"Damn, after all this talk, you still don't have the ability to go through the back door."

Jiang Chen turned and walked out, thinking to himself.

Can't Anya's lover join Huashan directly?......

"Jiang, Brother Jiang..."

Everyone in the arena looked at Jiang Chen with obvious fear, and they lowered their voices and dared not raise their heads.

The martial arts world is the martial arts world.

After all, it is all about fists.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked back

"No, nothing serious, just..."Everyone hesitated for a moment and pushed Wu Ziliang out.

Among so many people, Wu Ziliang was the only one who had a good relationship with Jiang Chen.

"Well, that, Senior Brother Jiang, this is what Anya left behind. I'll give it to you for safekeeping."Wu Ziliang said with a chuckle, handing over a Qiankun bag.

There are Qiankun storage bags in the martial arts world. They are used daily, and they only have two or three cubic meters of space to store weapons, equipment, clothes, tents, and daily necessities.

Once a character dies, all the things will fall and automatically return to the Qiankun bag.

Anya is dead.

They can't take revenge, and as for the things left behind, they dare not deal with them without authorization, let alone give them to Anya, so they can only give them to Jiang Chen.

"Finally, I can get some interest back. How many gifts have I given over the years?"

Jiang Chen felt at ease.

Amid the fearful and horrified eyes of his fellow disciples, he left in style.......

A quarter of an hour later.

At the Old Street Clinic.

After treatment, Lin Tao and Cheng Shanlu's injuries had mostly healed. Now that they had slowly woken up, they could not find even a fellow disciple around them.

""What's going on?"

The two stared at each other, totally unaware of what was going on.

Suddenly, a figure in a coarse white dress suddenly rushed in.

"An, Junior Sister An?"

Lin Tao recognized the person and thought that Anya had suddenly become more innocent. He couldn't help but exclaimed,"You......You are dressed like a novice, is it possible that..."


"Brother Lin, save me..."Anya rushed into Lin Tao's arms and immediately explained the incident with tears in her eyes.

"How dare that rapist kill someone!?"

Lin Tao was shocked that Jiang Chen was so cruel and ruthless, and he gritted his teeth and said in hatred:"It's a pity that Senior Brother is not good at learning skills. He actually, actually failed to protect Junior Sister An......."

"Senior Brother, Yaer died, but even the elixir passed down from our family was taken away by that rapist...."

Anya was completely panicked at this moment.

It didn't matter to her if someone died once.

Anyway, she was with Yuan Hua and would soon join the Huashan Sect. It didn't matter if she had this inferior cultivation.

She didn't even look down on the silver given by some bootlickers.

But the key point was. She still had a secret Huashan elixir in her bag, the Bailing Pill!

This elixir was a top secret of Huashan, which could increase internal strength, improve cultivation, and repel all kinds of poisons....

It is definitely a rare elixir for traveling around the world and practicing at home.

Although it is inferior to the legendary Shaolin Da Huan Dan, it is not much worse.

In terms of value.

This one is worth a thousand gold.

If such an elixir is hers, she would be angry and uncomfortable at most if she lost it.

But the problem is that the elixir is not hers.

It was a few days ago when Yuan Hua showed off in front of her at the inn, and she begged for it to stay with her.

If the Bailing Pill is lost, even Yuan Hua himself will be punished by the elders.

As for her?

How can she live a good life?

If she is abandoned by Yuan Hua for this, her life is almost over. In Nancheng, at the foot of Huashan Society, she will never be able to make a breakthrough.

It is a serious matter.

As soon as she was resurrected, she hurriedly asked her fellow disciples to get it, but the other party did not dare to fart in the face of Jiang Chen's pressure.

Go to Jiang Chen by herself?

She didn't dare, after all, Jiang Chen's murderous look just now was too cruel.

And going to Yuan Hua, isn't that equivalent to self-destruction?


