South City, Yicui Tower.

A man embraces a beautiful woman in his arms, but glances out the window

"Today's South City is quite lively."


Opposite, there was another person, his cape fell to the ground, his face was white jade, and he was as cold as ice.

This was a brothel, and the others had beauties in their arms, but he only had a sword in his arms.

A sword as cold as his own.

In a brothel, such behavior was really eye-catching.

However, compared with the person opposite, he seemed much more low-key, because the person opposite had four eyebrows.

"Hey, do you think that young man named Jiang Chen is really a spy from the Demonic Cult?"

"It's a bit scary. After lurking for more than ten years, it was suddenly exposed and immediately caused a stir in the city...."

Ximen Chuixue:"I don't believe it."

Lu Xiaofeng:"Very good~ Because I don't believe it either!"

The beauty handed over the wine glass, Lu Xiaofeng lowered his head and drank it all.

Tsk tsk~

Lu Xiaofeng smacked his lips:"But his cultivation is really puzzling, especially his skills...."

Ximen Chuxue:"I have medicine!"

"Yes! There is medicine! But how do you explain his nearly 100-level Daming swordsmanship?"Lu Xiaofeng asked back. Ximen

Chuxue:"I haven't seen it, I don't know."


Lu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes and glanced:"You are the most boring person! Drink, drink~"......

Someone is bound to be unable to sleep tonight.

The Wrath of Wind, Black Tiger, and Viper, all three gangs are on the battlefield, as if facing a formidable enemy.

But Jiang Chen can sleep.

Not only can he sleep, but he really sleeps.

The river bank.

Just opposite the battle during the day, several fishing boats are moored on the shore.

The boat belongs to his family. Although Jiang Chen does not fish, he is reluctant to sell it. Now it is just right to use it.

Wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat,

Jiang Chen walked to the bow of the boat and stretched his body.


"After the battle, I can sleep peacefully. I wouldn't trade this life for a god."

Back in the cabin,

Jiang Chen took out the Qiankun bags he had seized and counted them one by one.

There were more than twenty bags in total, mixed together, and it was impossible to tell which one belonged to whom.

He opened them one by one. When he opened the first Qiankun bag, he saw more than three hundred taels of silver and several intact equipment.

""Okay, a good start."

Jiang Chen put away the silver and useful things, and put the rest of the messy daily necessities in it.

The Fury Gang, as one of the three major gangs in South City.

Although it is impossible to compare with the giants like Huashan Club, there are still thousands of formal members.

It is in charge of a large area of South City and holds 70% of the river transportation transactions in South City.

It can be said to be rich.

Below the gang leader, there should be deputy gang leaders, protectors, elders, and then the hall master.

The treatment of the members of the Knife Hall is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary gang members.

It is said that the monthly salary is at least dozens of taels, and at most hundreds of taels, and this does not include the private gains.


That is really rich!

At least since Jiang Chen opened the blind box, he has never seen any dry The silver in Kun's bag is less than one hundred taels.

One hundred taels is by no means a small number for ordinary people.

You know.

Jiang Chen worked in the blacksmith shop for a year, and all the wages added up were less than one hundred taels.

The Qinggang Sword is said to be worth one hundred taels, but in fact it was discounted because of the work.

Most of the noodles and meat pies on the street only cost one penny.

One tael of silver is equal to ten coins.

Therefore, five taels a month is enough to live, and ten taels is enough to live well.

As for the people in the Angry Wind Gang, they can be called rich.

After spending money on drinking and going to brothels every day, there is still so much money left in the pocket. In the past, I am afraid that even a monthly income of one hundred thousand could not support it.

"Gangs these days are really the ceiling for workers~"

Why practice martial arts?

Look at their salary, look at their consumption, is it okay not to practice martial arts?

Really, just looking at the lucrative situation, Jiang Chen himself wants to join a gang

"No wonder the reward is so high, it's 10,000 taels of silver.~"

"Tsk tsk, a hall master always carries five thousand taels of silver in his pocket, what are you putting here! ?"

The blind box was halfway opened.

Lin Hai's Qiankun bag was finally found.

A five thousand tael Wantong silver note almost made Jiang Chen faint.

"Look, what else?"

"Depend on~"

"Rich people don’t even need sophisticated equipment, they just go for excellent ones?"

"Hiss, this...Is this a secret manual?"

Jiang Chen's biggest need right now should be secret manuals.

As for equipment, he could definitely buy it with silver.

But secret manuals, even with silver, he might not be able to buy them.

All the major sects in the martial arts world are not unwilling to give out secret manuals.

All martial arts are in the hands of NPCs.

You can learn, but do you want secret manuals?

