Old streets, alleys.

A team of Windfury Gang members, holding torches in their left hands and long swords in their right hands, hacked at everything they saw.

However, even though they turned the area upside down, they still haven't found any clues.

"Damn it, that kid is not going to hide in a rat hole and never come out, is he?" The leader of the group, Li Changjiu, cursed.

"There is nothing wrong with what Brother Jiu said."

"Hey, if it were me, I would never come out even if I died."

"That's it~"

Everyone echoed

"This time it was obviously Daotang's own fault, and as a result, even we are going to suffer."

"Oh, it's a pity for the girl in Zuihualou. I spent three thousand taels to get her. I'm ready to take her down today...."

To be honest.

Who would be happy to suddenly work overtime in the middle of the night without even a time to get off work?

Li Changjiu immediately turned around and glared at his men:"Be honest! Elder Leng has said that if we can't find anyone, no one will have a good life in the future!"

"Yes, Jiuge is right.~"

"Look for him quickly. If all else fails, arrest all of his neighbors, relatives, and friends. There will definitely be clues...."


Li Changjiu nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to look away, he felt a dark shadow suddenly flash past the corner of his eye.


Before he finished speaking, two puffs were heard in the alley.

The two members of the Fury Gang who were left behind fell to the ground with their heads chopped off right under his eyes.

The black shadow had already flashed into the darkness, and it was unknown whether it was hiding in the darkness or had already walked away.


What a fast sword!

Li Changjiu felt a chill in his heart, and the long sword at his waist was unsheathed subconsciously.

After holding the weapon tightly, Li Changjiu finally forced himself to calm down, and shouted angrily at the dark alley:"Who is coming! ? How dare you sneak attack my Fury Gang! ?"

The others were also scared, but when they saw their brother's death, they were even more furious.


"With a sword drawn from your back, are you still a human being?"

"Come out! I'll kill you with my sword!!"

The curse echoed in the alley.

But there was no trace of the enemy.

"Behind! ?"

As the incense master, Li Changjiu has been fighting in the martial arts world for many years. At the critical moment, he finally realized something was wrong.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

As soon as Li Changjiu's head moved, he felt a chill in his back.

The sword energy penetrated his body!


A mouthful of blood, wrapped with internal organs, spurted out immediately.

"Call someone...."

"Yes, it's Jiang Chen!!"

Li Changjiu was attacked and finally confirmed the identity of the attacker. He forced himself to speak.


Before he fell to the ground, several sword energies shot out from behind him, running through the alley.

Puff puff puff ~ one sword and one kill, no suspense.

The sword energy that Lin Hai couldn't block, of course, Li Changjiu, the incense master, couldn't block it, and as for the rest of the gang, they were just chickens and dogs, and they would break at the first touch.

The black shadow reappeared.

I saw it following closely behind the sword energy and suddenly rushed into the crowd.

The sword light flashed, and the head flew off.

"Finished...All finished..."


When Li Changjiu fell to the ground, he felt only despair in his heart

"Not dead yet?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised and immediately leaned over to take a look.

The other party was wearing a three-centimeter thick inner armor. Although the sword energy shattered his internal organs, he still had a breath left thanks to his good bones.

"You should wear armor, that would be better?" Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing.......

There were quite a few inner armors among the spoils of the day, but Jiang Chen didn't even look at them.

Because they were not suitable.

Any armor will affect speed and reduce the agility attribute.

Inner armor of normal thickness will reduce agility by 10%.

If it is the heavy inner armor that this person is wearing, it will at least reduce agility by 30%.

The agility that was worked so hard to build up was reduced by 30% with just one piece of equipment. Isn't this a waste of effort?

As for defense?

Heavy inner armor can't even block the sword energy of a second-rate level, it can only save one life at most.

But you've already lost, can your life still count if you say so yourself?

Cowardly as a mouse!

Swordsman, never be cowardly, otherwise you can't even exert 30% of your strength.......

"You, surrender...."Li Changjiu lay on the ground and said weakly:"Nancheng...South City has been completely blocked. You, you can't escape......."

"Hahaha~" Jiang Chen laughed wildly:"Tell me, do I need to escape?"


Li Changjiu immediately took a breath of cold air:"You...You are alone, what are you qualified to do?"


He knew that Jiang Chen was quite strong, and was considered a second-rate middle level, but, after all, you were only one person.

And in the Fury Wind Gang, any hall master was second-rate, and any elder was a second-rate expert, and there were also protectors, deputy gang leaders, and gang leaders.

