She was so absorbed in the conversation that she forgot there was a super rapist right behind her.

""Little girl, why don't you come to my arms?"

Tian Boguang grinned.


He is a rapist, but he is definitely a rapist with high standards and requirements.

The girl in front of him is really of high quality.

I have seen in my life, and I guess only the little nun Yi Lin can compare with her.

Yi Lin...He wanted to, but he couldn't do it.

After all, she had a top-notch father and a good brother who was protecting her.

But this......


"Smells really good~"

"I was three miles away, and I was completely fascinated by you, this beautiful girl. Come, come, come to my arms~"


A flash of green suddenly flashed under the cover of the night.

The first faint light was like a poisonous snake spitting out its tongue, biting at the acupoint under Tian Boguang's armpit.

"Soft sword!"

Tian Boguang's pupils shrank:"It's also coated with poison! ?"

As an old man, who has been hunting geese for many years, how can he not have some skills?

If he hadn't been tricked by the monk Bujie a few days ago, he would have never been pecked by a goose.

The girl in front of him is really beautiful, and the poison is really poisonous.

This soft sword was suddenly drawn out. If a person with less than first-rate skills is injured by the sword blade and the poison enters the body, the result will definitely be death, no surprise

"Not bad, not bad. In all these years, I have never tasted the taste of a poisoned girl!"

Tian Boguang came quickly and retreated quickly.

He stepped on the air with one foot and flew back in the air. There was no delay between the movements.

It seemed that aerodynamics was just a decoration for him. If

Newton saw this operation, he would lift the lid of his coffin!.......


Jiang Chen was also shocked.

As a master of Qinggong, and his own Qinggong level is also good, he can understand how terrifying this backward flight is.

This kick, there is no science, just cheating!

The reason why the Golden Goose Kung Fu is so powerful is that the movements are light, just like a flying bird.

But when a flying bird turns, it can't just turn around on the spot?!

Have you ever seen a bird that can reverse at high speed without moving?

Hummingbirds can, but the hummingbird's design is against the sky, and it loses speed.

In addition to this bug.

Any turning and turning around must require a rotation movement and space. The most amazing thing about Tian Boguang's Qinggong, stepping on the three-fold cloud backwards, should be that while maintaining speed, it can also switch between forward and reverse at any time. When it comes to battle, no matter what the situation is, you can reverse directly and retreat on the spot without changing gears.

Just like his swordsmanship.

There is no trace to be found between offense and defense.

He was clearly going to chop your neck, but he could just pull out the knife and stab you in the heart.

This is the source of his fast knife skills.

"Change moves quickly!"

""Internal energy gap!" Jiang Chen knew that Tian Boguang's swordsmanship and light internal energy must have these two special effects. And the additions are a lot, very abnormal.

This skill is definitely not something that can be learned by learning light skills alone.

If you only learn to step on the three-fold cloud, you will never be able to practice to the effect of Tian Boguang.

You must cooperate with internal energy.

The changes are extremely fast, and the internal energy bursts out without any gaps.

Once you have these two attributes, no matter whether you go for the fast knife or the fast sword route, you will be extremely fierce in actual combat.

Just take a look.

Jiang Chen analyzed Tian Boguang in detail, and at this moment he stared at the two of them intently.

You must learn!

Tian Boguang The two attributes that he possessed, he also had.

Tian Boguang's swordsmanship must be suitable for him.

A knife is not a sword.

The swordsmanship is not the swordsmanship.

There is a world of difference between the two.

Jiang Chen does not want to learn swordsmanship, but to learn how the opponent can make use of the two attributes of changing moves and internal energy gaps.

Changing moves.

It's just an attribute.

The key is when to change moves and what moves to change to, in order to kill the enemy in the fastest and most effective way.

The knowledge in it is really countless.

These are the years of practical experience of the users and the countless efforts of the founders of the original skills.

The same martial arts, different , it is very different when used by different people.

Why is there a difference? It is because of insufficient practical experience, failure to comprehend the essence of martial arts, and being completely unable to exert the power that martial arts should have.

The Daming Sword Technique is of too low a grade, and it must be spread throughout the world, so it must be applicable.

In other words, no matter what your attributes are, you can learn this sword technique, and with a little practice, you can exert the power that the sword technique should have.

In this way, the sword technique can only take the moderate and peaceful route.


In order to flatter the Hongwu Emperor, the creator of the sword technique also modified the gorgeousness of some sword techniques and added a lot of useless moves.

Jiang Chen's enlightenment The nature is very high.

There was no such thing before, there is no such thing now, and there will be no such thing in the future.

However, Jiang Chen is still a newcomer and cannot create a better swordsmanship.

He does not have a lot of practical experience and swordsmanship foundation, so naturally he has no ability to modify the Daming Swordsmanship.

However, Jiang Chen is absolutely clear about the shortcomings of the Daming Swordsmanship, but he cannot modify it by himself.

If he modifies it by himself, it would be like working behind closed doors.

It is very dangerous.

Once the modified swordsmanship is full of flaws, then when facing the enemy, he will not know how he died.

Now there is Tian Boguang in front of him.

