beautiful girl on the road just now, but now it seems that things are getting better.

"Jiang, Brother Jiang, have you thought it through?"

Such a beautiful girl.

She keeps saying that she will marry you.

Just ask, which rapist in the world can resist it?

Not to mention rapists, even saints would hesitate!

And Jiang Chen, obviously not a saint, but a rapist.......

"Jiang Lang, what I said is true, you, you really don't believe it at all?"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Ye Ruoli's eyes were filled with despair.

"Is it because of this Yicuilou dress that you look down on me?"

"Yicuilou is a business. If the Viper Gang wants to gain a foothold in South City, relying on poison and cruelty is far from enough. They need money."

"We always follow rules when doing things and never force anyone."

"And this world is nothing but a vast sea of suffering. It is not easy for anyone to survive and live a better life.~"

"I don't know and can't control others, I only ask myself, I dare to swear to heaven, no matter in the past life or this life, I, Ye Ruoli, have never touched any man!!"

Speaking of this, Ye Ruoli seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

"If, if I have no choice but to be your wife and suffer humiliation, then I will just die."

"If I could become a female ghost after death and stay by your side forever, it would be great...."


Tian Boguang was crying when he heard this.

"True feelings, touching!"

"Who would have thought that in this world, there is such a passionate woman like you! ?"

"It's a pity, but it's also admirable!

Tian Boguang couldn't help but sigh:"Alas, it's my bad luck that I didn't catch up."

"But don't worry, I will definitely make it happen for both of you."

"Brother Jiang, you can't let down the beautiful scenery and the wedding night~"

He left as soon as he said that.

Tian Boguang's actions were not fair and honest. He was a lecher and lustful.

But for his brothers, he would never frown even if he had to stick his sword in their ribs.

How precious is brotherhood?

It was just a woman, he could still let it go. There are so many women in the world, one less top-notch woman and one more brother, what's wrong with that?

If you can't eat the top-notch woman, then you can eat the fake one.

Anyway, it's meat in your mouth, so why bother about the authenticity?~......


I am on the night shift, and the cool breeze fills my ears.

The lanterns hanging at the door of the inn sway in the wind.

What a tragedy!

I worked all night and almost lost my life, but in the end I didn’t even have a hot meal, and could only wander the street alone

"Let's go, at least we can find someone who can stutter."

Tian Boguang shook his head helplessly and set off alone.

"I'm getting hungry, let's go together."

Jiang Chen followed him out of course.

The ultimate skill mission was still in Tian Boguang's hands.

How could he not come out?


Tian Boguang was stunned for a moment.

"No, no, Brother Jiang, you...Are you that fast?"

Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"Where is faster?"

"We are almost the same, in fact, if you really count, you are faster."


Tian Boguang didn't feel embarrassed when he heard it, but felt sympathy.

"Hey, brother, what age are you at? It's normal to be fast, and it's abnormal to be slow."

"Don't underestimate my power, it's of no use at all."

"But you are different, you are still young, you still need to pay a little attention to all these aspects~"


What are you talking about?

Jiang Chen was stunned.

Tian Boguang stopped immediately:"Ahem, let's not talk about it anymore, I guess it's because of that kid, I guess it's because my sister-in-law is a little too weird."


"Come to think of it, Yicuilou is her family's business. Hasn't she eaten pork or seen a pig run?"

"My goodness, even if a god came here, he wouldn’t be able to last three seconds, right?~"

"I understand!"

Tian Boguang said, and suddenly slapped his head:

"I just mentioned stuttering,...Are we brothers together?"

"Of course." Jiang Chen was really hungry after playing for a long time, so he agreed immediately.......

A moment later,

Yicui Tower was the only place on the street that was brightly lit.

"Well, it's late at night, and this is the only place to eat."

It makes sense!

Jiang Chen thought it was fine.

"Hey, why did you two come just now? Come in quickly.~!!"The madam came out to greet people with a smile.

"Go~ tell all your best girls to come out and entertain my brother!" Tian Boguang felt something was wrong after he finished speaking:"Forget it, you guys don't have any good stuff, call a few more."

"Hey, sir, what are you talking about? This is Yicui Tower. All the best girls in the whole South City are here. What kind of girl do you want? We can have it all.~?"

The madam was selling melons and boasting about herself.

Tian Boguang didn't say much to her, thinking, my brother and I have already had sex with your boss's wife, so what good stuff can she have?

