Da da da!

Dozens of figures landed one after another, and in a blink of an eye, they surrounded the three layers inside and outside the stall.

The leader was holding a goose feather knife, with a fierce look in his eyes. It was the leader of the Blade Hall of the Wrathful Wind Gang, Lin Hai.......


""It's really timely to leave."

Although Jiang Chen had never thought that Shi Feixuan would help him solve the problem, but she was here, so he should at least practice what he said just now, right?

What was the result? When the matter came to an end, it had nothing to do with him, and he was still a yo-yo with oil on his feet?

What do you mean by taking the world as your responsibility?

What a joke!

Jiang Chen turned around and sat down, holding up the hot wontons.

In the end......In the end, you still have to rely on yourself~


Yanling knife is unsheathed.

Lin Hai's eyes locked on Jiang Chen:"Little beast~ your death is coming!"

"Who are you scolding, little bastard?"

"Scold you!"

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile:"The little beast scolded me, there is really nothing I can do. After all, who has the time to argue with the little beast?"

"You are very good~!"

Lin Hai was so angry that his eyes almost exploded.

As an old man, it was embarrassing enough to mess around in the city for half a day. If he continued to make trouble, would he still be able to work as the head of the hall?

"You are talking nonsense, right? I will treat you well later!"

"Kill him!"

Lin Hai waved his hand, and dozens of sword masters rushed over immediately.

"I can't even eat in peace."

Jiang Chen reluctantly put down the bowl, and the Qinggang sword automatically moved in as if it was being pulled.

"Sword skills improved!"


【Daming Sword Skills Breakthrough! Current level, level 600%!】

【The Ming Sword Skill has broken through the upper limit! Current level, level 700%!】...

【Daming Sword Skills Breakthrough! Current Level: Level 750%!】...

【[Martial Arts]

Daming Sword

Skill Grade: Grade 1

Level: Level 75 0%

Attributes: Increases the power of sword skills by 75%, increases strength by 600, agility by 300, and root strength by 150.

Additional bonus: Increases the speed of sword skill conversion by 60%, and when using internal force, can stimulate up to three sword qi (the power of sword qi is equivalent to 60% of the total power of the sword skill)

Three-stage bonus: Increases strength by 80, agility by 80, root strength by 80......

"As expected, there is one more sword energy."Jiang Chen calculated secretly in his heart.

The swordsmanship has entered a new stage, and the change of sword energy is the most important.

The realm has reached the third rate.

To decide the winner by moves is not only difficult, but also takes a lot of time.

In the face of a group battle, when one is against many, if you use all your moves, it will be a dead end.

Because no matter how good your moves are, it is difficult to resist more than a dozen enemies in turn.

Even if you can resist, the round-robin battle will kill you.

At this time, to survive and win, you must have a trick to reverse the situation.

Sword energy is invisible and the most difficult to resist.


This is the winner in the battle of third-rate masters.

There must be a huge gap between two sword energies and three sword energies, not to mention that the power of sword energy has skyrocketed by 20% as the stage is upgraded.

With the help of level 50 internal energy, it was almost the same as using a sword.

Except for the swordsmanship, the most important thing was experience.

The higher the level, the more experience was consumed.

Just now, Jiang Chen killed three people with one sword, but the experience he gained was not as good as killing two people on the street. When you have a higher level of cultivation, facing people of the same realm or lower realm, the experience value will only decrease, or even disappear.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's eyes fell on the dozens of sword beams in front of him.


Unify Jiangnan!"

The Qinggang Sword swept across, the sword energy burst out, and slashed in the air.

Bang bang bang!

More than a dozen long swords were instantly broken by the sword energy.

Jiang Chen did not retreat but advanced, and actually pointed his toes and rushed straight into the crowd.......

At the same time, on the other side of the river, in the teahouse, Shi Feixuan and Wu Qianyue were ordering candied melon seeds and drinking tea, calmly watching

"Senior sister~Don’t we have a mission in Ming Dynasty?"

"That little brat, that little bastard, deserves to die. We have tried to persuade him and helped him, but he still doesn’t know what is good for him?!"


Wu Qianyue pursed her nose:"He should just suffer the consequences of his actions."..."


Shi Feixuan sighed softly:"Qianyue, you have extraordinary talent and high comprehension, but your sword skills have been unable to enter the sword heart...."

