The riverside.

The vendors had already found time to run away.

The ground was covered with blood, and the injured members of the Sword Hall were still wailing.


More than fifty members of the Sword Hall, nearly half of them were killed here.

The remaining half still couldn't leave the battlefield.

Because Jiang Chen didn't give them a chance to leave.

The advantage of physical skills was perfectly demonstrated at this moment.

No matter who wanted to run, Jiang Chen only needed to speed up to catch up.

With one move, he didn't seek to hurt the enemy, but just to keep him, so Lin Hai had to face his own people.

Speaking of which.

Lin Hai killed no fewer members of the Sword Hall than Jiang Chen in this short time.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, all of you!"

Lin Hai's eyes were red, and he walked with a knife.

The street by the river was full of flashes of knife light.

But Jiang Chen refused to confront him head on.......

"Cowardly bastard!"

"Did the Demon Cult cultivate a coward like you who can only hide and dodge?"

Lin Hai slashed away the gang members in front of him with his sword and roared to the sky.

"If you can't beat him, just say he's from the Demon Cult?"

Jiang Chen sneered.

"I was wondering, there are so many righteous martial arts sects in this world, how come they could be suppressed by a small evil sect?"

"It turns out that those you can't beat or bully are all classified as evil cults."

"Tsk tsk, if you calculate it this way, the Demon Cult is a bit strong. After all, people like you are too weak~"

Lin Hai was already bloodthirsty at this moment.

Those who died in front of him were all elites of the Sword Hall, most of whom were his trusted followers who he had trained personally.

Now there were heavy casualties, almost all of them were killed.

It was simply to take his life!

Now even if he killed Jiang Chen, his status in the gang and Nancheng would plummet.

If possible, he could tear the other party apart alive.

"Little bastard, I will skin you alive today!"

Jiang Chen glanced at him provocatively:"Just you?"

"Ah, sorry~"

Jiang Chen paused, looked at the broken arms and limbs scattered all over the ground and the sword hall members howling in pain.

"You are definitely good at using your knife skills to cut your own people."

"Really~ That technique is much better than mine."


Lin Hai shouted angrily, drew his sword and rushed forward like a madman.

Wherever he passed, the sword energy was crisscrossed and the cold light splashed everywhere.......


Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

He quickly"sent" the last few members of the Sword Hall to Lin Hai.

At the same time, he sorted out the results of the battle. In the group battle just now, many people were not killed by him, and those who were killed or seriously injured by him were far less than before.

After all, now most of the martial arts skills of the Sword Hall members are not as good as his.

So all in all, there are about 130,000 experience points.

"Sword skills, improve!"


【Daming Sword Skills breaks through the upper limit! Current level, level 800%!】

【Daming Sword Skills breaks through the upper limit! Current level, level 850%!】...

【The Ming Sword Skill has broken through the upper limit! Current level, level 900%!】......

【[Martial Arts]

Daming Sword

Skill Grade: Grade 1

Level: Level 90 0%

Attributes: Sword skill power increased by 90%, increased by 720 strength, 360 points of agility, and 180 points of root bone.

Additional bonus: Sword skill move conversion speed increased by 80%, when using internal force, up to four sword qi can be stimulated (the power of sword qi is equivalent to 80% of the total power of the sword skill)

Four-stage bonus: increase 100 points of strength, 100 points of agility, 100 points of root bone......

One hundred thousand experience points were only enough to upgrade his swordsmanship to another level.

But what about his internal strength?

In the battle just now, Jiang Chen's sword energy was as free as a penny.

Not only was his internal strength exhausted, but his meridians were also aching.

He had never thought of retreating from the beginning.

If he wanted to leave, with his lightness skills, how could those third-rate swordsmen catch up with him?

The only surprise was that Lin Hai, a second-rate master, was much stronger than he expected.

But since he had chosen this path, he could not retreat now.

Otherwise, if his rhythm of improving his cultivation was interrupted, he would surely die in South City.......

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The exploding sword energy directly blocked Jiang Chen by the river, blocking all the escape routes.

Those who saw it were all shocked.

Such a crazy attack, so many sword energy, such a reckless explosion.

Anyone with a little less skill would die before they even touch the enemy.


It's not a realm. Whether your internal force is worth 100,000 or 1 million, it actually does not affect the final damage of your sword energy and knife energy.

But the special thing about skill is that it is the easiest to form an advantage in a battle, and it is also the easiest part to determine the outcome.

In a battle, once the opponent has a skill advantage, he can block all the winning and losing moves and directly compete with the opponent in skill.

Are you good at swordsmanship?

Okay, then we will compete with internal strength!

Are you good at body skills?

Okay, then we will compete with internal strength!

Those with strong skills will not rush to explode at a cost, and will not play tricks with you at all, no matter how mysterious your sword skills, knife skills and body skills are, they will just do it.

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten skills!

Skill is also strength!

It is strength, which can solve all problems.

The most difficult level for a newcomer to challenge a famous master is his skill.

Even if a famous master cannot beat you in terms of moves, he can still be invincible with his profound skills.

Your internal strength will be gone after a few fights, and you can't get close at all. In addition to being defeated, you can only escape.

Why do people in the martial arts world fear death?

