"Heart-destroying palm!"

Tian Boguang's pupils suddenly shrank. Just as he was about to move, his eyes were completely blocked by an unfolded folding fan.

This kind of weapon has strange moves, so you must not rush in carelessly.

With such an obstruction, Tian Boguang could not rescue him.

On the other side.

Jiang Chen did not answer, but secretly said in his heart:"Damn, I've been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't come, I'm really going to pack up and retreat~"

In the alley.

There was another master from beginning to end, but since he landed, this person has been hiding in the dark and has not made a move.

When fighting against the Sword Hall Master, Jiang Chen also prevented the opponent from sneaking attacks, so he always chose to point at his sword to prevent the two from joining forces.

But the problem is that the man can really endure it.

Even if the Sword Hall Master died, he would not move.

There is no way.

Jiang Chen can only work hard and sell him another flaw.


The flaw of putting the sword back into the sheath and possessing to pick up things is indeed big enough to finally lure the man out.

Jiang Chen did not draw his sword.

He secretly put on Lin Hai's metal glove on his left hand and pointed it.

If he could use his fingertips to emit sword energy, he would not need to go through all this trouble.

However, for those who are not top-notch masters or have achieved great inner strength, the power of the sword energy emitted by bare hands is extremely weak, and it is not as powerful as directly attacking with force.

If not for this, the special bare-handed swordsmanship of the Six Meridians Divine Sword would not have become a unique martial arts skill.......

Jiang Chen knew there was a palm behind him.

But strangely, he did not feel any strong wind coming.

Palm techniques usually have strong winds, and the higher the level of palm techniques, the greater the momentum.

But this Heart-Destroying Palm was not like that.

"Hidden strong wind?"

Jiang Chen's heart moved

"Heart-destroying palm is indeed a vicious martial art."

It is said that when Huang Shang compiled the Nine Yin Manual, he also included this palm technique and modified it.

But this person should not be able to get the incomplete copy of the Nine Yin Manual. At most, it was passed down by the Qingcheng lineage.

It is impossible to think about it.

Jiang Chen relied on his keen intuition to sense the opponent's approximate position, and his sword finger suddenly pointed out, immediately turning into a residual image, and directly stabbed the opponent's palm.

This pointing was extremely fast and accurate!

Even if it was just a glance back, Jiang Chen's understanding could instantly seize the opportunity.

Sword finger.

Although there is no move or martial arts bonus, but with the speed of body movement, the sudden outbreak at this moment is not something that ordinary people can react to.

"" Hmph!"

The man in black just snorted coldly, without dodging or evading, he actually hit the sword finger with his palm.


The fingers and palms collided, and the internal energy gushed out.

The two were shocked at the same time, and were retreated by the energy at the same time.

But the man in black had deep internal strength, and he just shook slightly and retreated half a step, as if nothing had happened, while Jiang Chen's mouth was overflowing with red, and he couldn't keep steady even after retreating three or four steps.

At the same time.

Jiang Chen's left sword finger was almost broken.

Even so, he was still protected by equipment. If he hadn't worn gloves, his fingers would probably have been shattered on the spot.

"One palm crushes the heart, two palms split the lungs, do you think this is fun?"

The man in black's voice was extremely hoarse, like a millstone

"But you are quite smart. You were using Lin Hai's Eagle Strike Gloves just now, right?"


"If you don't have gloves to block the heart-destroying internal energy, this palm will tear your meridians and shatter your heart and lungs!"

Jiang Chen didn't say anything.

The other party's internal energy is profound, far superior to his own.

His lightness skill is not bad, and he can dodge in the dark and kill him. It's better than the lightness skill of the sword hall master just now.

In addition, this extremely vicious heart-destroying palm method is extremely difficult to deal with!

It can be said that this is the first time since Jiang Chen debuted that he has encountered a master who has all his martial arts from a sect and has cultivated advanced martial arts to a good level.

First-class realm!


Jiang Chen had roughly guessed the possibility before, but the opponent's cultivation was slightly higher than expected.

Knowing that he was a master, he was still waiting for the opponent to attack.

Because if the enemy finds out about the sneak attack, it is not a sneak attack, but a suicide!


Jiang Chen paused, his internal energy burst out, and the Jade Sword was instantly grasped in his hand, and he turned around and killed on the spot........