《Cihang Sword Classic is the gatekeeper of the divine book series.

It takes the five key points of"Qi Master, Spirit, and Heart" as the general outline, which correspond to the sword qi of the Yangtze River, the sword master of heaven and earth, the sword spirit of the universe, the sword god without self, and the sword heart is clear.

In addition to the sword classic cultivation, the state of mind cultivation is also very important.

Among them, the heart is in tune, the sword heart is clear, and the death barrier.

They correspond to the three different states of mind of the human Tao.

The sword is to cultivate the body.

The Tao is to cultivate the mind.

Cihang Sword Classic is a sword method, but if you only practice sword methods and don't practice Tao, you can't step into the realm of sword heart clarity and death barrier even for thousands of years.......

"Qianyue, you have an extraordinary level of comprehension, but your character is too bad. Even though you are a monk, how could you get so angry over a few words?"

"Killing people in anger over a disagreement, how is this different from a demon?"

When Wu Qianyue heard this, her head drooped immediately.

"Yes, Senior Sister, Qianyue knows she is wrong.~"

"But sister, can you please not punish me to copy Buddhist scriptures~"


Shi Feixuan frowned, and Wu Qianyue immediately stuck her head out in fear:"Sister, look, they are fighting~"

Just watching Jiang Chen, that little bastard, being beaten up by a group of people, Wu Qianyue felt extremely happy.


It's the first time for this girl to step out of Jingzhai in a hundred years.

But Shi Feixuan thought again, isn't it the first time for her to leave Jingzhai in a hundred years?


Now is not the time to think about these things.

Shi Feixuan looked towards the battlefield in the direction of the sound, and her eyes gradually became solemn.

Although the two were hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, for masters of their level, it was no different from watching a live broadcast on the spot, and even the sound effects were top-notch.

"Jiang Chen..."

"This young man's comprehension and character are both excellent. If he were not too young and lacked skills, he would have been one more candidate this time."


Wu Qianyue opened her mouth wide and exclaimed:"Just him? Why? ?"

Shi Feixuan glanced at her junior sister:"With your comprehension, can't you see that his swordsmanship has improved compared to before?"


Wu Qianyue just wanted to see Jiang Chen get beaten, so she didn't care about these things.

Shi Feixuan:"Da Ming Sword Technique, although this entry-level sword technique is simple, it is no less difficult to practice it to a high level than to master advanced sword techniques."

"Comprehension is the key. People with poor aptitude will be old even if they can master it."

"The key is the character. To persist in practicing low-level swordsmanship, one must have a sincere heart that is persistent and not disturbed by external things."

"Once such a young man has his own ideas, they will never be changed by any external factors!"

"If you had half the character of this young man, you would have surpassed your elder sister long ago...."

At this point.

Shi Feixuan's eyes showed a hint of worry:"But, he is determined to become stronger at the moment, and he will not miss any opportunity. He knows that there are pursuers behind him, but he deliberately stays to wait for the pursuers, hoping to further hone his swordsmanship in the battle."

Huh? ?


Wu Qianyue was stunned:"He, he is only third-rate~ With this level of skill, facing the pursuit of the pursuers, he is definitely dead. Even a round-robin battle can kill him~"

Shi Feixuan shook her head slightly. She didn't understand it either, and just pondered:

"If this person succeeds in cultivation and goes astray, he may be no less difficult to control than the evil king Shi Zhixuan. No, he may be even more difficult to control than the evil king...."

Huh? ? ?

Wu Qianyue was so shocked that her jaw dropped.


"Harder to control than the Evil King! ?"

"Sister, are you overestimating him a bit?~?"

Upon hearing this, Shi Feixuan couldn't help but smile, thinking to herself.

The Evil King, at least he still has Uncle Xiuxin to restrain him, but can anyone restrain this young man?

Just now.

Jiang Chen obviously knew the identities of the two, but he only took a glance.

And from his eyes to his heart, from beginning to end, there was no fluctuation.

The mental strength of such a person is rare in the world.

Dog licker! ?

Shi Feixuan suddenly burst out two words in her mind.

Is this talking about himself?

Obviously, he is just a colleague, why is he belittling himself?

Wu Qianyue on the other side obviously didn't know what Shi Feixuan was thinking, but just stared at him and said:

"Sister, you worry too much.~"

"Not to mention the future, it's hard for him to even survive today.~".......

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