She can only come to Lin Tao

"Brother Lin...It doesn't matter if Yaer dies, but the elixir is her mother's last relic. If it is lost, how can Yaer face her mother again?"

An Ya sobbed in Lin Tao's arms:"If Senior Brother can help Yaer find this elixir, Yaer...Yaer is willing to pledge herself to you..."

Now, nothing is more important to her than the Bailing Pill.

Moreover, after resurrection, she discovered a secret.

That is, her body, which had been broken before, was reborn and repaired.

Although she has no cultivation now, she has a brand new body.

The body is capital.

Even if she follows Lin Tao and kills herself with a sword in the future, she will still be a perfect virgin when she meets Yuan Hua again.......



Lin Tao's heart was beating wildly.

He didn't expect that the goddess he had been thinking about day and night would be within his reach after this accident! ?

At this moment, he even thought of the names of the children. The girl would be named Lin Siya and the boy would be named Lin Zhanchen.


"Yaer, don't worry, your husband...As a brother, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

"Isn’t it just Jiang Chen?"

"Get him!"

"Even if he is really a pervert from the Demon Sect, there is no way he can escape the clutches of the Wrathful Wind Gang in South City!"

An Ya felt relieved when she heard this.

The Wrathful Wind Gang was only a small gang in South City, but how could they not have some strength to make a living at the foot of Mount Hua?

The best players in the gang were basically at the third-rate level.

Lin Tao's cousin was said to have already become a second-rate one. Did she come to find Lin Tao because she was looking for a defeated general of Jiang Chen, or because she was hoping that the Wrathful Wind Gang would take action?

"Yeah~ Yaer, I'll listen to Brother Tao in everything.~"

"Let's go! Let's go to the Wind Rage Gang now!"

Lin Tao shouted angrily, and his headache and face swelling were gone:"It's too late, we can't let that rapist swallow the pill.~!!"......

Shiqiao Street.

Jiang Chen's home is right by the river, only a few hundred meters away from the stone bridge.

Although this is a game, it is also reality, and players and NPCs can have children.

However, Jiang Chen is an orphan.

In his early years, he was abandoned by his parents because of his poor qualifications. Fortunately, the government or the system arranged an old couple who made a living by fishing as his adoptive parents.

In the past two years, his adoptive parents have grown old one after another.

Only Jiang Chen was left with two old houses.

There are countless heroes in the world, and the fighting is endless. The demand for weapons is extremely huge. As long as you are willing to work hard to pull the bellows and smash the hammer, you can always survive.

Thinking of this.

Jiang Chen immediately opened his Qiankun bag.

"Tsk, one tael and seven cents?"

I emptied my pockets, and that was all I had.


With this little money, you dare to chase a green tea?

What on earth was the original owner thinking?

"There is one more."

He then opened Anya's Qiankun bag.

The colorful skirt, the cloud silk shoes, the blue steel sword, what he saw was a set of clothes of good quality.


Are all green tea girls so rich?

She obviously doesn't know swordsmanship, but she has a long sword in her pocket?

Even the most ordinary fine steel sword would cost a hundred taels of silver in a blacksmith shop. Hiss!

I remembered.

This blue steel sword was actually given by the original owner!

After working in the blacksmith shop for a year, after collecting all the materials, he spent twenty taels to ask the master to help him make it.


Jiang Chen was convinced.

Really, never doubt the potential of a bootlicker!

It's awesome.

He only had one tael of silver in his pocket, but he could give away weapons worth a hundred taels.

In addition to weapons, clothes, various cosmetics and daily necessities, there were more than sixty taels of silver in the Qiankun bag.

"Hmm, what is this?"

Jiang Chen took out a small wooden box.

Under the light, the wooden box showed beautiful golden patterns, which was extremely dazzling.

Golden nanmu?

Or the best golden nanmu?

What is so precious?


The wooden box opened, and a restrained green pill was seen, lying quietly on the white silk scarf.

"A panacea?"

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