"Go, go, good wine and good food are ready~"......

In the guest room of the inn.

Ye Ruoli guessed that Jiang Chen would leave, but he didn't expect that he would leave without even looking at her. He was so decisive! So heartless! He even didn't even release her acupuncture points.


Such a heartless man has never been seen in the world.


Two enchanting figures flashed in directly from the window.

It was the leader of the Viper Gang, Mu Qingcheng, and the right protector, Luo Xin.

""Are you okay?"

Mu Qingcheng asked.

Ye Ruoli shook his head slightly:"It's nothing serious, there's just some residual poison in the body that hasn't been completely eliminated. It will be fine in a few days."

After confirming that everything was fine, Mu Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that Tian Boguang, this lecherous thief, has such amazing kung fu that even you are no match for him! ?"

Ye Ruoli gritted his teeth secretly:"I was careless. I just wanted to catch Jiang Chen, but I ended up running into a unique skills mission...."


Luo Xin nodded and agreed,"The Dugu Nine Swords is obviously not an ordinary secret skill. The delay of a hundred years to open it is probably the limit of the secret skill task. It is no less difficult than the Sunflower Manual task that affected the entire martial arts world."

"In recent days, more and more NPC masters from South City have come. They said they were here to celebrate the birthday of the head of Huashan, but even Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuxue came. I'm afraid it's not just a simple birthday celebration."

Mu Qingcheng pondered for a moment, but finally sighed helplessly:"Give up~ With our current strength, if we want to intervene, it's almost like seeking death."

The three major gangs in South City are evenly matched on the surface, but the Viper Gang is definitely the weakest one.

Their respective businesses are different, their financial resources are different, and the combat power they can configure is naturally different.

The Wrathful Wind Gang, which controls the canal transportation business in South City, has many halls under its command. Each hall master is considered a second-rate player, and the many elders above are all first-rate.

Now, in just one day, some died and some were injured. The traps set up with huge manpower and huge financial resources did not even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

Luo Xin couldn't help but sigh when she thought of this:"Who is Jiang Chen? How can his talent be so terrifying?"

A young man.

Within one day.

Ranked among the second-rate and killed the first-rate!

He also reshaped his martial arts, broke the formation with one sword, and comprehended the martial arts realm that everyone yearns for, the unity of man and sword!?


If someone had said this to her before today, Luo Xin would have punched him in the head.

But now, the facts are right in front of her.


Mu Qingcheng also had an incredible look on her face:"If he is not hiding his strength and is really a genius, then his talent is probably already at the level of defying the heavens...."

"That’s right!"

Luo Xin clapped her hands and said with a smile:"Ruoli, you just said you wanted to get married. If it’s such a talented young man, even if you really break your oath and marry him, my sister and I will not blame you~"


Ye Ruoli rolled her eyes:"Do you think I don’t want to get married? The key is that he has to look me in the eye!"


Luo Xin was a little confused. She touched her face skillfully and patted her chest:"Are you kidding? With this kind of looks, if she were in the building, those perverts would go crazy, right?""

Mu Qingcheng didn’t believe it either:"Listening to him talk, he is indeed ruthless, but his eyes will not lie. Is he really not going to look at me straight in the eye?"

To be honest, she didn’t believe it!

She really didn’t believe it!

Men in the world are all the same. No matter how righteous and elegant they look on the surface,

"Hehe, I don’t believe it either."

Luo Xin’s eyes suddenly turned:"How about, let me try?"

"Damn you girl!"

Ye Ruoli immediately pinched her in anger:"In my opinion, you want to get married yourself! ?"

While the two were talking, they started to quarrel on the bed........

The three poisonous snakes in South City.

Any man who lives in this area would be so scared that his lower body would shake when he heard it.

Poisonous, it is really poisonous!

Even if their heads were crushed, they could not imagine that the three poisonous snakes together would be like this.......

Seeing this, Mu Qingcheng just smiled helplessly.

"The best thing to do now is to find a way to get through this crisis."

"Huashan, I'm afraid, is already in the vortex of the martial arts world. It's not easy for the three of us to stay standing...."

At this moment, a private message came, and Mu Qingcheng was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Ruoli saw something was wrong and stood up to ask


Mu Qingcheng couldn't help but sneer:"What else can it be, there are guests in the building!"

"Is there another expert here? Who is it?" Ye Ruoli frowned slightly.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's your man.~!"Mu Qingcheng said in a bad mood.


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