"Damn it~Eat wontons?"

Seeing this, the three members of the Nufeng Gang were stunned at the same time, then they grinned, their eyes flashed with ferocity, and shouted in the street:

"Boy, you killed my brother Dao, if you know what's good for you, just surrender. If you let us do it, we will chop your skin and flesh to pieces!!"

Jiang Chen seemed to have heard nothing, and just said,"Boss, please hurry up."


The stall owner was a middle-aged uncle with a wrinkled face. He made a living in South City and had seen some things in the martial arts world.

"Several, several heroes, our business is small and the profit is thin, but, but we can't afford to offend you..."

"If there is anything, please go to...Can you discuss it somewhere else?~?"


Jiang Chen shook his head:"I am not a hero, and I will not destroy your stall.

"...! ?


The uncle looked at the long sword in Jiang Chen's hand, and then at the long swords of the three members of the Wind Wrath Gang. Finally, he sighed, picked up the already wrapped wontons and threw them into the pot.


The vent of the charcoal stove was opened, and soon, the hot steam in the pot rose up.

"Sir, you...Your wontons~"

The uncle trembled as he brought the wontons up.


Street food is simple, but Jiang Chen is extremely hungry at the moment and finds it very delicious.


The angry wind gang's faces turned black.

"Damn it, he, he really came here to eat wontons......."

Originally, when the three of them saw Jiang Chen stop, they were a little hesitant in their hearts whether to go up or not.

After all,

Jiang Chen was surrounded and attacked just now, fighting one against two, and was able to kill two people in succession. His swordsmanship was amazing and his cultivation was not bad. Moreover, his graceful and elegant light skills also really amazed them.

Face to face, the three of them were sure that they would not lose, but when it came to killing the enemy, thinking carefully, they might not have the ability to do so.

But now......

"Brother Fang, look at this kid sitting there, he's full of flaws, do you want to..."


"Even if his realm is beyond the third-rate, he can't play 30% of his ability when sitting on the bench. If he doesn't take action, won't he be laughed at by the people in the martial arts world?"


The leader Fang Tong narrowed his eyes, hiding a murderous look:"If he wants to die, then let him do it."

"However, before that, report the coordinates to the hall master first, and then...Take advantage of him eating wontons"


"This way, there will be no mistakes!"

The other two agreed immediately......


After a few bites, a bowl of wontons was finished.


Jiang Chen patted his belly.

It's good to have martial arts skills. With the inner strength protecting the body, the hot wontons went down directly without any hindrance.

Next time, I have to try the effect of the inner strength drying.~


The three members of the Wind Rage Gang were about to attack, but they were stunned again.

"Oh shit!"

"This inner strength is probably not low...."

As a third-rate expert, a gang member who has been in the underworld for many years.

They have their own set of standards for judging the level of cultivation.

Ordinary third-rate.

Only one martial arts is level 50, and the rest are dispensable.

Third-rate expert.

Martial arts exceed level 50, and internal strength and body skills are not less than level 30.

Third-rate master.

Martial arts are far higher than level 50, at least level 80 to 100, and internal strength and body skills are above level 50.

"This kid's swordsmanship doesn't look high, but his body movements are strange, and his internal strength has been cultivated to the whole body, it must be level 50~"

Low-level internal strength is just added to the moves to increase strength and the power of the moves.

When the internal strength is successful, you can cultivate the internal strength to protect the body, and set up a layer of protection under the skin of the whole body.

In this way, even if you punch and kick, it won't cause much damage.

If a sword breaks the body, it will be blocked by the internal strength and cannot penetrate.

For those with deep internal strength, swords may not be able to break the muscles and hurt the bones.

If you practice a unique external strength method, such as the iron shirt, you will be invulnerable to swords and guns.

"Brother, how about...Shall we wait a little longer?"

"His inner strength is over level 50, so his swordsmanship must be even higher. Maybe he has something else hidden...."


Fang Tong took a deep breath and looked at

"No, look at this kid's skin color, clean and white, he definitely hasn't practiced external skills. Even if he has internal energy to protect his body, as long as he is hit in the vitals, he can still be seriously injured."

The other two were a little undecided.

Fang Tong said again

"Be smart, the hall master will be here soon. If we don't dare to go up, can you bear the punishment?"


The two were startled at the same time.

The Wrathful Wind Gang is a small gang, with little reward and heavy punishment.

If they fail to do their job well, they will definitely lose their monthly salary, and they will have to do those extremely dangerous tasks.


The three of them said in unison, and suddenly dispersed and rushed out.

On the opposite side,

Jiang Chen finished his bowl and picked up the next one. Fang Tong and the other two also rushed forward at this time.

One on the left, one on the right, and one on the head.

Three swords came out at the same time.

But Jiang Chen seemed not to see it. He held the bowl in his left hand, but his right hand touched the hilt of the sword without knowing when.