The two have similar attributes and almost the same route.

Therefore, it is highly likely that he will not go wrong if he modifies it according to Tian Boguang's swordsmanship.


Ye Ruoli attacked with a sword, but he didn't even touch the corner of Tian Boguang's clothes. He immediately knew that this battle could not continue.

"Jiang Chen, little brother, please add me as a friend.~?"

"If you regret it, my sister's arms are always open to you"

"But, if you come too late and Huashan Society intervenes, don't blame me for not helping you.~!"

After saying these polite words, Ye Ruoli used her Qinggong skills to retreat.

But Tian Boguang would never let her go. She was originally in a flying backwards posture, but she just stepped on one foot, immediately turned around, and rushed out

""Little girl, grandpa is here, where are you running to?!"


Ye Ruoli was so scared that her face turned pale.

Such a weird light skill was simply horrifying.

In the martial arts world, everyone knew that Tian Boguang's light skill was unique.

But how much better could light skill be?


Faced with this incredible light skill, Ye Ruoli really felt suffocated.

He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't run away. If this is not suffocation, what is suffocation!?

The soft sword, Zhuyeqing, shook in the air, and turned into dozens of poisonous snakes, hissing and humming at Tian Boguang.

But Tian Boguang only He grinned and swept the short knife in his hand.

Dozens of poisonous snakes disappeared in an instant.

He defeated cleverness with force.

Tian Boguang raised his knife again, as if he didn't even swing back, it was ridiculously fast.

Seeing this, Ye Ruoli could only retreat, his brows twisted into a ball.

He put his left hand on his waist.

He just waited for Tian Boguang to appear in front of him.


Two slight sounds of breaking wind were heard.

Tian Boguang seemed to have expected it, and his blade flew several times in the air.


Two extremely small flying blades were easily resolved by him.

"Damn it!"

Ye Ruoli's moves were poisonous, but facing an old man like Tian Boguang, it was useless.


The time bought by the hidden weapon allowed her to attack with the sword again.

Zhuyeqing was completely exposed this time, stabbing straight at Tian Boguang. Even if the opponent's blade was faster, she did not dodge. She returned injury with injury.

She still had medicine to treat it. As long as she stabbed with all her strength, even if the poison could not kill the rapist, it would make him retreat.

"Tsk tsk tsk, any other tricks?"

"I haven't used it yet?"

Tian Boguang certainly won't fight desperately with the other party. After all, the sword of Zhuyeqing is poisonous.

He pulled back the knife and blocked it horizontally.

The next second, the knife flashed again and repeated the previous attack.

The difference was too obvious.

If you play fancy, he will use force to break the trick and play simple with you.

If you want to fight desperately, he also has exquisite moves that will make you unable to fight desperately.

Since the beginning of the battle, it has only been three moves.

Ye Ruoli has completely fallen into a disadvantage. Her fate is not in her own hands. It all depends on what price Tian Boguang is willing to pay to take her down.

"Brother Tian, slow down. If you hurt this beautiful girl, it would be a waste of talent~"

Jiang Chen spoke up immediately.

If he wanted to learn secretly, he naturally couldn't let Tian Boguang capture Ye Ruoli in just a few moves.

Damn it!

Ye Ruoli cursed inwardly, but looked at Jiang Chen with his eyebrows:

"Stinky brother~!"

"Are you so cruel to watch your sister fall into the clutches of this rapist! ?"

Ye Ruoli has been in the martial arts world for many years.

It's not that she hasn't seen rapists before, especially NPC rapists, and she has killed countless of them.

But the one in front of her, although not necessarily the most despicable one, is definitely the strongest one.

Over the years, it's not that no man has wanted to play with her.

But she has never been afraid.

But today, she is really afraid.

Because the rapist in front of her is not even a player......

"Playing is fun, but if you talk nonsense, I will sue you for defamation!"Jiang Chen had no intention of saving people.

You knew it was a poisonous snake, but you still went to save it?

Do you think you are the number one swordsman in the world, Lu Dongbin who is not afraid of being bitten by a dog?!......

"asshole~!"Ye Ruoli was so angry that his teeth were almost broken.

On the other side, Tian Boguang laughed heartily.


"If you hadn't said it, I would have almost hurt this girl. Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pity~" As soon as these words came out,

Tian Boguang's knife speed suddenly slowed down by three points.

Although Ye Ruoli's defense was strenuous, she had a chance to breathe.

But she was still defeated.

If Tian Boguang was eager to succeed, she would have had one last desperate move, but now...No chance at all......

The two fought from the eaves to the street, with swords flashing and sabers flying up and down. After dozens of moves, Tian Boguang successfully forced Ye Ruoli into a dead end.

""Big beautiful girl, you have nowhere to run now, right?""



Ye Ruoli's whole body was soaked with sweat, she panted lightly, and her sword-holding hand couldn't help but tremble.

After fighting for dozens of moves, the difference in skill was so great that even the recoil was enough to injure her palm and make her hold the sword unstable.

Jiang Chen stood on a high place, his eyes fell on the alley, but his eyes were lost in thought.


【Initial understanding of the Wind Blade Force! 】

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