Sorry, no!

Only through some special missions and adventures in the martial arts world can you obtain complete martial arts secret manuals.

What we are talking about here are all high-grade martial arts. As for the garbage that is not up to standard, of course, you can buy it with money, and you can even buy it from street vendors.......

After the cleaning, including the silver bills, the total amount of silver was 13,000 taels.

Dozens of intact equipment, plus a set of fifth-grade secret manuals.


A set!

And it was fifth-grade!

"Oh shit!"

"This is really a wave of sudden wealth~"

As expected.

A gold belt for murder and arson.

If you join a sect and slowly mix, how long will it take to get a fifth-grade martial arts?

Just look.

Eagle Claw Skill-fifth grade.

Goose Blade-fifth grade.

Goose Kungfu-fifth grade.

Goose Step-fifth grade.

A total of four martial arts, all fifth-grade.

Seeing this,

Jiang Chen also understood.

Lin Hai's adventure level is indeed not low.

Jianghu adventures also have levels.

If you get a low-level martial arts book, don't call it an adventure, it's better to call it a rare task, such as Wang Jiaotou.

Get an intermediate martial arts book. This book is considered a general adventure.

If you can get a full set, it is considered inheritance.

Even if you get a book of advanced martial arts, it is not considered inheritance.

A full set is a full set.

Because this is a master, or a sect, all the martial arts, body movements and internal strength are given to you.

This is completely different from the concept of taking a single martial arts book.

Simply put.

You are a swordsman, but you get a book of swordsmanship in an adventure. What do you do?

Learn it or not?

Even if you get the swordsmanship, the training route is different.

For example, Wudang swordsmanship requires Wudang internal strength to cooperate. , it can be used when replaced with Huashan's, but the fit is not high.

Although the attribute bonus is similar, it always feels awkward in actual combat.

As for the body movement, it is even more so.

The agile body movement and the pursuit of extreme speed light work bring two completely different fighting methods.

Jiang Chen didn't understand these things before.

But with a thousand points of comprehension, after a few battles, he can immediately understand the difference.


This is the detail that many newcomers don't notice.

Newcomers always suffer losses and choose an inappropriate martial art to practice, and eventually get stuck in the second-rate, first-rate The threshold of the world, which cannot be crossed for decades, can only be regretted and realize the benefits of a complete set of martial arts.

If you don’t understand, it’s best to learn other people’s routines first.

The most frightening thing is that you don’t understand, but you think you do. You piece together a few grades of martial arts, and after practicing hard and reaching a certain level, you think you have become a master.

The world always says that famous families are good, but you don’t think so, thinking that your martial arts level is the same as the other party, so you can be comparable.

In fact, they have a complete martial arts inheritance, and their body movements, internal strength, and martial arts are perfectly matched.

In actual combat.

A swordsman from a famous family fights three swordsmen from the world, which can be said to be no pressure at all.......

"What a pity, the knife skills are really inappropriate"

"Although I can master any martial arts very quickly with my own understanding, swordsmanship is not compatible with my personality. I can still achieve success by practicing hard, but it will definitely not be as high as swordsmanship."

Weapons represent personality.

This is something innate and cannot be changed.

For example, if you let Dugu Qiubai use a sword, even if his talent is amazing, he can't create the Dugu Nine Swords, right?

"The sword technique is definitely a waste, and the Eagle Claw Technique is not suitable for me. A good inheritance has been wasted half."

Although it was a pity for Jiang Chen, he would not force himself to learn it, as it would be a waste of his time. Even if it was a fifth-grade sword technique, it would definitely not be as good as the Daming Sword Technique in actual combat.

"Internal skills can be used. After all, the bonus of the fifth level is very high, and the previous ones have no properties to speak of."

"As for Qinggong..."

Jiang Chen hesitated.


Since he learned it, it has been very useful.

His body movements are agile, graceful, fast, and have high burst, which is very suitable for him.

However, it is still unknown whether this fifth-grade Qinggong is as useful as Feiyan.

After all, Jiang Chen has never seen Lin Hai demonstrate Qinggong. Maybe he has never practiced it at all, otherwise, the fifth-grade Qinggong should not be used by him.

"Give it a try and comprehend it. It shouldn't cost much experience.

Jiang Chen first clicked on the secret book to read.


【You have mastered the Wild Goose Steps!】


【Since your Qinggong Feiyan and Yan Xingbu are from the same lineage, and Yan Xingbu is of a higher grade, it has been automatically���combine!】


【Because of your extraordinary comprehension, you traced back to the origin of Qinggong Feiyan and acquired a new martial art - Jinyan Gong! 】

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