Wandering in all directions!

Three sword shadows attacked Fang Tong and the other two.

"Damn it!"

Fang Tong really felt like he had seen a ghost at this moment.

Although his sight was blocked and he saw that he had not made any movement, he was able to draw his sword and fight back at the last moment.

And his sword could cut three points at a time!

The places where the sword tip pointed were the weaknesses of the three people.


Fang Tong felt a gust of wind behind his head, sweat on his back, and his whole body felt like he was falling into an ice cellar.

"How can it be so strong?"

There was no time to think.

Fang Tong put away his knife to block. If he ignored the sword shadow, the tip of the sword would pierce his eye socket before his knife fell.


Everyone would be afraid, especially afraid of attacks directly at the eyes.

People in the martial arts world would also be afraid.

But the difference between a master and an ordinary person is that they can clearly distinguish between what is an effective attack and what is an ineffective attack.

If your attack arrives first and can interrupt the enemy's attack, then no matter where the enemy attacks, it will be ineffective.

At this time

��It is combat experience that determines on-the-spot performance.

How do you judge whether your attack is faster or the opponent's?

You can only rely on feeling.

But Fang Tong doesn't need to feel now. The opponent's speed is obviously several levels faster than his own. Just retreat.

The other two thought the same.

The three of them came fast, chopped fast, but blocked even faster. He was extremely cautious and didn't use his full strength when he drew his sword. At this time, he could just catch up with the attack.


A sword energy suddenly slashed out.


Fang Tong was stunned.

It was clearly a one-sword three-point attack aimed at the three of them.

But the other party actually pulled out a third hand out of thin air and unleashed a sword energy.

"this...What kind of speed is this!?"

Fang Tong had only seen this speed on a master swordsman during a gang battle.

"Retreat quickly!"

""No way!"

Fang Tong regretted it. He shouldn't have chased after him.

Jiang Chen's cultivation was obviously not an ordinary third-rate one, but a master among the third-rate ones.

His sword skills, internal strength, and body skills were all good.

Even his combat experience was far beyond his own.

""Too late~"

Jiang Chen put down the wonton bowl, a smile on his face.

He didn't need to stand up.

The sword energy had already cut the long swords in the hands of the three people.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

Although the weapons of the three people did not fall out of their hands, the aftershock force had made it impossible for them to make other blocking moves.

They could only watch Jiang Chen.

Frightened, powerless, regretful...

Jiang Chen, however, sat at the table at ease, with the Qinggang sword in his hand, and stabbed out again.

Six sword qi burst out one after another!

With the bonus of level 50 internal strength, the sword qi burst out continuously, which was impossible before, is now easy.

Puff! ~

The six sword qi merged into one sound.

The three people died suddenly, and their bodies flew out in the air.


【Victory in the battle, gain 71,000 experience points】


【Win with one move and gain 30,000 extra experience points】


【One against three, get an extra 30,000 experience points]


The Qinggang Sword was sheathed.

Jiang Chen seemed to have nothing happened, quietly finished the last bowl of Chaos, then stood up and collected the Qiankun bags dropped by the other party one by one.

He casually touched it and took out three taels of silver from it and slapped it on the table.

"Boss, three more bowls please."


Oh oh oh~

Although the stall owner was frightened, he quickly reacted when he saw the silver. He ran forward to collect the silver and the remaining bowls.

""What a great move to travel around the world~"

A sigh suddenly sounded by the river.


Jiang Chen's mind suddenly tightened.


And it's a Jianghu person!! But he didn't notice it?

Jiang Chen's face was expressionless, but his eyes were cast over.

He saw a square table placed by the river, two people sitting opposite each other, one with his back to him, just covering their faces. He was wearing a green plain cloth and carrying a long sword.

He was indeed a Jianghu person, but his clothes were too simple, and it was really hard to tell his sect and cultivation.


Jiang Chen thought to himself.

When he came here, he clearly observed the surroundings, why did he miss these two people?

Maybe his attention was on the swordsman of the Wind Fury Gang.

The Great Ming Swordsmanship is not a rare commodity, so it is not surprising that he recognizes it.

Jiang Chen did not say anything.

The other party said again

"But your sword strikes are so fierce and deadly, isn't it a bit too much?"


Jiang Chen is now facing the pursuit of the Angry Wind Gang. He originally planned to talk nonsense, but if you insist on making trouble, that's another matter.

"If you say so, how should I deal with it?"

The man seemed to pause.

"The grudges and disputes in the arena"

"In the end, it was just a moment of anger, a word of killing"

"Not killing is the only solution"

"You should just give them a little punishment and teach them a lesson."


Damn it!

Jiang Chen really hates this kind of brain-dead saintly pretending party.


"Next time someone kills your mother, please leave her alive."

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