【Jade Sword]

Grade: Excellent

Durability: 177

Jade Wind-Bearing: Infused with internal strength, it can offset 30% of the wind's influence.

The Jade Sword with a rare attribute is almost a top-grade product.

Whether it is a person or a sword, once the speed explodes, they will face wind disturbances.

This is why swords are used.

Swords can break the wind!

The Jade Sword's wind-breaking effect is 30% better than that of ordinary excellent weapons.

Although it does not directly enhance the speed by 30%, the effect is not comparable to a few dozen points of agility bonus.......

"Nice sword!"

"It's worth the effort and risk to snatch it."

It's really an adventure.

If it weren't for the jade sword, he could have retreated directly without worrying about the black-clothed man's sneak attack.

This sword is worth it!

Jiang Chen just swung it slightly, and he felt it was much easier than the previous Qinggang Sword. The resistance of the sword was smaller when it was dancing, and the speed was naturally faster.


Jiang Chen's figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only a residual image in front of the black-clothed man.

"Humph~ Dare you come again?"

The man in black laughed.

"Very good, I will show you what a master is!"

Jiang Chen thrust back with his sword, using his body skills to speed up, leaving only a shadow.

But the man in black just shook his body, sealed it with one palm, and completely blocked the sword path.


Jiang Chen's pupils shrank sharply.

After the previous battle, the Jade Sword was no longer very strong. If it was hit by this palm technique master again, it would definitely break!

""I can't fight, but I don't need to fight either~"

Jiang Chen changed his moves directly, and drew back his sword to chop diagonally.

This change was extremely smooth, and there was no abruptness of the previous direct change, as if this change was a change that should be made within the moves.

The man in black still had no fear in his eyes. He raised his left palm and blocked Jiang Chen's attacking sword path again.

Palm technique changes do have advantages.

Because it is bare-handed, there is no weight and size restriction of weapons, so the initial change speed of fist and palm techniques is several times faster than that of swords.


Jiang Chen was shocked.

This person's palm technique skills are so high!?

No���He has a high level of cultivation!

And he also has a lot of practical experience.

Tian Boguang was watching the battle from the side, and he was also a little frightened.

When he attacked him just now, the skill displayed by this old man was obviously not as high as it is now!

With such a level of cultivation and at this age, he should not be an unknown person.

"Old man, are you a famous master of Qingcheng Sect?!"

"Tell me your name and I'll settle the score with you later!"

They both used Qingcheng martial arts. The Sword Hall Master only had sword skills, and they were at the intermediate level.

But this old man in black, apart from the advanced martial arts Push Heart Palm, all other internal skills and light skills were quite good, and they were absolutely complementary to the Qingcheng martial arts.

"Gaga gaga~"

The old man in black just laughed

"I will fight you again after I send this little beast away.~!"

As he spoke,

Jiang Chen used a series of sword moves. As soon as he made a move, he immediately changed his moves and killed again.

His offensive was fierce and unstoppable.

He could not retreat, nor could he withdraw!

In a life-and-death fight, victory or defeat was only a hair's breadth away.

This old man relied on his exquisite palm skills, and even though he was the first to attack, he was not in a hurry, and blocked every move. If he retreated now out of fear and gave the other party the first move, he would probably not be able to withdraw alive under the encirclement and suppression today.

"Sword skills improved!"


【The level of the Wind Chasing Sword Skill has been upgraded! Current level: 110 level 0%!】

【The level of the Wind Chasing Sword Skill has been upgraded! Current level: 1150%!】

【The level of the Wind Chasing Sword Skill has been upgraded! Current level: 120 level 0%!】......

Jiang Chen's swordsmanship improved, his speed and changes became more and more fierce.

The old man in black used a pair of black hands to cast palm prints all over the sky, but he was able to prevent it without leaking a drop of water.

"Is this a top-notch master?"

"After improving his swordsmanship, he still couldn't find a chance to win in a short period of time...."

At this moment,

Tian Boguang suddenly slapped his forehead and said,"Damn it, forty years ago, Qingcheng sent a traitor who secretly poisoned and killed Yu Canghai's youngest son. It is said that he also stole several secret books."

Huh! ?

Jiang Chen and Ye Ruoli were shocked at the same time when they heard this.

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