With so many experts, how could you resist alone?

Jiang Chen looked contemptuous.

"The Angry Wind Gang is nothing but a bunch of clowns. In front of my Black Tiger Gang, you are only fit to be dogs!"

Black Tiger Gang?

Aren't they spies from the Demon Cult?

Li Changjiu didn't know what was going on, but he couldn't believe it:"How could you be from the Black Tiger Gang?"

Jiang Chen didn't explain, but just grinned:"Hey! You'll know when you wipe out your entire family~"

Then, Jiang Chen raised his foot and stomped on the other's head, crushing it directly.

Of course, he was not from the Black Tiger Gang.

The Old Street was under the jurisdiction of the Angry Wind Gang. He had no impression of what the Black Tiger Gang members wore, so how could it be related?

But it didn't matter, as long as the people of the Angry Wind Gang believed it.

He had to believe it.

Because Jiang Chen would really kill all the people of the Angry Wind Gang little by little.

Jiang Chen would not touch the second-rate hall masters and elders, nor was he interested, but he would not spare any of these ordinary gang members.

"Ha, without the gang members, how can you defend your territory?"

Jiang Chen really wanted to see whether their so-called elders, gang leaders, and masters would go out to collect protection fees and manage business at the docks alone.

Of course, this day would never come.

Because as long as all the people under them died, the Black Tiger Gang and the Viper Gang would definitely go out on a large scale to seize the territory of the Wind Rage.

As for the masters of the Wind Rage, of course they would be killed directly.

If they were willing to surrender, the other gangs would naturally accept it.

"Really, we really need to ask the Black Tiger Gang for some garbage disposal fees later, otherwise it will be so difficult for them to take down Fury."

Since Jiang Chen chose to stay and kill, he had already thought of everything.

He put away all the Qiankun bags, and as for the experience

"Tsk, just over a dozen people, and only a little over a thousand?"

"However, killing with one sword does give an additional 60,000 experience points."


【The level of Golden Goose Kungfu has been upgraded! Current level: Level 270%!】......

60,000 experience points.

Level 4!

"Hiss, the cultivation of this seventh-grade body technique is indeed not that easy~!"

"After tonight, I wonder if I can reach level 50?"


Jiang Chen put away his sword and disappeared into the darkness again.......

South City, Shangjie.

During the day, this is the main street of South City, which is wide enough for eight carriages. Go straight all the way to the North Gate, and take the official road. In less than two hours, you can reach the foot of Huashan Mountain.

In the middle of Shangjie, there is a square.

Usually, the masters of the city and gang disputes will gather here to discuss and solve them, or to compete to determine the winner. If they really can't reach an agreement, they will kill here and fight to the death.


Shangjie is brightly lit and crowded with people, all of whom are members of the Wrath of the Wind Gang.

In the square, there is a throne.

Leng Ruian sits alone.


"The third team of Jiantang was attacked and wiped out!"


"Master Qi Xiang of the Gun Hall was killed and the whole team was wiped out!"


Since the first team was attacked half an hour ago, more than a hundred people have probably died under Jiang Chen's sword.

Cruel enough!

Courageous enough!

Leng Ruian really didn't expect that a young boy, facing an encirclement and suppression, would not run or hide, but choose to ambush and kill in the middle of the night?!

Just being able to think of such a method is not normal.

What's more outrageous is that he not only thought about it, but also did it.

Even if he was in charge of the deployment in person, he still couldn't command his men to surround him, and he always let the boy find a chance to escape from the encirclement.

Riding a tiger is difficult to get off!

Leng Ruian can't say stop now, the encirclement and suppression must continue!

Otherwise, the Black Tiger Gang and the Viper Gang who are still in the dark will really take action.

And if the encirclement and suppression continue, the losses will increase.


Leng Ruian's face was surprisingly calm, as if the people who died in the report were not his own people at all.

A moment.

Leng Ruian slowly said:

"Master Yan, Master Jian, the two of you put on your night clothes, go out with the assassins in the gang, and secretly follow the ordinary gang members."


"Remember, when you meet someone, just keep the formation to surround them. No need to kill them. This elder will make arrangements."

"Got it!"

The two hall masters responded and led the team to set off.


You are so young, but you are so self-righteous!

Leng Rui'an's mouth corners slightly raised, his eyes full of teasing.

"It feels great to attack from the dark and kill, right?"

"Let you kill!"

"If you don't put some bait and make a nest, how can the fish take the bait?~?"

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