Even if you practice again, you will know all the sword techniques and moves.

You have experience in battle, and even a lot of it. You have mastered all the details, and you can practice faster than last time.

But skill is something that consumes time and accumulates effort.

Once you die, only time and effort can make up for it.

Most people need decades of skill to accumulate.

Even if you work hard, even if you have a magical tool like the cold jade bed, you still need at least seven or eight years of hard practice to accumulate internal strength.


This process is really too painful.

Repeated meditation every day and night, running internal skills, and increasing the internal strength by 5 or 10 points.

And what about others?

But he could drink and chat with a popular singer in a brothel, and enjoy life.

The most painful process of life is that you know what to do, but you just can't do it.


That's fucking hard!!!......

Lin Hai.

After twenty years of hard training, he refused to accept any surprises.

With his sword energy and hard attacks, the rocks flew everywhere, and he had already forced Jiang Chen into a dead end.

"Run! Can't you run?"


Lin Hai laughed wildly in the sword light.

Even though at this moment, his power had been consumed by more than half, but the confidence from years of hard training was still there.

Even if only half of his internal strength was left, it would be far beyond that of this fledgling boy.

"Boy, you have already started to reduce the use of your sword energy since a while ago."


"Is it because it's not powerful enough and you don't like using it?"

Lin Hai looks crazy, but he's actually not crazy at all.

"Do you know that when others were living a life of debauchery, I was practicing hard in seclusion. How does that feel? Can a young man like you understand?"

"No, you don't understand!"

"So now, you can only die~"......

On the other side, in a teahouse.

Shi Feixuan slowly stood up and stared at the battlefield intently:"It's about to end...."

The difference in power cannot be bridged.

Jiang Chen's failure to leave just now had doomed him to this fate.

However, this young man's comprehension and character are indeed good. With a little guidance, he will be able to benefit the people of the world in a few years.

Therefore, Shi Feixuan will not let Jiang Chen die.......


Jiang Chen shouted in his heart, no longer hesitating.

His left hand touched the Qiankun bag, took out the Bailing Pill and swallowed it directly.


The elixir melted in his mouth, and a warm current flowed through the Ren and Du meridians, rushing down like a waterfall.


【You took the Bailing Pill! Your internal strength increased by 10,000 points! All current injuries are healed! 】


Jiang Chen felt as if his meridians were about to explode.

His internal strength surged like a torrent.

Ten years of training, now!

""Pacify the world!"

The strongest move of the Ming sword technique was slashed out in an instant.

Four stunning sword shadows attacked in the four directions of east, west, south and north at the same time.


Four sword auras burst out at the same time.


Jiang Chen rushed forward with the sword, and the Qinggang sword pointed directly at Lin Hai's brow.

The four sword auras were actually controlled by the sword force and flew towards Lin Hai in the air.

Sword energy and knife energy collided in the air.


Huge shock!

The river embankment seemed to be shaking~

Both sides were repelled by the energy, and they retreated three times.

Lin Hai lowered his head and rolled his eyes, grinning wildly:"Hahahaha, how many more swords can you make?"

Jiang Chen did not answer.

The long sword in his hand shook in the air.

Pacify the world!

Four sword auras burst out and killed towards the opposite side again.~


"I want to see how long you can hold out! ?"

Lin Hai also swung his sword to resist.


The energy exploded in the air, and both sides retreated.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, pointed his toes, and once again used the pacification of the world, pressing forward.


Lin Hai suddenly hesitated.

This move would consume at least a thousand points of internal force if it was used with all his strength.

How could he do that?

He was just a young boy, how could he have cultivated his internal strength for a few years? How could he possibly support the continuous use of such explosive moves?


The two sides separated again.

Jiang Chen immediately used the third sword....

The fourth sword! The fifth sword!

The sixth sword!

Jiang Chen's sword was getting faster and faster, and its power was not reduced at all.

Lin Hai's knife was getting slower and slower, and his internal strength was gradually exhausted....

"Bastard, who are you?"

Lin Hai is crazy!

He wasn't crazy just now, but now he is really crazy


"How can you, a kid who just graduated from a martial arts school, possess more than ten years of experience?

Jiang Chen did not answer.

He attacked with the seventh sword instantly. Lin Hai's internal energy was already exhausted, so he could only raise his sword to block.


All four sword energies hit him.

Lin Hai's sternum was shattered, his meridians were cut, and he spurted out a blood mist in the air.

The strength he had cultivated for more than ten years had kept him alive, and he still had a breath left.


Lin Hai stared at Jiang Chen with angry bloodshot eyes, his throat trembling, as if he wanted to say something.

The next second,

Jiang Chen unfolded Feiyan, flashed forward, swung his sword, and directly cut off Lin Hai's head.......

Huh? ? ?

In the teahouse on the other side, Wu Qianyue's eyes widened:"This...Can this also be a counterattack?"

"This is not scientific... No, this is not martial arts.......Just now, his power suddenly increased dramatically. He must have taken drugs. Hmm...It must be!!!"

Shi Feixuan was stunned on the spot, her eyes full of shock.

All the previous plans were shattered by Jiang Chen's sword........

"It seems that Feixuan underestimated you~"

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